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Photonics: Transforming Industries with Light Technology

Discover the diverse applications of photonics in communication, entertainment, energy, transportation, health, manufacturing, security, agriculture, and the arts. Explore how photonics is revolutionizing various industries worldwide.

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Photonics: Transforming Industries with Light Technology

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  1. www.day-of-photonics.orgPhotonic technologies are very important and everywhere!

  2. Photon originatesfrom the greeklanguage, phōt = light • Lasers • Lenses • Mirrors • Optics • Fibers Photonicsinvolves the creation, use, and modification of light.

  3. Someexamples of applications …

  4. Communication • Display and miniature projectors (GPS, television, cinema), cameras • Telecommunication (internet) opticalfibercommunications • Didyou know: Light travels 10 times the speed that electricity does, internet data transmitted photonically can travel long distances in a fraction of the time.

  5. Entertainment • Light shows in parties and monuments decorativelighting • Consumer electronics, displays in smart phone, CD and DVD • Didyou know: Thin and flexible displays couldbeincorporatedintoyour magazine!

  6. Energy • Photovoltaicsolar panels transform light intoelectricity and provides power in remote areas • Fibers are used for sensing in the oil & gasindustry • Energy efficient lighting (LED) • Didyou know: You can shoot a laser beam to a solarcell on a flying drone to recharge it!

  7. Transport (cars, trains, planes) • Manufacturing includes laser systems used in welding, cutting, marking • Sensors, heads-up display, lighting • Didyouknow: Laser head-light on a car canreach as far as 600 meters!

  8. Health • Analysis of bacteriaand life-science applications • Imaging of canceroustumourcells • Laser eye surgery, tattoo removal, endoscopy, health monitoring • Didyou know: Sensorscananalyzesugarlevels in the bloodthrough the skin!

  9. Manufacturing • Lasers cancut, weld, and mark manymaterialssuch as plastic, textile, metal • 3D printing involves lasers • Cameras are used for machine vision inspection • Didyou know: A high-power laser is capable of cuttingthrough8 centimeters of steel!

  10. Security, defense, rescue • Night vision devices, mine laying and detection, photonic gyroscopes, chemical detection • Textiles with displays for firemen and carpets in hotels in case of fire • Didyou know: It is possible to identify at a distance if a driver has been drinkingalcohol !

  11. Agriculture • Soilanalysis, cropanalysis • In-doorfarming, controlingvegetable speed growth and influence raspberrytaste with light • Didyou know: Drones mountedwith a camera can analyse the soil for precision agriculture!

  12. Arts • Laser imaging techniques are used for the detection of forgeries • LED technology reduces UV and IR, is more energy efficient, and improves colour rendering • Didyou know:  The Sistine Chapel uses latest LED illumination systems developed for art.

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