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The Relational Data Model

Understand the basics of the relational data model, including relations, tuples, attributes, domains, and schemas. Learn about the characteristics, constraints, and importance of keys in organizing database information effectively.

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The Relational Data Model

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  1. The Relational Data Model David J. Stucki

  2. Relational Model Concepts • Fundamental concept: the relation • The Relational Model represents an entire database as a collection of relations • Idea of a relation: A table of values • Each row is some collection of facts about an entity • Each column is a single attribute about the entities in the table

  3. Relational Model Concepts • Tuple – one row of a relation • Attribute – one column of a relation • Relation – the whole table • Domain of an Attribute – all the values that attribute can have

  4. Domain • All the possible values an attribute can take • Atomic • Remember your mathematics? • Example domains: • US Phone Numbers: the set of all 10-digit phone numbers • Local Phone Numbers: the set of all 7-digit phone numbers • Social Security Numbers: the set of all 9-digit numbers • Names: the set of all possible names • GPAs: the set of all possible values between 0.0 and 4.0 • Data type: a format for a domain • US Phone Numbers: (ddd)ddd-dddd • GPAs: any real-valued number

  5. Relation Schema • Denoted by R(A1, A2, ...,An) • Consists of a relation name and a list of attributes • Description of what the relation should contain • STUDENT relation: • STUDENT(Name, SSN, Address, GPA) • Can also include data type: • STUDENT(Name:String, SSN:Social_Security_Nums, Address: String, GPA: Real) • Degree (or arity) of a relation • Number of attributes n of its relation schema

  6. Relation • A particular set of tuples for a given relation schema (also known as a relation state) • Set of n-tuplesr = {t1, t2, ..., tm} • The “state” of the relation is its current configuration (i.e. current contents) • Each tuplein the set is an ordered list of values • Each element of the tuple corresponds to a particular attribute for the relation

  7. Characteristics of Relations • Ordering of tuples • Relation is a set • Sets have no order • Relation is not sensitive to ordering of tuples • Uniqueness of tuples • No duplicate tuples in a relation! • Unknown values • NULL value – used when value can’t be known or does not exist • Interpretation • Relation is an assertion of facts • Each tuple can be thought of as a fact about the world • Or as a predicate in first order logic

  8. Characteristics of Relations • Order of attributes and values is not that important • As long as correspondence between attributes and values maintained • Alternative definition of a relation • Tuple considered as a set of (<attribute>, <value>) pairs • Each pair gives the value of the mapping from an attribute Ai to a value vi from dom(Ai) • Use the first definition of relation • Attributes and the values within tuples are ordered • Simpler notation • But alternative has application in later formalisms

  9. Characteristics of Relations • Values in tuples • Each value in a tuple is atomic • Flat relational model • Composite and multivalued attributes not allowed • First normal form assumption • Multivalued attributes • Must be represented by separate relations • Composite attributes • Represented only by simple component attributes in basic relational model

  10. Relational Model Constraints • A constraint is a restriction on the values in a database state • Implicit constraints (model-based constraints) • Inherent in the data model itself • E.g. no duplicate tuples in a relation • Explicit constraints (schema-based constraints) • Can be explicitly enforced/expressed in the schema • Application-based constraints (business rules) • Derived from miniworld represented by database • Cannot be explicitly enforced by the schema • Must be enforced by application programs themselves

  11. Schema-based constraints • Domain constraints • Data type constraint • Each attribute in a tuple may only take on a value from the domain of that attribute

  12. Schema-based constraints • Key constraints • Remember – each tuple in a relation must be unique • No duplicate tuples! • This means that no two tuples have the same combination of attributes for all of their attributes • Usually there is a subset of attributes that control uniqueness • We call this subset a superkey • Definition: Let SK be a subset of attributes of the relation R that form a superkey. Then for any two distinct tuples t1 and t2 in a relation state r of R: t1[SK] != t2[SK]

  13. Schema-based constraints • Superkeys can have redundant attributes • Ex: {First Name, Last Name, SSN} could be a superkey • Don’t really need First Name and Last Name to be unique – SSN is guaranteed to be unique • keys • A key is a minimal superkey • Remove one attribute from a key and it is no longer a superkey! • A key is always a superkey, but not all superkeys are keys • There can be more than one key in a relation • Ex: {SSN} {Student ID} • Common to identify one of these keys as as a primary key • Primary key uniquely identifies tuples in a relation to other relations and outside applications

  14. Schema-based constraints • Constraints can apply not just to single relations • We need to be able to talk about constraints that cross relations • More Terminology! • Relational Database Schema • Set of relation schemas S = {R1, R2, ..., Rm} • Set of integrity constraints IC • Relational Database State • Set of relation states for a relational database such that all integrity constraints are satisfied • Invalid state – state that violates an integrity constraint

  15. Schema-based constraints • Entity integrity constraint • No primary key can have a NULL value • Remember – primary key uniquely identifies a tuple! • Referential integrity constraint • Specified between two relations • A tuple in one relation that refers to a tuple in a second relation MUST refer to an existing tuple • You can’t put in “placeholder” references – every reference must be resolvable when you make the reference • Uses the concept of a foreign key

  16. Schema-based constraints • Where do referential integrity constraints come from? • Connections in the data

  17. Other constraints • Semantic integrity constraints • Constraints that come from outside the basic relationships between tuples • “Business rules” • “no employee can have a salary larger than their supervisor” • “no employee can log more than 60 hours of time in a week” • Usually modeled at the application level, but sometimes can be modeled in the database • “Triggers” – “when event X occurs perform action Y” • “Assertions” – “make sure that no matter what action X does, condition Y is always true”

  18. Operations • The relational model has two types of operations: • Retrievals • Getting information out of the database • Updates • Adding/changing information in the database • Different kinds of updates: • INSERT • Add new tuple to a relation • DELETE • Remove a tuple from a relation • UPDATE • Change an attribute value in a tuple in a relation

  19. Updates & Constraints • The DBMS must make sure that updates are not allowed to violate integrity constraints • Check to make sure that attributes in an INSERT do not violate constraints • DELETE can cause referential constraint violations • Removing a tuple being referred to by another tuple • UPDATE can cause referential constraint violations • Changing a primary key can cause all sorts of referential problems for any tuple referring to the updated tuple • Changing a foreign key can only happen if the tuple the foreign key refers to already exists

  20. ER-Relational Mapping

  21. ER-Model to Relational Model • Once we have our ER-Model, we use it to come up with our Relational model • Must map elements of ER-model to elements of relational model • Entities, Relationships, Attributes, etc. must become Relations, Attributes, etc.

  22. Strong Entity Types • Each strong entity type in an ER model becomes a relation • Entity type E -> Relation R • Simple attributes of E become attributes of R • Include only the component attributes of a composite attribute • Choose one key of E to become the primary key of R Fname M Lname EMPLOYEE Ssn Name Address EMPLOYEE

  23. Weak Entity Types • Each weak entity type becomes a relation • Weak entity W owned by entity E • Entity E -> Relation R1 • Entity W -> Relation R2 • All simple attributes of W become attributes in R2 • Include as a foreign key the primary key attribute of R1 • Primary key of R2 will be that foreign key, plus the partial key of W 1 EMPLOYEE EMPLOYEE Dependents_of N Sex DEPENDENT DEPENDENT Bdate Name Relationship

  24. Binary 1:1 Relationships • Three approaches: • Foreign Key Approach • Merged relation Approach • Cross-reference Approach • Should use “Foreign key approach” unless there is good reason not to

  25. Binary 1:1 Relationships • Foreign key approach • Two entities in the relationship – E1 and E2 • Generate two relations R1 and R2 associated with E1 and E2 • Include in R1 a foreign key pointing at the primary key of R2 • R1 should be an entity with Total Participation if possible EMPLOYEE DEPARTMENT

  26. Binary 1:1 relationships • Merged relation approach • If both entities have TOTAL participation in the relationship, you can merge them into a single entity • Each table would have an exact one-to-one correspondence between rows, so they’re essentially the same entity • Cross-reference approach • Set up a third relation as a “lookup table” for the relationship • Required for many-to-many relationships

  27. Binary 1:N Relationships • Use the foreign key approach • Identify which relation represents the entity on “many” side of the relationship • Give that relation a foreign key pointing at the primary key on the “one” side of the relationship • Or use cross-reference EMPLOYEE DEPARTMENT

  28. Binary M:N Relationships • Cross-reference approach • For Entities E1 and E2 connected by Relationship R • Create a new relation for R • Include as attributes foreign keys pointing at the primary keys of E1 and E2 – combination will be the primary key • Include any attributes tied to R • Think of this as a “lookup table” EMPLOYEE WORKS_ON PROJECT

  29. Multivalued Attributes • Each multi-valued attribute A in the entity E1 gets its own relation • Relation includes the attribute A and a foreign key pointing at the primary key of the relation associated with E1 • Primary key of the new relation is a combination of A and the foreign key DEPARTMENT DEPT_LOCATIONS

  30. N-ary Relationships • N-ary relationships modeled using cross-reference approach • Each n-ary relationship is made into a new relation • Attributes of this relation include foreign keys pointing at the primary keys of all the participating entity relations • Include all simple attributes as well • Primary key is usually a combination of all foreign keys • Be careful – cardinality constraints may mean that we need to leave some of these out

  31. Summary of ER-to-Relational mapping

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