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Coarse-to-Fine Efficient Viterbi Parsing. Nathan Bodenstab OGI RPE Presentation May 8, 2006. Outline. What is Natural Language Parsing? Data Driven Parsing Hypergraphs and Parsing Algorithms High Accuracy Parsing Coarse-to-Fine Empirical Results. What is Natural Language Parsing?.
Coarse-to-Fine Efficient Viterbi Parsing Nathan Bodenstab OGI RPE Presentation May 8, 2006
Outline • What is Natural Language Parsing? • Data Driven Parsing • Hypergraphs and Parsing Algorithms • High Accuracy Parsing • Coarse-to-Fine • Empirical Results
What is Natural Language Parsing? • Provides a sentence with syntactic information by hierarchically clustering and labeling its constituents. • A constituent is a group of one or more words that function together as a unit.
What is Natural Language Parsing? • Provides a sentence with syntactic information by hierarchically clustering and labeling its constituents. • A constituent is a group of one or more words that function together as a unit.
Why Parse Sentences? • Syntactic structure is useful in • Speech Recognition • Machine Translation • Language Understanding • Word Sense Disambiguation (ex. “bottle”) • Question-Answering • Document Summarization
Outline • What is Natural Language Parsing? • Data Driven Parsing • Hypergraphs and Parsing Algorithms • High Accuracy Parsing • Coarse-to-Fine • Empirical Results
Data Driven Parsing • Parsing = Grammar + Algorithm • Probabilistic Context-Free Grammar P(children=[Determiner, Adjective, Noun] | parent=NounPhrase)
Data Driven Parsing • Find the maximum likelihood parse tree from all grammatically valid candidates. • The probability of a parse tree is the product of all its grammar rule (constituent) probabilities. • The number of grammatically valid parse trees increases exponentially with the length of the sentence.
Outline • What is Natural Language Parsing? • Data Driven Parsing • Hypergraphs and Parsing Algorithms • High Accuracy Parsing • Coarse-to-Fine • Empirical Results
Hypergraphs • A directed hypergraph can facilitate dynamic programming (Klein and Manning, 2001). • A hyperedge connects a set of tail nodes to a set of head nodes. Standard Edge Hyperedge
The CYK Algorithm • Separates the hypergraph into “levels” • Exhaustively traverses every hyperedge, level by level
The A* Algorithm • Maintains a priority queue of traversable hyperedges • Traverses best-first until a complete parse tree is found Priority Queue
Outline • What is Natural Language Parsing? • Data Driven Parsing • Hypergraphs and Parsing Algorithms • High Accuracy Parsing • Coarse-to-Fine • Empirical Results
High(er) Accuracy Parsing • Modify the Grammar to include more context • (Grand) Parent Annotation (Johnson, 1998) P(children=[Determiner, Adjective, Noun]|parent=NounPhrase, grandParent=Sentence)
Increased Search Space Original Grammar Parent Annotated Grammar
Increased Search Space Original Grammar Parent Annotated Grammar
Increased Search Space Original Grammar Parent Annotated Grammar
Increased Search Space Original Grammar Parent Annotated Grammar
Increased Search Space Original Grammar Parent Annotated Grammar
Grammar Comparison • Exact Inference with the CYK algorithm becomes intractable. • Most algorithms using Lexical models resort to greedy search strategies. • We want to find the globally optimal (Viterbi) parse tree for these high- • accuracy models efficiently.
Outline • What is Natural Language Parsing? • Data Driven Parsing • Hypergraphs and Parsing Algorithms • High Accuracy Parsing • Coarse-to-Fine • Empirical Results
Coarse-to-Fine • Efficiently find the optimal parse tree of a large, context-enriched model (Fine) by following hyperedges suggested by solutions of a simpler model (Coarse). • To evaluate the feasibility of Coarse-to-Fine, we use • Coarse = WSJ • Fine = Parent
Increased Search Space Coarse Grammar Fine Grammar
Coarse-to-Fine Build Coarse hypergraph
Coarse-to-Fine Choose a Coarse hyperedge
Coarse-to-Fine Replace the Coarse hyperedge with Fine hyperedge (modifies probability)
Coarse-to-Fine Propagate probability difference
Coarse-to-Fine Repeat until optimal parse tree has only Fine hyperedges
Upper-Bound Grammar • Replacing a Coarse hyperedge with a Fine hyperedge can increase or decrease its probability. • Once we have found a parse tree with only Fine hyperedges, how can we be sure it is optimal? • Modify the probability of Coarse grammar rules to be an upper-bound on the probability of Fine grammar rules. where N is the set of non-terminals and is a grammar rule.
Outline • What is Natural Language Parsing? • Data Driven Parsing • Hypergraphs and Parsing Algorithms • High Accuracy Parsing • Coarse-to-Fine • Empirical Results
Summary & Future Research • Coarse-to-Fine is a new exact inference algorithm to efficiently traverse a large hypergraph space by using the solutions of simpler models. • Full probability propagation through the hypergraph hinders computational performance. • Full propagation is not necessary; lower-bound of log2(n) operations. • Over 95% reduction in search space compared to baseline CYK algorithm. • Should prune even more space with higher-accuracy (Lexical) models.
Top-Down vs. Bottom-Up • Top-Down • Traverses more hyperedges • Hyperedges are closer to the root • Requires less propagation (1/2) • Bottom-Up • Traverses less hyperedges • Hyperedges are near the leaves • (words) and shared by many trees • True probability of trees isn’t • know at the beginning of CTF
Coarse-to-Fine Motivation Optimal Fine Tree Optimal Coarse Tree