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Empires of Mesopotamia: From Akkadians to Babylonians

Explore the rise and fall of ancient Mesopotamian empires such as the Akkadian and Babylonian, their rulers, achievements, laws, and societal aspects.

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Empires of Mesopotamia: From Akkadians to Babylonians

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  1. stele A stone slab on which a three dimensional sculpture or relief has been carved

  2. Much of what we know about Mesopotamia comes from reliefs. Areliefis a sculpture that is partially carved out of a slab called a Mesopotamian rulers had their most important achievements recorded on steles. stele ON the Victory Stele, King Naram-Sin is pictured as taller than the other men. He wears a horned crown to make him look like a god.

  3. Chapter 6 Exploring Four Empires of Mesopotamia INTRODUCTION Anis a large territory where several groups of people are ruled by a single powerful leader or government ***Lack of unity left the Sumerian city-states open to attacks. empire

  4. Group after group conquered the area formerly ruled by independent city-states and created empires. However, no one proved strong enough to control the area for a long period of time. In this lesson you will learn about four of the empires that ruled Mesopotamia from approximately 2300 – 539 B.C.E.

  5. 6.2 The Akkadian Empire Ruled by K I N G S A R G O N He created his empire throughpowerful m i l i t a r y s t r a t e g i e s A strong king and skilled general HOW???? • He assembled a l a r g e a r m y 2. Taught his soldiers to fight in T i g h tf o r m a t io n s

  6. Sargon used his MiLiTARYSKiLLS to win territory for his empire

  7. How did Sargon keep control of his empire? Destroyed the walls of the cities to make it harder for people to rebel Made sure the governors of city-states wereloyal to him->>or they were replaced Became the first king to demand that his sons rule after his death

  8. Sargon and Akkadians greatest achievement??? CREATING THE WORLD’S FIRST E M P I R E

  9. 6.3 Life Under Akkadian Rule Sargon built up his city withT R I B U T E S, Money and goods collected from conquered peoples Became especially well-known for their beautiful three-dimensional sculptures Carved stones Called S T E L E S

  10. A G A D E Capital city? 3 Cultural Aspects??? Used Sumerian irrigation techniques to farm Used cuneiform writing Same gods and goddesses

  11. Sargon hopes his empire lasts for thousands of years BUuuUuUuUT later kings found it difficult to rule such a large territory 200 years later, the Akkadian Empire falls to new invaders from The north

  12. Next ruler to unite all of Mesopotamia Section 6.4 H a m m u r a b i King of B A B Y L O N Region became known as B A B Y L O N I A

  13. Best known for his C O D E O F LAWS Covered trade, payment for work, marriage, and divorce P U N I S H M E N T S for: stealing causing injury crimes

  14. Important achievement because even though it did not treat all people equally in terms of laws and punishments ******It was the first written code of laws to apply to everyone The laws were carved on a stele and placed in a temple for everyone to see People now know their rights and responsibilities

  15. 6.5 Life in the Babylonian Empire Accomplishments of Hammurabi Made MARDUK Supreme God Built roads and created postal service Kept irrigation systems working properly *****The city of BABYLON was on the banks of the Euphrates and became an important center for trade of grain and woven cloth FOR wood, gold, silver, precious gems and animals

  16. ******WhY WaS BaByLoNiAn sOcIeTy uNuSUaLly fair? Laws treated different classes differently but even slaves had rights Could keep wages Own property and Buy freedom SLAVES WOMEN Could own property and keep money of their own Unfortunately, fathers chose their husbands

  17. (282 Laws)

  18. If a son strikes his father, they shall cut off his hand.

  19. If a man be in debt and is unable to pay his creditors, he shall sell his wife, son, or daughter, or bind them over to service. For three years they shall work in the houses of their purchaser or master; in the fourth year they shall be given their freedom.

  20. If any one bring an accusation against a man, and the accused go to the river and leap into the river, if he sink in the river his accuser shall take possession of his house. But if the river prove that the accused is not guilty, and he escape unhurt, then he who had brought the accusation shall be put to death, while he who leaped into the river shall take possession of the house that had belonged to his accuser.

  21. If a builder builds a house for a man and does not make its construction sound, and the house which he has built collapses and causes the death of the owner of the house, the builder shall be put to death.

  22. These are the most well known of the laws (#196)If a man has destroyed the eye of a man of the 'gentleman' class, they shall destroy his eye. (#200) If he has knocked out the teeth of his equal, then his own teeth will be knocked out (“a tooth for a tooth”) ( an “eye for an eye”)

  23. But, the punishments were not the same for everybody If he (gentleman) has destroyed the eye of a commoner or broken a bone of a commoner, he shall pay one Mina (ancient unit of weight of about 18 ounces) of silver. If he(gentleman) has destroyed the eye of a gentleman's slave, or broken a bone of a gentleman's slave, he shall pay half (the slave's) price.

  24. If a gentleman's slave strikes the cheek of a man of the 'gentleman' class, they shall cut off (the slave's) ear. If anyone commits a robbery and is caught, he shall be put to death

  25. http://www.bing.com/videos/search?q=euphrates+river+song&view=detail&mid=4E3D92A99594FD928A734E3D92A99594FD928A73&FORM=VIREhttp://www.bing.com/videos/search?q=euphrates+river+song&view=detail&mid=4E3D92A99594FD928A734E3D92A99594FD928A73&FORM=VIRE http://www.bing.com/videos/search?q=kids+video+akkadians&&view=detail&mid=71E133BB9EB9FED2D4D371E133BB9EB9FED2D4D3&FORM=VRDGAR

  26. https://www.bing.com/videos/search?q=hit+song+bosstones&&view=detail&mid=B04E9C52CECEBD406BE6B04E9C52CECEBD406BE6&FORM=VRDGARhttps://www.bing.com/videos/search?q=hit+song+bosstones&&view=detail&mid=B04E9C52CECEBD406BE6B04E9C52CECEBD406BE6&FORM=VRDGAR Look out Make way for THE MIGHTY MIGHTY ASSYRIANS


  28. Battering rams

  29. The Assyrians were ruthless warriors Creating fear among their enemieswas part of their military strategy. One such tale was that after cutting off the heads of enemy leaders, they forced defeated soldiers to march barefoot wearing their leaders’ heads around their necks!!!

  30. *****BAS-RELIEF 2 dimensional sculpture in which the image projects out from a flat surface Showed kings hunting, fighting in battle, enjoying family life

  31. ********** The Assyrians dug canals to irrigate land and built some of the earliest AQUEDUCTSwhich is a PIPE OR CHANNEL that brings water from distant places

  32. Beautiful palaces built for Assyrian kings who were believed to be special beings.

  33. Empire lasted about 300 years Stretched from EGYPT to the PERSIAN GULF In the end, this vast territory proved too big to control ….. SOUND FAMILIAR????? The army was stretched too thin and the Assyrians could not fight off neighbors who rose up against them

  34. 6.8 The Neo (new) -Babylonian Empire (Capital city of Assyria) *****Ninevah and the Assyrians fall, and the Babylonians regain control of Mesopotamia Establish new empire>> Neo-Babylonian Empire Ruling period? 605 to 562 B.C.E Most famous king? NEBUCHADREZZAR II Expanded his empire by: • Driving the Egyptians out of Syria • Conquering a part of Canaan (present day Israel)

  35. How did Nebuchadrezzar keep his capital city BABYLON safe? • He built an inner and outer wall around the city • Towers were placed on the walls for archers to stand on • A moat was dug around the outer wall and filled with water

  36. The Ishtar Gate When visitors came upon the "Ishtar Gate", they would be in awe. In addition to the "Ishtar Gate", Nebuchadnezzar built a majestic palace for himself. Travelers marveled at the walls decorated with colorful friezes of blue and yellow enameled bricks. Nebuchadnezzar paved the street sidewalks with small red stone slabs. Along the edge of each stone were carved, "I am Nebuchadnezzar, king of Babylon, who made this," demonstrating Nebuchadnezzar's absolute power and influence over Babylon . One of the gates into Babylon. Each gate was dedicated to a Babylonian god or goddess. Ishtar was the goddess of warand love

  37. 6.9 Life in the Neo-Babylonian Empire Nebuchadrezzar re-built the city of Babylon. Decorated his palace with FABULOUS GARDENS “Hanging Gardens of Babylon” One of the great wonders of the ancient world!!!!! Kept lush and green by an elaborate irrigation system

  38. Only surviving wonder

  39. She longed for the meadows and mountains of her homeland unlike Babylon which was hot and dusty. The Hanging Gardens of Babylon awed and astounded many travelers and historians in ancient times. Nebuchadnezzar, the builder of the gardens, was the most important ruler of his dynasty. Nebuchadnezzar II ordered this wonder to be built during his reign of 43 years between the years of 604-562 BC. He built it to please his homesick wife, Queen Semiramis, who was from Media. (western Iran)

  40. Babylonians also skilled in mathematics and astronomy Created the 1st sundial 60-minute hour and 7-day week Empire only lasted 75 years—conquered by the Persians

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