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The History of 9/11: Twin Towers, Pentagon, and the Impact on America

Learn about the tragic events of September 11, 2001, including the attacks on the Twin Towers in New York and the Pentagon. Discover the reasons behind the collapse of the World Trade Center, the heroic actions of first responders, and the lasting effects on survivors.

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The History of 9/11: Twin Towers, Pentagon, and the Impact on America

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  1. History of 9/11 • The Twin Towers in New York were attacked.

  2. History of 9/11 • The Pentagon was attacked. • An airplane was attacked.

  3. Why did the WTC fall? The towers of the World Trade Center were designed and built in the late 1960’s to survive hurricanes, earth tremors, and even the impact of a Boeing 707. The original design did not anticipate the impact of a much larger Boeing 767 filled with fuel. • The heat was about 1,300 degrees…. Which melted the steel foundation.. • The foundation began to buckle…and the building imploded.. • This is why the building fell in on self, not tipped over..

  4. How long did the fires burn? The fires at Ground Zero burned for 99 days, until December 19.

  5. Why didn’t they use helicopters to get people out? • They couldn’t use helicopters because there was too much smoke in the air, so they weren’t able to see well enough to land helicopters. • Also, the access doors were locked on the roof.

  6. History of 9/11 • There were many brave people who helped others. • Police Officers • Firefighters • Military Members • EMT’s

  7. What were some of the effects of 9/11? • For 9/11 survivors, post-traumatic stress symptoms are the most common health effect. • Respiratory problems like asthma and lung inflammation also developed at abnormal rates. • This event helped us become aware of how important it is to take care of each other. It created a sense of community.

  8. Where is all the debris from the world trade center now? Cleanup workers trucked most of the building materials and debris from Ground Zero to Fresh Kills Landfill in Staten Island.

  9. Fact: In February 2005, three years after the attack, the New York City Medical Examiner's office ended its process of identifying human remains at the site. Question: Why did it take 3 years?

  10. Why did people jump? • People jumped because they lost hope that rescue would come. The fire was burning behind them (Sometimes as hot as 1500 degrees). • When given the choice to burn to death, or take your own life.. many would choose take their own life

  11. How many people were found alive in the rubble? • On the day following the attacks, 11 people were rescued from the rubble, including six firefighters and three police officers. • One woman was rescued from the rubble, near where a West Side Highway pedestrian bridge had been. • Two Port Authority police officers, John McLoughlin and Will Jimeno, were also rescued. • Discovered by former U.S. Marines Jason Thomas and Dave Karnes, McLoughlin and Jimeno were pulled out alive after spending nearly 24 hours beneath 30 feet of rubble.

  12. How much did this all cost? • Estimated total costs, as of October 3, 2001, • $5 billion for debris removal • $14 billion for reconstruction • $3 billion in overtime payments to uniformed workers • $1 billion for replacement of destroyed vehicles and equipment(one Fire Department accident response vehicle costs $400,000)

  13. fact: When the Towers collapsed they fell nearly ¼ of a mile to earth, and reached a speed of 120 miles per hour.

  14. fact  1,588 (58%) were forensically identified from recovered physical remains.  Of the 2,749 people who died, 2,117 (77%) were males and 632 (23%) were females.  Sirius, one of the first bomb-sniffing K-9 dogs stationed near the World Trade Center after the 1993 terrorist bombing, died in the Sept. 11 attacks.

  15. Famous people who survived http://listverse.com/2011/12/12/10-famous-people-who-avoided-death-on-911/

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