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Howick Pakuranga Principals’ Association. Pastoral Care Initiative A 2005 HPPA Working Action Group Development NZPF Moot – March 24 2006. Howick Pakuranga Cluster Based in the Howick area of east Auckland
Howick Pakuranga Principals’ Association Pastoral Care Initiative A 2005 HPPA Working Action Group Development NZPF Moot – March 24 2006
Howick Pakuranga Cluster • Based in the Howick area of east Auckland • Includes Dannemora, one the Auckland ‘high growth corridors’ which has five new primary schools, one new intermediate, three new secondaries and seven more schools yet to be built • Five large secondary schools which are active Association members
Membership • Large and growing group of forty schools, two thirds of which are Decile 10 and with an average size of 400-600+ students. • Remaining primary schools range from Decile 5-9 and are similar in size. • Four of the Secondary Schools have rolls between 2000-2500 students.
Factors leading to the Pastoral Care Focus • Concerns about HPPA membership, group size, strategic direction raised at the 2004 Annual Meeting by some senior principals. • These Principals wrote a paper on the future direction of the association, membership, geographical area, collegiality, PD, pastoral care, fellowship, leadership and principal support. • A membership working party was formed tasked with investigating the current organisation and reporting back to the 2005 Annual Meeting.
Membership Working Group Scope The committee was to survey members about the main issues. The Working Committee’s intent was to be honest and deep reaching with a commitment to implement the desired outcomes of all members The three main concerns were: 1.The continued growth of HPPA 2.Eligibility of secondary DP’s as office holders in HPPA • Overall concept of school leadership within HPPA
HPPA member survey coverage 1. Mission and purpose • Leadership and support • Communication • Organisation of events • Degree of satisfaction of current cluster size • Membership definition • Restricted to Principals only? • Inclusive of Secondary DP office holders? • Mixed school leadership organisation? 4.School or individual membership?
Initial Working Party Findings The following points emerged: • There was no Mission Statement that defined who or what our organisation was or where it might be going • The involvement of our secondary colleagues was unique and highly valued • There was no equitable way to divide the association and balance decile groupings, school size and type, • ‘Winner and loser’ schools may have resulted and members clearly didn’t want this • Leadership, professional development and support for principals was seen as paramount • Pastoral care of Principals was strongly advocated!
Sub Committee Draft Recommendations • No change to HPPA membership or organisation is necessary • Current geographical boundaries to remain as they are. • Affirmation of secondary schools as members and the right of their DP’s to be elected office holders • There is a clear need to closely examine the pastoral care function of HPPA • New HPPA Mission Statement to be adopted: “The HPPA exists to inspire leadership, provide support and facilitate communication between its members”
Recommendations • Immediately form a pastoral care sub committee of three to recognise and value the importance of Principals’ Hauora. • Annually elect an office holder to chair the Pastoral sub Committee • Annual budget of $5k to meet Hauora needs. • Encourage the continuation and formation of informal small group clusters to look out for each other collegially • Encourage all members to be inclusive both professionally and personally so all principals feel welcome at all levels. • Ensure all new HPPA Principals are greeted, welcomed and supported • Ensure our retiring members are treated with the dignity they deserve and invite them to the AGM and annual end of year luncheon.
Examples of Hauora Assistance • Home care vouchers for commercial house cleaning provided to a colleague when his wife was seriously ill with cancer treatment over a four month period • Petrol vouchers to allow colleagues to transport a fellow principal into hospital for treatment over a six week period • Offer of provision of professional counselling for a colleague facing a possible nervous breakdown • Flowers, fruit, visits, gifts, treats and meals to help lift the spirits of principals suffering as a result of family or personal misfortune.
Pastoral care Committee Guidelines HPPA Role Description - Pastoral Care for Principals 1. Welcome Principals new to the area and set up a buddy system 2. Set up systems for school staff (secretary/exec officer) to notify HPPA Pastoral Care Committee if there is a concern about a Principal's health or stress levels so support can be offered in a confidential way. 3. Provide or arrange support for principals who are unwell or who are under stress. 4. Offer to provide support or set up support for AP's and DP's when a principal is on leave due to Sabbatical, Illness, and fellowship.... 5. Ensure fitting farewells are organised for Principals who are retiring and/ or leaving the area. 6. Keep in contact with retired HPPA Principals to provide support if/when necessary and to include them in special occasions. 7. Notify Secretary of Education (Howard Fancy or replacement) of any long standing Principals leaving so appropriate thanks can be given by MOE.
Actions to ensure implementation: • 1. Welcoming Principals New to the HPPA Area. • All BOTs to notify the HPPA pastoral care committee as soon as an appointment is made and provide contact details and start date. A member of the pastoral care committee will send a welcome letter with details of nearest principals, HPPA meeting dates and venues and contact details of pastoral care committee members. • 2. Concerns about a Principal's Welfare/ Health/ Stress Levels • All secretaries/ exec officers, DP's AP's given contact details and role descriptions for pastoral care committee and encourage them to contact us in the early stages of concern. Pastoral care committee will maintain confidentiality if requested while still providing or arranging support. • 3. Provide or Arrange Support for Principals who are Unwell or Under Stress • Keep in touch with principals we are concerned about so they do not feel "alone" • 4. Provide Support to Associate, Deputy and Assistant Principals if /When Principal is Away on Extended Leave • Member of pastoral care committee to ensure AP, DP or Assoc Principals have details of local principals and pastoral care committee members to call upon if/when help, advice or guidance is needed. Local principals also encouraged to "keep in touch". • 5. Fitting Farewells for Principals • Develop an HPPA farewell protocol so that any principal is fittingly farewelled - particularly important for long standing members of HPPA and for those who have contributed to the association. • 6. Support For and Socialisation With Retired HPPA Members • Compile a register of retired HPPA members. Contact details for the pastoral care committee forwarded to these people with a request that they be shared with family. Request that families keep HPPA informed via pastoral care committee or trusted colleague who will than notify the pastoral care committee of circumstances where we can provide support. Using the register, past HPPA principals invited to be invited to relevant social occasions. • 7. Retirement • Pastoral care committee to notify MOE/Secretary of Education (Howard Fancy or replacement) of the retirement of long standing HPPA principals and request a letter of acknowledgement from MOE. • Note: Pastoral Care team members do not: - Presume to know what is best for others and see themselves as a co-ordination and communication team who will liaise with colleagues in our care for each other. - We need to draft up some forms and or formats to make things as easy as possible.