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AWIS Bethesda Chapter Opportunities for Scientists in K-12 Science Education as a Career or as a Volunteer. Toby Horn, Ph.D. Co-Director, Carnegie Academy for Science Education (CASE), Carnegie Institution of Washington (CIW). Topics. Volunteering Careers Connecting with schools

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  1. AWIS Bethesda ChapterOpportunities for Scientistsin K-12 Science Educationas a Career or as a Volunteer Toby Horn, Ph.D.Co-Director, Carnegie Academy for Science Education (CASE), Carnegie Institution of Washington (CIW)

  2. Topics • Volunteering • Careers • Connecting with schools • Getting employed

  3. Volunteer Career Speaker • Science Fair Judge • Tutor • Lab aide

  4. Buy-in is assumed Nappers don’t matter People leave to check on their experiment Why do we have to know this? Why should I be interested? Students have to stay in the classroom Scientist v TeacherExpectations of your Audience

  5. Visit a School • Check out the NIH Office of Science Education Speakers Bureau • What is the community service policy in your lab/division? • Visit a school in your neighborhood • Tutor in early AM or after school • Volunteer to mentor a student for science fair (not in your lab, but by phone, e-mail school visit)

  6. Visit a School • Make yourself known • Provide information teachers want for their students • Negotiate topic to reinforce what is being taught • Be MUCH more informal than for NIH seminar

  7. Engaging your Audience • Keep talk time short--involve the audience • Help students develop into questioners by thinking out loud • Show students how to do things and then---LET them do things • Get students/teachers to teach YOU!

  8. Engaging your Audience • Bring items you actually use to pass around for students to handle. • Ask students what THEY like about science. (Most will say they like nothing but that’s because they are kids.) • Even if they are not looking, students ARE listening.

  9. Discuss with the teacher beforehand Fit your visit to introduce or reinforce the program of studies Refer to the Project 2061 Benchmarks for Science Literacy (http://www.project2061.org) Connect your work with basic science concept(s)

  10. What is your day like? How much do you earn? What basic science concepts does your work address? What is your experimental design? What does your data look like? What did you like in high school? Describe a bad goof in the lab and how you solved the problem. Talking to Students

  11. Family Institutions where you work Colleagues Travel to meetings Fun Describe a bad goof in the lab and how you solved the problem. What is your day like?

  12. You don’t have to answer this specifically. You may earn less than a teacher, but you have some particular perks. Salary scales for practically every school district are higher for folks with PhD. How much do you earn?

  13. Controls/standards/observations Approach Hypothesis-IF there is one What do you use to collect the data? How many /what kinds of trials/replicates do you use How does what you are doing relate to teens/kids/adults/real life? How do you design your experiment?

  14. YES, you do math in science. Data representation is attempted different ways Tables and charts Photos and gels Statistics Using math (every day) What does your data look like?

  15. Sports? Friends? Love-life? After-school job? Science & Math COURSES (maybe yes, maybe no???) Let students know you were a nerd if you were. Many students are afraid to admit they are nerds also. What did you like in school?

  16. Recognizing bad data Checking materials Asking for advice from colleagues Being upset (feeling stupid?) Being persistent Resolving the problem Things often go (wrong) in ways we don’t expect. Had a bad goof? How did you solve the problem?

  17. Volunteer • Career Speaker Science Fair Judge • Tutor • Lab aide

  18. Science Fair Judge Students are NERVOUS! • Listen to the prepared speech. • Ask: How did you get interested in the project? • Ask: What was the most unusual thing you found? • Then, if the student didn’t use control/standard/replicates, etc., gently ask.

  19. Local Regional Science Fairs • Montgomery County. March 10-12.Judging Saturday March 12. Montgomery County Fairgrounds. Visit Sunday early afternoon. http://www.sciencemontgomery.org/ • DCPS March 17-19.Judging Saturday March 18. McKinley Technology High School. Visit Sunday early afternoon. http://www.dcscifair.com • Fairfax County March 17-19. Judging Saturday March 18. Robinson Secondary School. Visit Sunday early afternoon. http://www.fcps.edu/DIS/sciengfair/index.htm • Prince Georges County http://www.pgcps.pg.k12.md.us/science.html

  20. Volunteer Tutor/Mentor http://www.Mentorsinc.org

  21. Volunteer Lab aide • Bring supplies • Help set up • Help students • Help clean up

  22. Interested in Teaching / Supporting School Science?

  23. DATA about Teaching • Requirements by State http://www.paec.org/teacher2teacher/map.html • Teacher Quality: Preparation and Qualifications of Public School Teachers http://nces.ed.gov/surveys/frss/publications/1999080/ • Teacher Preparation & Professional Development http://nces.ed.gov/surveys/frss/publications/2001088/

  24. Careers • Outreach • Independent/Private School • Charter School • Public School

  25. Outreach Avenues NIH-OSE Institutes Universities Museums Companies

  26. Career Independent/ Private School http://www.nais.org/

  27. Career Charter School (primarily in DCPS) http://www.dcpubliccharter.com/ communityint/schools/schools.htm

  28. Career • Outreach • Independent/Private School • Charter School Public School

  29. Share Differentiated Instruction Efficacy/Agency Planning period Daily assessment Grading period Data Club/Seminar Can your tech/post-doc repeat your work? Set up the experiment Collect the data Analyze the data Proposal and poster deadlines K-12 EDUjargon

  30. Resources for YOU • NAS Publications http://www.nap.edu • NSF GK-12 http://www.nsf.gov • NSF RET • DOD-SEAP, APS • NIH FAES • NIH-OSE Speakers Bureau • GWU/AU/GMU/Howard Transition to Teaching Programs • Mentors Inc. http://www.mentorsinc.org

  31. Getting Employed • Get known at a school • Requirements • Resume • Interview • Training & Fellowships

  32. Requirements • Resume • Transcripts (if from another country, equivalents) • (Green Card) • Praxis exam (http://www.ets.org/) • Be Patient & Persistent

  33. Prepare your Resume (CV) • Emphasize your major subjects (generally “certification” is based on your college or graduate thesis subject) • Put your research/thesis topic in terms of the basic science studied, then the actual title • Note especially any volunteering with the public or in schools • Don’t list your publications---just indicate that you have publications in scientific journals Please DO NOT use the NIH cv format

  34. Getting Employed • Send the principal a short cover letter with your resume (CV) • Call and ask for a meeting • Bring your resume and other documents with you to the meeting • Be prepared to describe your work with NO jargon • Consult the AAAS Project 2061 Benchmarks for Science Literacy and Atlas of Science Literacy http://www.project2061.org

  35. DC Public Schools http://www.dcteachingfellows .org/ http://www.dcteachingfellows .org/application.html

  36. Fairfax County, VA http://www.fcps.k12.va.us/DHR/ applicants/infoforie.htm

  37. Montgomery County, MD http://www.mcps.k12.md.us/ departments/personnel/ employment/teacherprep/

  38. Transition to Teaching (T3)http://www.ed.gov/policy/elsec/leg/esea02/pg28.html • to establish a program to recruit and retain highly qualified mid-career professionals (including highly qualified paraprofessionals), and recent graduates of an institution of higher education, as teachers in high-need schools, including recruiting teachers through alternative routes to certification; and • to encourage the development and expansion of alternative routes to certification under State-approved programs that enable individuals to be eligible for teacher certification within a reduced period of time, relying on the experience, expertise, and academic qualifications of an individual, or other factors in lieu of traditional course work in the field of education.

  39. Transition to Teaching (T3) DC Fellows program http://www.dcteachingfellows.org/ Howard University http://www.transitiontoteaching.org/program.htm GWU http://gsehd.gwu.edu/gsehd/viewarticle+348 Dept of Education overview http://www.ed.gov/programs/transitionteach/ index.html

  40. Realities of Communicating w/Schools • Identify the school, call and find out the name of the principal (may not be current on a web site). Also get the school Fax number and the name of a science teacher. • Call the principal EARLY or LATE in the day. Do NOT expect the principal to call back. They are terribly overextended. • Snailmail and Fax and call to leave a message. • (Schools in the NIH area tend to be more responsive)

  41. Curious? Ask Yourself… • Do you like kids? • Do you have a sense of humor? • Are you patient but firm? • Could you model self-discipline? • Can you describe your work in <25 words? (sans jargon)

  42. You Can Swim this Channel!

  43. Teach!Change Lives!Invest in the Future!YOU CAN make a difference!

  44. “Dr Toby” Hornthorn@ciw.edu(Google <Toby Horn teaching>)

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