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Reflections in ALP Classrooms: Enhancing Student Success

Explore the impact of reflective writing in the ALP classroom at Suffolk County Community College. Learn about the beneficial features of the ALP program and the evolution of the college's course sequence. Discover assessment strategies and insights from past students and teachers to enhance academic experiences. Gain valuable advice for student success and reflection on pedagogical practices.

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Reflections in ALP Classrooms: Enhancing Student Success

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  1. Reflective Writing in the ALP classroom: Voices from Within Meridith Leo, Ph.D. Suffolk County Community College, Ammerman Campus

  2. Using an index card provided please write down how you would define reflective writing as it exists in your class. What does reflective writing look like for you in your class? Share with a friend…

  3. Eight Features that CCBC’s ALP Identifies as Beneficial 1. ALP students are mainstreamed into ENGL 101 for which they can receive college credit. 2. ALP students are part of a cohort of eight students and one instructor who spend six hours a week together. 3. ENGL 101 serves as a meaningful context for what they are learning in the developmental course. 4. Class size is just eight changing the instructional environment. 5. The pipeline through which they must travel is shortened from two semesters to one. 6. In the ENGL 101 class, ALP students work with students who are stronger writers and can serve as role models. 7. ALP instructors consciously pay attention to helping ALP students develop successful student behaviors. 8.ALP instructors consciously pay attention to issues from outside the college that may have a negative impact on ALP students.

  4. Three campuses One College

  5. Placement Until 2015: AccuplacerRecent 2019: WriteplacerFuture Plan: Guided Placement

  6. SCCC’s Course Sequence until 2015ENG 009: Basic WritingENG 010: Developmental WritingENG 101: Freshman CompositionENG 102: Introduction to literature

  7. SCCC’s New Additions to the course Sequence ENG 011: Enhanced Writing skillsENG 012: Emerging writers workshop (co-req)ENG 100: Enhanced Composition

  8. Reading courses at SCCC RDG 098: Placement basedRDG 099: Placement basedRDG 096: A combination of 098 and 099 completed in 1 semester

  9. Assessment CollectionPre and Post Survey Questions for ENG 012 -The expectations I have coming into ENG 012 Emerging -Writers Workshop class are:-The skills I hope to learn or develop in my ENG 012 Emerging Writers Workshop class are:-I would describe the experiences I had in previous writing/English classes as:-The experiences I want to have in my ENG 012 Emerging Writers Workshop class this semester are:-The parts of writing that are easiest for me are:-The parts of writing that are most difficult for me are:

  10. Assessment Collection Questions used for the Focus Groups:-The skills I learned or developed in my ENG 012 Emerging Writers Workshop class this semester were:-How would you describe the experiences you had in previous writing/English classes:-The experiences I had in my ENG 012 Emerging Writers Workshop class this semester were:-What part of writing are easiest for you:-The parts of writing that are difficult for me are:-What were your thoughts about the portfolio process and the writing accomplished for it?-When you think back to your placement into both the ENG 012 and ENG 101 paired classes, in what way or what reasons were described to you for why you needed to take both of these courses?-If you had one piece of advice for the next group(s) of students taking both these classes what would it be?

  11. Based on your experiences as a student and teacher answer the following:What kind of behaviors did you engage in (as an undergraduate) that helped you become successful or impeded on your success?If you could write a brief note to your past self-offering advice on what to do or not to do as a student what would that advice look like?

  12. Based on your experiences as a student and teacher answer the following:What kind of behaviors do you encourage students to utilize that you think will help them become successful?Based on your experiences as a student and teacher how does your reflection or the way you think about your academic past shape your current pedagogy or practices?

  13. Looking over your definition of reflective writing how could you include or revise an existing low or high stakes reflective writing assignment that would help students unearth one aspect of their writing process? How can this writing assignment that you create develop a method for students to use to determine the origin or nature of their writing process?

  14. Exciting things to come for SCCC

  15. Works Cited “Campus Maps and Information.” Welcome to Suffolk County Community College - Home of the Sharks, The State University of New York, 30 Mar. 2019, sunysuffolk.edu/about-suffolk/campus- information/index.jsp. Ildefonso, Olivia. “School Segregation Maps, 2013-2014.” ERASE Racism, 2015, eraseracismny.org/take-action/433-school-segregation-maps.

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