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Learn about normal and abnormal motility patterns in the intestine, including peristalsis and segmentation. Explore the role of reflexes and muscle activity in digestion, with a focus on colonic motility and defecation. Contact Dr. Jack Grider for more information.

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Presentation Transcript

  1. GUT PHYSIOLOGY Motility-II Dr. Jack Grider Rm 12-004 Sanger Hall 828-1853 jgrider@vcu.edu 2009

  2. Motility: Intestine Three types of normal motility patterns in intestine Peristalsis Segmentation

  3. Motility: Intestine Two types of abnormal motility patterns in intestine

  4. Motility: Intestine Two types of motility patterns predominate in the postprandial intestine: peristalsis (- - -) and segmentation (▼)

  5. Motility: Intestinal Peristalsis

  6. Motility: Intestinal Peristalsis Peristalsis is a 2-component short arc reflex

  7. (Extrinsic Afferent) / /Tk/NPY Distension (IPAN) mucosa Chemical & mechanical stimulation Motility: Intestinal Peristalsis GABA/GRP GABA/GRP CGRP Primary afferent orad caudad

  8. Motility: Intestinal Segmentation

  9. Motility: Intestinal Segmentation

  10. Motility: Intestinal Segmentation

  11. Motility: Intestine Interdigestive Motility Phase PhaseII Phase III Phase I Myoelectrical Activity Contractile Activity

  12. Motility: Intestine

  13. Motility: Intestine The simple motility patterns governed by short arc reflexes and electrical activity are further modified by Long Arc Reflexes such as the Intestino-Intestinal reflex. There are many others.

  14. Motility: Intestine

  15. Motility:Colon

  16. Motility: Colon Mass Movement Or Giant Contractions Mixing Movements Peristaltic & Antiperistaltic

  17. Motility:Defecation Reflex

  18. Motility: Defecation Extracolonic muscles play an important role in defecation

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