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Welcome to Concealed Carry for Women

Welcome to Concealed Carry for Women. Principles of Concealment. Aspects of gun selection Aspects of holster selection Aspects of clothing selection Wearing of concealment holsters Aspects of holster purse or fanny pack selection Testing the handgun carry device. Selecting A Carry Firearm.

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Welcome to Concealed Carry for Women

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  1. Welcome to Concealed Carry for Women

  2. Principles of Concealment • Aspects of gun selection • Aspects of holster selection • Aspects of clothing selection • Wearing of concealment holsters • Aspects of holster purse or fanny pack selection • Testing the handgun carry device

  3. Selecting A Carry Firearm • Does Size Matter? • YES! It is the #1 factor affecting choice of carry gun • Smaller guns are easier to conceal, but harder to shoot • Bigger guns are easier to shoot and more effective, but harder to conceal • Find your balance • Power • Largest That You Can Comfortably & Accurately Shoot With Control • Minimum of .38 Or 9mm – (but not absolute) • If you can’t shoot it - DON’T CARRY IT – it’s not jewelry! • Fit=comfort=accuracy • Finger Comfortably Reach Trigger • Grip Size • Recoil • The ideal pistol is the one you have with you when you need it

  4. Concealed Carry Requirements • What factors should be considered when choosing a handgun carry device? • Concealment • Access • Retention • Comfort • Other factors (lesser importance) • Durability • Speed • Size • Weight • Appearance • Resistance to moisture

  5. Women’s Choices • If you're new to the shooting world, and have decided to purchase a handgun for self defense, you'll need to do your own research — because the guy behind the gun counter won't do it for you! • Men and Women are different! • Wardrobe matters • Body shape matters • Physical size and strength matter See more at: http://www.safetysolutionsacademy.com/best-concealed-carry-handgun-for-women/#sthash.ARlWNLls.dpuf http://www.thewellarmedwoman.com/women-and-guns/concealed-carry/concealed-carry-for-women

  6. Carrying a Concealed Handgun • Once you have made the decision to carry a gun and understand the laws in your state, there is one thing that is not an option and that is carrying a gun un-holstered. • Whether you carry in your pocket, in a purse or in your belt, your firearm must be holstered and the trigger covered at all times. • Carrying a concealed gun carries the great responsibility of being safe and fully trained how to use it. • If you are not prepared to commit to these things, than you are not ready for the responsibility of gun ownership.

  7. Holsters Types • Shoulder holsters • Strong-side hip holsters • Cross-draw holsters • Ankle holsters • Small-of-the-back holsters • Pocket Carry • Holster Purses • Fanny Packs • Others • Accessories

  8. Shoulder Holsters • Strengths • Concealment • Access • Comfort • Limitations • May point in a unsafe direction • Retention • Must have concealing garment

  9. Strong-Side Hip Holsters • What are the types of strong-side hip holsters? • Strengths • Safe direction when presenting the gun • Fastest draw • Retention • Limitations • Must wear something to conceal the gun • Access when seated

  10. Crossdraw Holsters • Strengths • Access to the gun • Comfort • Limitations • Safe direction • Retention

  11. Ankle Holsters • Strengths • Concealment • Limitations • Accessing the gun • Safe direction • Uncomfortable

  12. Small-of–the-Back Holsters • Strengths • Concealment from front view • Limitations • Safe direction when presenting the gun • Retention • Comfort • Possible Injury in Fall

  13. Pocket Carry • Strengths • Concealment • Convenience • Inexpensive • Limitations • Small gun • Tight cloth will “print”

  14. Holster Purses • Strengths • Concealment • Access • Comfort • Limitations • Safe direction when presenting the gun • Retention

  15. Purse Features • Dedicated Gun Pocket • Top draw • Fastest and direct access • Safest presentation • Zipper, not velcro • Quiet • lockable • Cross shoulder strap for security/retention • (purse: www.ladiesprotection.com)

  16. Drawing from a purse • Purse on strong side for strong side draw - prevents sweeping yourself during draw, don’t have to rotate muzzle to target • best to have zipper open and hand on gun at first sign of trouble, or when scanning for trouble - think about cover! • Firm grip before drawing • Reholstering

  17. Factors affecting women’s holsters • Short waist • hourglass figure - muzzle digs into hip, grip pokes into ribs

  18. Dropped (lowered) holster • Offset (held away) from waist • Cant (angle) off the vertical

  19. Places to go for Women’s Holsters • http://www.gungoddess.com/on-body-carry/ • http://www.thewellarmedwoman.com/ccw-purses • http://concealedcarryholstersforwomen.com/

  20. Other Concealed Carry Options

  21. Other Concealed Carry Options

  22. Other Concealed Carry Options

  23. CCW License Procedure • May be required to take a class, NRA, military, security guard, police training, etc • Go to the Circuit court of your residence. Ask the Clerk of the Court for a "Concealed Weapon Permit Application." • Fill out the application form and bring • Driver's license • DD-214 (if prior military) • Proof of training • While the speed that each jurisdiction processes the permit application differs, by state law the permit must be issued or denied within 45 days of application. • Cost $50 for 5 years

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