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Best Knee hospital in Ahmedabad, Gujarat | Parekhs Hospital

Get Best Knee Pain solutions in Ahmedabad at Parekhs Hospital. Our specialized approach ensures your well-being and comfort.

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Best Knee hospital in Ahmedabad, Gujarat | Parekhs Hospital

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  1. AreYouReadytoDitchKneePain? ExploretheBestKnee OrthopedicSurgeonin Ahmedabad Struggling withkneepain?Connect withbest kneehospitalin Ahmedabad offers comprehensive knee pain solutions with our teamof highlyqualifiedkneeorthopaedicsurgeons. BookNow 24/7Availability We'rehereforyou,Anytime 24/7Availability We'rehereforyou,Anytime 24/7Availability We'rehereforyou,Anytime ShortStoryofParekhs Hospital From a 6-bed clinic in 1967, Parekhs Hospital has grown into a50+bed modernfacilitywithrenownedspecialists. Dr Dimple Parekh’s expertise in knee treatments has made thema leaderinrobotic surgery. 3,500+ OPDperYear 2,500+ OperationsperYear 50k+ TotalSurgeries 55+ YearsofExperience Services OurValuableServices TotalorPartialKnee Replacement Our experts help you choose the right option for lasting pain relief and restored mobility. AccurateKneePain Diagnosis We utilize advanced diagnostic techniques,whichensures you receivethe most effective treatment plan. PatientEducationand Support We believe in empowering our patients. We'll provide educational resources and ongoing support to help you manage your knee pain effectively. WHYCHOOSEUS? We Are a group of leading knee pain doctors serving patientsworldwide EMERGENCYSERVICES24/7 When emergencies strike, fear can take hold. At Parekhs Hospital, weunderstand. That’swhyweoffer24/7 EmergencyCare, with both the expertise to handle any situation and the compassion to see youthrough.You’renever alone –we’re here for you,every hour. Worldclass Surgeons 24/7Availability EasyPayment Methods Online Consultation Phone +917572910011 Mailus info@parekhshospital.com BookNow Aboutus ParekhsHospitalYourPartnerin HealingforOver50Years ParekhsHospitalis amultispecialtytertiarycare hospitallocatedin Ahmedabad, India. We’ve been a trusted healthcare provider for over 50 years, offering apatient-centric approachwithcutting-edge facilitiesand ateam of highlyqualifiedmedicalprofessionals. KneePainTreatment AdvancedRobotic Technology ComprehensiveCare 5,000+Surgeries Annually BookNow —-OurTeam—- OurDedicatedDoctors Dr.NehilShah SeniorTraumaSurgeon Dr.DimpleParekh Director-Knee,Hip&Joint ReplacementSurgery Dr.KetuParekh HeadofURO&GastroSurgery Dr.Ramesh HeadofGeneralSurge Testimonials Whatdocustomerssayaboutus? Iwas hesitant aboutsurgery, butParekhHospital’s team putme atease. Therobotic-assistedhipreplacementwasasuccess, andrehab program helped meregain my mobility. DiyaSharma From theinitialconsultationto mypost-operative care, thestaff at ParekhHospitalimpressedme withtheirexpertise and genuinecare. RajPatel LOOKINGFORACERTIFIEDDOCTOR? Appointment Name PhoneNumber DavidJohn (123)456-789 MedicalRecordNumber 123456-7890-0987 PreferredDate August24,2023 PreferredTime 3:30 ReasonforVisit RoutineCheckupNewPatientVisitSpecificConcern Submit +917572910011 132FeetRingRoad,ShyamalCrossRoad, Satellite,Jodhpur, Ahmedabad,Gujarat380015 info@parekhhospital.com ©Parekhs Hospital 2024 |AllRights Reserved

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