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Grammatical inference: an introduction. Colin de la Higuera University of Nantes. Nantes. @ wikipedia. Acknowledgements.
Grammatical inference: an introduction Colin de la Higuera University of Nantes
Nantes @wikipedia
Acknowledgements • Pieter Adriaans, Hasan IbneAkram, Anne-Muriel Arigon, Leo Becerra-Bonache, Cristina Bibire, Alex Clark, Rafael Carrasco, Paco Casacuberta, Pierre Dupont, Rémi Eyraud, Philippe Ezequel, Henning Fernau, Jeffrey Heinz, Jean-Christophe Janodet, Satoshi Kobayachi, Laurent Miclet, Thierry Murgue, Tim Oates, Jose Oncina, Frédéric Tantini, Franck Thollard, SiccoVerwer, Enrique Vidal, Menno van Zaanen,... http://pagesperso.lina.univ-nantes.fr/~cdlh/ http://videolectures.net/colin_de_la_higuera/
Practical information • Grammatical Inferenceis module X9IT050 • 18 hours • http://pagesperso.lina.univ-nantes.fr/~cdlh/X9IT050.html • Exam: to bedecided
Someuseful links • The Grammatical Inference Software Repository https://logiciels.lina.univ-nantes.fr/redmine/projects/gisr/wiki • Talks on http://videolectures.net • A book • Articles • Start here: http://pagesperso.lina.univ-nantes.fr/~cdlh/X9IT050.html
What I plan to talk about • 11/9/2013 An introduction to grammatical inference. About what learning a language means, how we can measure success • 18/9/2013 An introduction to grammatical inference. A motivating example • 25/9/2013 Learning: identifying or approximating? • 2/10/2013 Learning from text • 9/10/2013 Learning from text: the window languages • 16/10/2013 Learning from an informant: the RPNI algorithm and variants • 23/10/2013 Learning distributions: why? How should we measure success? About distances between distributions • 6/11/2013 Learning distributions: learning the weights given a structure. EM, Gibbs sampling and the spectral methods • 13/11/2013 Learning distributions: state merging techniques • 20/11/2013 Active learning 1 About active learning • 27/11/2013 Active learning 2 The MAT algorithm • 4/12/2013 Learning transducers • 11/12/2013 Learning probabilistic transducers • 18/12/2013 Exam
Outline (of this first talk) • What is grammatical inference about? • Why is it a difficult task? • Why is it a useful task? • Validation issues • Some criteria
1 Grammatical inference is about learning a grammar given information about a language • Information is strings, trees or graphs • Information can be (typically) • Text: only positive information • Informant: labelled data • Actively sought (query learning, teaching) Above lists are not limitative
The functions/goals • Languages and grammars from the Chomsky hierarchy • Probabilistic automata and context-free grammars • Hidden Markov Models • Patterns • Transducers
The Chomsky hierarchy Recursivelyenumerablelanguages Context sensitive languages Regular languages Context-free languages
The Chomsky hierarchyrevisited • Regular languages • Recognized by DFA, NFA • Generated by regulargrammars • Described by regular expressions • Context-free languages • Generated by CF grammars • Recognized by Stackautomata • Context-sensitive languages • CS grammars (parsingis not in P) • Turing machines • Parsingisundecidable
Otherformalisms • Topologicalformalisms • Semilinearlanguages • Hyperplanes • Balls of strings
Distributions of strings • A probabilisticautomatondefines a distribution over the strings
Fuzzyautomata • An automatonwillsaythat string w belongs to the languagewithprobability p • The differencewith the probabilisticautomataisthat • The total sum of probabilitiesmaybedifferentthan 1 (mayevenbeinfinite) • The fuzzyautomatoncannotbeused as a generator of strings
The data: examples of strings A string in Gaelic and its translation to English: • Tha thu cho duaichnidh ri èarr àirde de a’ coisich deas damh • You are as ugly as the north end of a southward traveling ox
http://www.flickr.com/photos/popfossa/3992549630/ • Time series pose the problem of the alphabet: • An infinite alphabet? • Discretizing? • An ordered alphabet
GIORGIO BERNARDI, REGINA GOURSOT, EDDA RAYKO, RENÉ GOURSOT, BAYA CHERIF-ZAHAR, AND ROBERTA MELIS http://www.scopenvironment.org/downloadpubs/scope44/chapter05.html
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And also • Business processes • Bird songs • Images (contours and shapes) • Robot moves • Web services • Malware • …
2 What does learning mean? • Suppose we write a program that can learn grammars… are we done? • A first question is: « why bother? » • If my programme works, why do something more about it? • Why should we do something when other researchers in Machine Learning are not?
Motivating reflection #1 • Is 17 a random number? • Is 0110110110110101011000111101 a random sequence? (Is grammar G the correct grammar for a given sample S?)
Motivating reflection #2 • In the case of languages, learning is an ongoing process • Is there a moment where we can say we have learnt a language?
Motivating reflection #3 • Statement “I have learnt” does not make sense • Statement “I am learning” makes sense • At least when learning over infinite spaces
What usually is called “having learnt” • That the grammar / automaton is the smallest, best (re a score) Combinatorial characterisation • That some optimisation problem has been solved • That the “learning” algorithm has converged (EM)
What is not said • That having solved some complex combinatorial question we have an Occam, Compression, MDL, Kolmogorov complexity like argument which gives us some guarantee with respect to the future • Computational learning theory has got such results
Why should we bother and those working in statistical machine learning not? • Whether with numerical functions or with symbolic functions, we are all trying to do some sort of optimisation • The difference is (perhaps) that numerical optimisation works much better than combinatorial optimisation! • [they actually do bother, only differently]