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Second Choice: Peanut butter and Jelly or Salad Bar Ala Carte

BRIDGMAN MIDDLE & HIGH SCHOOL. Did you know that kids who eat Breakfast: Live longer, Have higher test scores and grades, Less behavior problems, Handle stress better, and are slimmer! Breakfast is served in all Bridgman Schools.

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Second Choice: Peanut butter and Jelly or Salad Bar Ala Carte

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  1. BRIDGMAN MIDDLE & HIGH SCHOOL Did you know that kids who eat Breakfast: Live longer, Have higher test scores and grades, Less behavior problems, Handle stress better, and are slimmer!Breakfast is served in all Bridgman Schools. MEAL PRICING:Elementary Breakfast $1.60 Reduced .30 Elementary Lunch $2.60 Reduced .40Middle & High School Breakfast $1.75 Reduced .30Middle & High School Lunch $2.70 Reduced .40 Milk Only .50 Second Choice: Peanut butter and Jelly or Salad Bar Ala Carte Gatorade .75Propel 1.25Izzi 1.00Water & Tea 1.00Baked Chips .75Cheese .50 Soup 1.25Turkey sub 2.00Bosco sticks 1.75 Pizza 2.00 Fresh Fruit ,50Yogurt .75Cookies .80Gogurt .75 Breakfast & Lunch October-December 2013 You can pay for lunch on line at www.sendmoneytoschool.com You can apply for free and reduced lunch ANYTIME during the school year at www.lunchapp.com” W eek 1 Meal Plan Week 2 Meal Plan Week 3 Meal Plan

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