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Chapter 22. The Age of Nation States. The Crimean War 1853-1856. Russia and the Ottoman Empire began fighting. Russia wanted to expand. Why? Geography and power. Russia wanted expand into the Mediterranean. France and Britain joined to check the power of Russia. Russia lost.
Chapter 22 The Age of Nation States
The Crimean War 1853-1856 • Russia and the Ottoman Empire began fighting. Russia wanted to expand. • Why? Geography and power. • Russia wanted expand into the Mediterranean. • France and Britain joined to check the power of Russia. • Russia lost.
Ottoman Empire Reforms • After Napoleon’s invasion of Egypt the Ottoman’s recognized the need to reform. • The Sultan finally issued a decree in 1839 that attempted to reorganize the administration and military to be more European. • From 1839 to 1876 more reforms liberalized the economy and gave more religious equality to non-Muslims.
Italian Unification • Nationalists wanted to expel Austria from the North and Unite Italy. • Carbonari (Charcoal Burners) were most famous of the secret Republican societies. • Giuseppe Mazzini and Giuseppe Garibaldi were involved in the failed Roman Republic of 1849.
Count Camillo Cavour • Prime Minister of Piedmont. • Sought to unite Italy as a Monarchy, not republic. • Plotted with Napoleon III to provoke a war with Austria. It happened in 1859. France joined and helped defeat Austria. • Destabilization of the War led to full unification of Italy in 1861.
Giuseppe Garibaldi • While Cavour was plotting in the North Garibaldi invaded the South. He landed in Sicily with 1,000 troops. • He wanted a Republic but allowed Naples and Sicily to join with kingdom of Italy under Victor Emmanuel II.
New Italian State • Three months after Kingdom of Italy was established, Cavour died. • Problems: North and South were very different, “Italia Irredenta” Unredeemed Italy, corrupt govt.
Otto von Bismarck • Became prime minister of Prussia in 1862. • Worked to build Prussia’s military and then used it. • Defeated Denmark in 1864, Austro-Prussian War in 1866 made Prussia dominant German state. • He then sought to provoke a war with France to unite German states under Prussian leadership.
Bismarck: Blood and Iron • "The position of Prussia in Germany will not be determined by its liberalism but by its power ... Prussia must concentrate its strength and hold it for the favorable moment, which has already come and gone several times. Since the treaties of Vienna, our frontiers have been ill-designed for a healthy body politic. Not through speeches and majority decisions will the great questions of the day be decided - that was the great mistake of 1848 and 1849 - but by iron and blood.”
Franco-Prussian War • A cousin of the Prussian King was chosen to be the new King of Spain. • France obviously did not want this so diplomatic discussions began. • Bismarck edited a telegram to make it look like Germany had insulted the French ambassador. • France went to war with the German Confederation.
Franco-Prussian War • France was quickly defeated, and Napoleon III captured. • In the Hall of Mirrors at Versailles William became the Emperor of Germany. • Germany unified behind Bismarck’s manipulation, Prussia’s military and a monarchy. Not liberal ideals.
Franco-Prussian War • As part of the peace settlement France had to pay an indemnity to get Germany to leave. • Also Germany took the Alsace-Lorraine from France. • A-L is a hybrid place. Culture, customs, food, language is a mix of both Germany and France. • France was pissed about this loss of land and honor. A big motivating factor in WWI, they wanted it back. • Then after WWI Germany wants it back.
Italy and Germany • Effects of unification: • Weakened Austria • Germany became most powerful country in Europe, militarily and economically. • This threatened England, France and Russia. The countries that were powerful before Germany. • When WWI starts it pits Germany and Austria-Hungary and the Ottoman Empire against France, Russia and England.
France • Napoleon III was emperor until Franco-Prussian War. He was captured and allowed to go to England where he died in 1873. • After the Battle of Sedan a Republic was declared in Paris.
The Paris Commune • Citizens of Paris did not approve of the National Assembly. • The National Assembly was dominated by monarchists. • Paris elected a new municipal govt. The Paris Commune intended to administer Paris independent of the rest of France.
The Paris Commune • Radicals and Socialists had a voice in the Paris Commune. • The National Assembly sent an army to Paris. • The army entered the city and began fighting. 20,000 people died in the fighting.
The Third Republic • Monarchists squabbled about who would be king. • As a result the govt ended up being a republic with a Chamber of Deputies elected by Universal Manhood Suffrage, a Senate chosen indirectly and a President elected by the two houses.
The Dreyfus Affair • In 1894 Alfred Dreyfus was convicted of sending secrets to the Germans. He was the highest ranking Jewish member of the French military. • He was innocent. • The case became a national debate. Conservatives, Catholics and Anti-Semites argued Dreyfus was guilty. Liberals argued that he was a victim of prejudice.
J’Accuse !!! • Emile Zola wrote “J’accuse” or “I Accuse.” • He argued that the army had denied Dreyfus due process. • Zola then fled to England to avoid a prison sentence for libel.
Habsburg Empire • In 1860, Francis Joseph issued the October Diploma. It called for a federation among the states and provinces of the empire. The Magyars of Hungary rejected it. • In 1861 he issued the February Patent. It established a bicameral imperial parliament. Again the Magyars rejected it.
Habsburg Empire • In 1867 after Austria was defeated by the Prussians, a compromise was reached. • The Augsleich transformed Austria into a dual monarchy… Austria-Hungary. • Basically the Magyars ruled Hungary. The two were loosely allied for international affairs and economic purposes.
Austria-Hungary • Once Francis Joseph compromised with the Hungarians, everyone else wanted more independence as well. • Czechs, Romanians, Croatians, all wanted more power. • Austria-Hungary had no unifying nationalism. 11 different major ethnic groups all wanted different things.
Russia • Alexander II took over in 1855. After the Crimean War he knew Russia needed reform. • Abolition of Serfdom in 1861 • Reform of Local Govt and Judicial System • Military Reform: 25 years to 15 to 6 years active and 9 years reserve. • Repression of Poland
Revolutionaries • Alexander Herzen lived in London and wrote The Bell. • Land and Freedom • In 1879 Vera Zasulich attempted to assassinate the military governor of Saint Petersburg. • In 1881, The People’s Will assassinated Alexander II. • Nicholas II became Tsar.
Great Britain • The Second Reform Act (1867) expanded the electorate from 1,430,000 to 2,470,000. • William Gladstone Prime Minister 1868-1874. • Liberal reforms, church, schools, military • Benjamin Disraeli Prime Minister 1874-1880. • More govt interference in peoples lives. Ex: providing housing for working class.
The Irish Question • Irish Nationalists wanted Home Rule, the control of local govt in Ireland. (Not independence) • Became a huge internal political issue in England in 1800’s. • Irish didn’t get Home Rule until after WWI.
WWI • CP vs. 3E