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This updated edition of the Bacteriology textbook features corrections from the first edition, additional self-tests as requested by students, inclusion of appropriate medications for various bacteria types, coverage of diseases caused by bacteria, and sample test questions. Your feedback is important for further improvements. Please email any errors or suggestions to COORDINATOR1422@YAHOO.COM. Thank you for contributing to the educational value.
Bacteriology 2nd edition Introduction السلام عليكم و رحمة الله و بركاته إخواني الطلاب، قد تم وضع بعض التعديلات في هذه النسخة من أبرزها:- 1- تعديل الأخطاء الموجودة في النسخة الأولى 2- تلبية لرغبة الطلاب، تم الإكثار من الإختبارات الذاتية 3- تم إضافة الأدوية المناسبة لكل نوع من البكتيريا 4- تم إضافة الأمراض التي تتسبب بها البكتيريا 5- وضع أمثلة من أسئلة الاختبارات أرجو أن تحوز هذه النسخة على رضاكم، والرجاء التنبيه إن كان هناك أي أخطاء أو نواقص، مع الشكر لكل من يفعل ذلك لتعم الفائدة. *الرجاء عدم اعادة نسخ الاسطوانة
PRESS F1 FOR GUIDEANCE Bacteriology 1st Practical MFSH 2003
Contents General Bacteriology Station 1:Gram negative bacilli 5 Station 2: Gram negative curved bacilli ( V. Cholera) 6 Station 3: Gram negative cocci (Neisseria) 7 Station 4: Gram positive bacilli 8 Station 5: Gram positive cocci (Staphylococcus) 9 Station 6: Gram positive cocci (Streptococcus) 10 Station 7: Ziehl-nelson stain (Mycobacterium tuberculosis) 11 Station 8: Capsule stain 12 Station 9: Spore stain 13 This practical is just an introduction, to make you familiar with the different shapes of bacteria and different types of stains. All of the stations here will be repeated again with the practical that is specific for its bacteria.
General Bacteriology
Station 3 Search for these (to make sure)
Station 6 Although staphylococci may have chain like appearance in some regions, they will not be as long as this “these may reach more than 8 or 10 in a row”. In the case of staphylococci they are mostly below 7 in number.
Station 8 Organism (red) Capsule (transparent)
Station 9 This spore stain are used to differentiate bacteria that have spores. e.g.
حسبي الله لا إله إلا هو عليه توكلت و هو رب العرش العظيم دعواتكم يا شباب
I hope it was useful. A word can change the outcome of many things. So, if you either liked or didn’t like this project, why keep your thoughts to yourself ? Send us your comments and ideas to COORDINATOR1422@YAHOO.COM, It will mean too much to us, “even if it was just one word” THANX M. F. Shaheen 2003