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True Single-Case Applications and the WWC Standards

Learn about the design and evidence standards used by the What Works Clearinghouse (WWC) to evaluate single-case applications. Discover the criteria for systematic manipulation of variables, inter-assessor agreement, demonstrating intervention effects, and minimum number of phases and data points per phase. Assess the quality of single-case designs based on WWC standards and evidence.

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True Single-Case Applications and the WWC Standards

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  1. True Single-Case Applications and the WWC Standards • What Works Clearinghouse Standards • Design Standards • Evidence Standards • Social Validity

  2. Evaluate the Design Meets Design Standards Meets with Reservations Does Not Meet Design Standards Evaluate the Evidence Strong Evidence Moderate Evidence No Evidence Effect-Size Estimation Social Validity Assessment

  3. WWC StandardsEvaluating the Quality of Single-Case Designs

  4. WWC Single-Case Design Standards • Four Standards for Design Evaluation • Systematic manipulation of independent variable • Inter-assessor agreement • Three attempts to demonstrate an effect at three different points in time • Minimum number of phases and data points per phase, for phases used to demonstrate an effect • Standard 3 Differs by Design Type • Reversal / Withdrawal Designs (ABAB and variations) • Alternating Treatments Designs • Multiple Baseline Designs

  5. Standard 1: Systematic Manipulation of the Independent Variable • Researcher Must Determine When and How the Independent Variable Conditions Change. • If Standard Is Not Met, Study Does Not Meet Evidence Standards.

  6. Examples of Manipulation that is Not Systematic • Teacher/Consultee Begins to Implement an Intervention Prematurely Because of Parent Pressure. • Researcher Looks Retrospectively at Data Collected during an Intervention.

  7. Standard 2: Inter-Assessor Agreement • Each Outcome Variable for Each Case Must be Measured Systematically by More than One Assessor. • Study Needs to Collect Inter-Assessor Agreement: • In each phase • On at least 20% of the data points in each condition (e.g., baseline, intervention) • Rate of Agreement Must Meet Minimum Thresholds: • (e.g., 80% agreement or Cohen’s kappa of 0.60) • If No Outcomes Meet These Criteria, Study Does Not Meet Evidence Standards.

  8. Current Reviews: Author Queries Occur When Study Text Provides Insufficient IOA Information • Determine if Standard is Met Based on Response • If the result of the query indicates that the study does not meet standards, treat it as such. • If No Response, Assume Standard is Met if: • The minimum level of agreement is reached. • The study assesses IOA at least once in each phase. • The study assesses IOA on at least 20% of all sessions. • Footnote is added to WWC Product Indicating that IOA Not Fully Determined.

  9. Standard 3: Three Attempts to Demonstrate an Intervention Effect at Three Different Points in Time • “Attempts” Are about Phase Transitions • Designs that Could Meet This Standard Include: • ABAB design • Multiple baseline design with three baseline phases and staggered introduction of the intervention • Alternating treatment design • Designs Not Meeting this Standard Include: • AB design • ABA design • Multiple baselines with three baseline phases and intervention introduced at the same time for each case

  10. Standard 4: Minimum Number of Phases and Data Points per Phase (for Phases in Std 3)

  11. Meets Evidence Standards with Reservations (MESWR) • 3 Attempts At 3 Different Points in Time • 4 Phases with At Least 3 Data Point per Phase Adapted from Horner and Spaulding, 2010

  12. Meets Evidence Standards (MES) • 3 Attempts At 3 Different Points in Time • 6 Phases with At Least 5 Data Point per Phase Source: Kern et al., 1994

  13. Ratings Differ by Research Question • MESWR – Int 1 v. Int 2 • DNotMES – Int 1 v. Int 3 • DNotMES – Int 2 v. Int 3 Source: Horner and Spaulding, 2010

  14. Extensions of Core Designs • Changing Criterion Designs • Researcher pre-schedules changes in the intervention criterion or intensity of the intervention • Can meet evidence standards with at least 3 criterion shifts (for Standard 3) • Non-concurrent Multiple Baseline • Completely non-concurrent MBDs baselines that do not overlap when examined vertically • Designs with NO vertical overlap at baseline do not meet standards because of the history threat • Multiple Probe • Multiple Probe (Days) • Multiple Probe (Conditions)

  15. Design Evaluation • Meets Standards • IV manipulated directly • IOA documented (.80 percent agreement; .60 Kappa) • 20% of data points in each phase • Design allows opportunity to assess basic effect at three different points in time. • Five data points per phase (or design equivalent) • ATD (four comparison option) • Meets with Reservation • All of above, except at least three data points per phase • Does not Meet Standards

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