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Fukushima-Trip. Prof. Shin- ichi Ohnuma (UCL Institute of Ophthalmology). The memorial monument at UCL. Choshu -Five came to UCL, 1863 Hirobumi Ito (First Prime Minister) Kaoru Inoue (First Foreign Minister) Yozo Yamao (Father of Engineering) Kinsuke Endo (Father of Japanese currency)

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Fukushima-Trip Prof. Shin-ichiOhnuma (UCL Institute of Ophthalmology)

  2. The memorial monument at UCL

  3. Choshu-Five came to UCL, 1863 Hirobumi Ito (First Prime Minister) Kaoru Inoue (First Foreign Minister) YozoYamao (Father of Engineering) Kinsuke Endo (Father of Japanese currency) Masaru Inoue (Father of Japanese Railway)

  4. HirobumiItoh(伊藤博文) He was a student of Yoshida Shoin at the ShokaSonjuku (a special school for Samurai). 1862, he fired British Embassy at Tokyo with other samurais. 1863, he travelled to UK as a member of Choushu-five. Studied at University College London (UCL) 1885, he became the first Prime Minister in new democratic government.

  5. TomoatsuGodai (五代友厚)

  6. Satsuma-19、UCL, 1865 TerashimaMunenori (Foreign Minister) GodaiTomoatsu (Father of Osaka Business) Mori Arinori (First Minister of Education) Machida Hisanari(President, Tokyo National Museum) MurahashiHisanari (Sapporo Beer) HatakeyamaYoshinari (First President, U. Tokyo) NiinoHisanobu KanaeNagasawa (King of Wine) NagoshiTokinari SamajimaHisanobu Tanaka Moriaki Edo Shogunate Government-14、UCL, 1866 Dairoku Kikuchi (U of Tokyo, Mathematics, Riken) Masanao Nakamura (Educator, Ochanomizu University) Tadasu Hayashi (Ambassador, London) Meiji Government, more than 3,000, UCL, Cambridge, Glasgow Joji Sakurai (U of Tokyo, Chemistry, Riken, JSPS) SosekiNatsume (Novelist) Kikunae Ikeda (RIKEN, Ajinomoto) Heihachiro Togo (Marchal-Admiral Marquis)

  7. 11-12h flight 2.0 mSV/h

  8. 11th March 2011 East-Japan Earthquake

  9. Tsunami 15 m high

  10. Nuclear Power Plant Accident

  11. <0.25 mSv/h <2.0 mSV/h 5 mSV/h Fukushima, 0.1 mSv/h Soma, 0.07 mSv/h Iwaki, 0.07 mSv/h Aizu, 0.06 mSv/h Shanghai, 0.59 mSV/h Dublin, 0,09 mSv/h Rotterdam, 0.33 mSv/h Paris, 0.10 mSv/h Munich, 0.12 mSv/h Jan 2016 http://fukushima-radioactivity.jp

  12. Object of this trip • Understand the current situation of Fukushima • Make good friendship with Japanese students and public • Learn many things such as earthquake, tsunami, nuclear power plant risk, Japanese • Experience different culture • After coming back, show the current situation of Fukushima to UK • You are ambassadors from UCL and UCL Academy. • Good Behavior • Many dedia coverage • Opportunity for speech and presentation Enjoy this trip

  13. Cost/Money • Travel cost, Main food, Accommodation, Travel insurance are covered. • You need to have some money for • Food/Snack • Souvenirs • Probably £200. You need to change to Japanese Yen • You can use Credit Cards • At this moment, Japanese Yen is very weak against £.

  14. Other information • Weather is very similar to UK. Bring suitable clothes. • One set of formal clothes. • Better to bring umbrella. Rain in Japan is stronger than UK. • Internet: WiFi should be available at accommodation.Fukushima side bring some Pocket WiFi, indicating that you have full WiFi access during your travel. • International Call might be expensive from Japan to UK. • You need to use “Power socket connector”. • Please let us know about any medication and allergy. • It is possible to wash clothes at accommodation. • The bus does not have toilet.

  15. Members of this trip in Fukushima • UCL/UCL Academy students and teachers 15 • Ritsumeikan University non-Japanese students 5-6 • Fukushima University Japanese students 5-6 • Translator 1 • Tour Guide 1 • Fukushima Local Government 2-3

  16. Your name • Pronunciation • Nickname/short name • Affiliation

  17. Emergency contacts • Name of emergency contacts • E-mail: • Phone: Fukushima side emergency contact YoshishitoYANO Public Relations Division, General Administration Department, Fukushima Prefecture Government, 2-16,Sugitsuma-cho,FukushimaCity,960-8670 Japan Phone: +81-24-521-7901 E-mail: yano_yoshihito_01@pref.fukushima.lg.jp UCL side emergency contact Prof. Shin-ichi Ohnuma E-mail: s.ohnuma@ucl.ac.uk

  18. Fukushima Soma Aizu Koriyama Nuclear Power Plant Iwaki Tokyo

  19. Fukushima information • http://www.goodlucktrip.jp/ebook/GoodLuckFukushima_20150210/#36

  20. Day-1 • Heathrow Airport Terminal 5 • Meet at xxxxx, at 8:30am on 8th March • Flight time: 10:45am • 11 h flight • Flight meal: twice, Request of meal?

  21. Day-2 • Arrive at Haneda Airport • Train to Fukushima • Student Exchange Meeting and Welcome Reception • Accommodation: Western Style Hotel

  22. Day-3 • Trip along the coast line • Accommodation: Japanese Style Ryokan

  23. Hot spring • Female and male are separated. • No swim ware • No under ware • Various types • Your room might have individual bath.

  24. Day-4 • Aquamarin Fukushima • Visit various companies, research centres • Candle Night • Accommodation: Western Style Hotel

  25. Day-5 • Nuclear Power Plant Visit • Alternative choice • Accommodation: Japanese Style Ryokan

  26. Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant • Visit or not • Alternative trip • Aizu Castle, • Aizu Old Samurai Residences

  27. Day-6 • Tsuruga jo Castle • Citizen of Fukushima Symposium • Accommodation: Japanese Style Ryokan

  28. Day-7 • Student Exchange meeting • Visit Governor Uchibori • Travel to Tokyo • Accommodation: Western Style Hotel at Tokyo

  29. Day-8 • At 7:00am Departure of Hotel to Haneda Airport • Tina will lead this. • Return to London on the same day.

  30. Food The photos are provided by JNTO.

  31. Dietary Request • Allergy? • Vegitarian • Halal • Pork • Beef • Seafood

  32. Presentation, Speech, and Interview • 9th March • Exchange meeting with students • Short Self-introduction everybody • Presentation of research 2-3 person (Media coverage?) • Welcome Reception • Short speech 1 person • 10th March • Meijo-Kan • Short acknowledgement speech 1 person • 11th March • Mega Solar • Short acknowledgement speech 1 person • Agricultural Synthesis Centre • Short acknowledgement speech 1 person • Syberdyne • Short acknowledgement speech 1 person • Candle night • Short acknowledgement speech 1 person

  33. Presentation, Speech, and Interview • 12th March • Nuclear Power Station • Short acknowledgement speech 1 person • Painting/craft • Short acknowledgement speech 1 person • 13th March • Citizen of Fukushima Symposium • Interview on stage 1 person (Media coverage) • Sake Brewery • Short acknowledgement speech 1 person • 14th March • Student exchange meeting • Presentation of work 2-3 person • Speech about experiences 2-3 person • Meeting with Governor • Speech about experiences UCL Academy students and xxxxx(Media coverage)

  34. After Fukushima-Trip • Small Reporting Symposium • Late afternoon – Evening, on 24th or 25th March at UCL • Presenters: students who attend this trip • Audience: Relevant UCL students and UCL Academy students • Public Symposium • Afternoon on 28th July • Presenters: some of you • Audience: UCL students, UCL Academy students, PIS, public, Students who join to UCL-Japan Young Challenge • Workshop • Afternoon on 27th July • Participants: Students who join to UCL-Japan Young Challenge, UCL students

  35. Small Reporting Symposium • Date?, Room? • Style? • Presentation of daily activity? • Day-2, Day-3, Day-4, Day-5, Day-6, Day-7 (each two persons) • Audience? • UCL Academy?

  36. Enjoy!!

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