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Baseline is a cloud-based audit and compliance management solution that helps retail stores, restaurant chains, and banks track expenses, monitor assets, and ensure vendor compliance. With real-time analytics and interactive reporting, Baseline streamlines operations, improves compliance management, and boosts customer satisfaction.
From a retail store, to a chain of restaurants , to the branch of a bank they serve as the first touch point for your customers In this age of social marketing Disappoint one customer and one hundred of their closest “friends” are going to receive the update ultimately affecting the future of your business . www.intellvisions.com
CHALLENGES CORPORATE RETAIL CHAIN ATM SITES BRAND STORES EXPENSE TRACKING Impossible to get unified view of all assets, configurations SLAs Vendor noncompliance's delivery mismatch with PO guidelines Continuous monitoring of assets, compliances is difficult to achieve Impossible to track expenses incurred on lease, electricity, consummables, satisfactions, repairs across all locations. Locations are distributed managed by franchisees outsourced staff www.intellvisions.com
Why Baseline is required for ATM Service Vendors ? • Site Execution is completely outsourced and involves a large number of vendors for each activity . • Distributed and scattered assets result in service related outages arising out of equipment failures contributing to site downtimes and consequent loss of revenues . • Each location has multiple fixed assets including ACs,ATMs,DVRs,UPS etc . • wWith multiple vendors and different SLAs • No clear mechanism in place to identify equipment delivered on site matches the one in the PO • Organisation operates in silos ie Commercial is only responsible for contracts ,service team has to deal with vendors for a lifetime. • No standard or transparent system to monitor the SLA's Is available. Rates and terms are decided more on adhoc basis without a clear documented structure of a vendors capability ,past performance various installed equipment's • Verify the maintenance ,hygiene and safety standards are regularly followed and maintained www.intellvisions.com
GAP Between the Strategy and the Onsite Execution www.intellvisions.com
NON COMPLIANCE – HOW MUCH DOES IT COST ? 1.5 % of total sales revenue besides missed opportunities .Penalties ,Loss of Goodwill . Loss of Brand Image. www.intellvisions.com
Asset Tagging & Verification Management A CLOUD BASED Audit and Compliance management solution designed to automate operational compliance • Audit and compliance of Operational & service standards • Service level compliance of vendors Baseline aligns the vision and expectations of head office and the reality on the ground with a closed loop workflow www.intellvisions.com
Apply the Checklist to selective target devices (android or ipad Tablets). • Audits can be backed by document and photographic attachments with remarks • Audit team visits the allocated site and does a compliance check. • The responses are geo tagged and compared with the original base location readings to prevent data manipulation. • Create Checklist • Use our easy to use form designer • Assign scores for each specific section with an option for setting critical flags • Responses are collected in the CLOUD and a detailed action plan with trouble tickets is generated • The tickets are continuously monitored until the ticket is closed www.intellvisions.com
Key Benefits Audits creates better compliance ….and compliance generates Sales . Drive organisational Best practices amongst franchisees , vendors and the entire Ecosystem. Baseline is hosted on Microsoft Azure platform which means an infrastructure that is elastic and expands with your needs Get the software that does what you need today, not the software that perhaps , one day could Secure Platform Leaner, cleaner and more efficient organisations Real-time Analytics Unified Platform • Real-time and seamless process helps you save on time and vigorous labor-intensive process • Customers have a way of thanking stores that are well run: they come back • The real-time analytics helps you identify risks and opportunities while they are still actionable • Don’t just view the data …Visualize it • Store every single document from Purchase orders, installation copies, maintenance reports etc. on a unified management platform • 360° view of your business’s compliance management • Save on time and labor www.intellvisions.com
Key Features USER FRIENDLY CLOSED LOOP WORKFLOW UPLOAD IMAGES/DOCUMENTS FOR DISCREPANCIES GEO TAGS Reference images/documents of best practice photos and standards can be compared to onsite items for discrepancies and corrective action Web based user friendly closed loop work flow to create Compliance Checklist, generate field wise compliance results Responses are locked with the locations GEO codes to prevent data manipulation INTERACTIVE REPORTING SAAS BASED SERVICE PAINLESS UPGRADE & SEAMLESS INTEGRATION With a nominal fee for setup and integration, Baseline can be tweaked in accordance to your business interest • Baseline offers a full fledged range of interactive reporting to know where the strengths and weaknesses Patch management, Hardware, bandwidth availability handled by provider no downloads or install required. Can be integrated with the current ERP systems www.intellvisions.com
Who Should Use? • Retail Business operates through a franchisee network hence making difficult to run a compliance check of widespread network In this age of social marketing Disappoint one customer and one hundred of their closest “friends” are going to receive the update ultimately affecting the future of your business . • Ensure different elements of retail store’s ecosystem like services, product quality, hygiene etc. is aligned with brands vision • Discrepancies are noted in real-time and is escalating to right person • Baseline ensures the core standards and programs that are the backbone of the brand’s strategy are indeed implemented in full, everywhere and every time thus delivering on the brand’s vision and promise. www.intellvisions.com
Who Should Use? • Bank In todays competitive era in banking industry where each bank is offering same services and at same rate, the customer experience becomes an important element that sets you apart • Compliance check of widely scattered ATM sites and bank branches • Each ATM and bank branches act as brand ambassador hence making it utmost important touch to monitored for compliance • With Baseline Operational Compliance can prevent issues before they happen, identify and remedy problem areas quickly, protect the customer and employees’ health and safety, protect the brand www.intellvisions.com
BUSINESS VALUE • 360° holistic approach to compliance management • Preventive in nature, hence can address problems before they happen • Comprehensive audit lets you audit the entire process from the front office to the back office 360° Holistic Approach • Lower Initial Costs • No license fees mean lower initial costs • Low TCO as hardware ,server management and people are handled by the provider • Painless • Upgrades • PATCH MANAGEMENT , Hardware, bandwidth availability handled by provider no downloads or install required. • Seamless • Integration • Can also customize capabilities to meet specific needs. • Can be integrated with the current ERP systems. www.intellvisions.com
How you monitor and keep track of your asset could very well mean the difference between meeting your business goals and losing money. Using a combination of barcode labels or RFID microchips along with scanners and asset management software, we give you a system to suit your exact needs. We make sure you're managing your assets as efficiently as possible by auditing items on your behalf with Baseline Baseline Asset Management Without it, you have wishful thinking and a false sense of security www.intellvisions.com
Why Baseline Asset Management? • Know all about the equipment lifecycle like what to repair, spare part cost, missing items to analyze location with highest spend • TAKE INFORMED DECISIONS With detailed report on highest equipment failures, service level breaches, purchasing patterns you can identify best vendor to suite your business IDENTIFY VENDORS • UNIFIED VIEW OF YOUR ASSETS... Baseline gives minutest detail of your asset like where the asset is, frequency of breakdown, maintenance cost etc. • Reduce the time and labor costs associated with managing thousands of documents and tasks SAVE ON TIME AND LABOR • Instill confidence in employees, customers and other parties by having a comprehensive management tool in place to ensure that critical tasks are being done properly INSTILL CONFIDENCE • Simplify operations and store every single document from Purchase orders ,installation & maintenance reports etc are available on single platform • SIMPLIFY OPERATIONS & ENSURE COMPLIANCE www.intellvisions.com
Higher costs of consummables arising out of inefficient maintenance and audit procedures • Save Cost • Penalties arising out statutory non compliance or improper usage of lease facilities • Insurance premiums on non existent items • Purchasing things which are already available in your ware house Organisations typically overspend by at least 12 % due to inefficient utilization of existing resources ,improper maintenance and petty theft . www.intellvisions.com
Intellvisions provides the "data visibility" required to effectively perform best practices for managing enterprise assets www.intellvisions.com
Analytics Analysis can include but not limited to… Analytics engine can help management decide viability of site www.intellvisions.com