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Addressing Food Issues: Collaborative Video Proposal

This assignment requires creating a video proposal as a group to address a specific food issue. The proposal should define the problem, make a strong claim, demonstrate feasibility, and provide a solution. An annotated bibliography of relevant articles is also required.

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Addressing Food Issues: Collaborative Video Proposal

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  1. Assignment #5 A Collaborative Video Proposal & Annotated Bibliography

  2. Assignment #5: The Basics Instead of tumbling, head over feet, into the yawning abyss of world-food-crisis hell, I’d like you to take a solutions-based approach to a specific food issue (I have a list of topics for you to choose from on the back of the assignment sheet). As a member of a group of five, you will create a video proposal that addresses the issue your group chooses.

  3. What is a proposal? • According to the authors of Everything’s an Argument, proposals are arguments that “call for change, often in response to a problem, that focus on the future, and that center on the audience” (276). Proposals do not merely exist to convince a target audience that change should or should not occur, but to move individual audience members to carry out a specific plan of action.

  4. How to Create an Effective Proposal • Define a problem that needs a solution or describe a need that is not currently addressed. • Make a strong claim (a thesis) that addresses the problem or need. Your solution should be an action directed at the future. • Show why your proposal will fix the problem or address the need. • Demonstrate that your proposal is feasible.

  5. Annotated Bibliography • 8-10 articles from peer-reviewed journals (secondary sources) • At least 1 primary source • One paragraph per source that summarizes the main points of the article, evaluates how credible the source is, and explains why its content is relevant to your proposal • Turn in via hardcopy—must be stapled and MLA-formatted!!!!!!!!#%$@#$%!%#

  6. Translating Abstract Values into Concrete Actions • An opportunity to apply your value system to a food-based issue • Find at least one thinker whose food politics/philosophy helps you articulate your groups’ food politics/philosophy • Lay this out at the beginning of your video

  7. Making a Video Proposal • 8-11 minute video followed by a 10 minute discussion of how you created the video, why you made the rhetorical decisions that you did, and so forth • A chance to practice WOVE communications skills • Upload video to Youtube or Vimeo • Send me link to video the day we come back from Thanksgiving Break, so we can make sure there aren’t any glitches 

  8. Resources • Equipment checkout for students through the university (for renting cameras, audio recorders, etc.) https://www.it.iastate.edu/services/laptops • Equipment available for ISUComm Students http://isucomm.iastate.edu/lendingequipment • Computer labs with video editing software– Hamilton Hall http://www.greenlee.iastate.edu/resources/technology/computerlabs/ • Durham Hall has a public lab with iMovie editing software

  9. Topic Ideas List • *The Land Institute, Perennial Grains, & Genetic Modification • *The Presence of Food Pantries in the Ames Community (Both On-Campus and Off-Campus) • *Food Activism on Campus (Student Organic Farm, ISU Dining, LIVE GREEN) • *Should ISU Dining Make Changes? • *Efforts Made by Other Campuses and Institutions to Increase Public Access to Food and to Promote Food Literacy • *Guerilla Gardening • *Organic and Local Food Movements • *The Exciting Realm of Alternative Proteins: Eating Insects & Synthetic Meats • *Does America really feed the world? • *Disappearing Bees/Pollinators • *Permaculture in Iowa • *Is Food More Than Fuel? • *Seed banks in the Past, Present, and Future

  10. Video Proposal • https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y24tE2GMNt8

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