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Advance Your Students with A+dvancer. A+dvancer. Presented by: Kathie Montognese Director of Testing Services Hennepin Technical College MnSCU Accuplacer Institutional Administrator Minnesota College and University System. By Kathie Montognese. NCTA 2009 Conference San Antonio, TX

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  1. Advance Your Students with A+dvancer A+dvancer Presented by: Kathie Montognese Director of Testing Services Hennepin Technical College MnSCU Accuplacer Institutional Administrator Minnesota College and University System By Kathie Montognese NCTA 2009 Conference San Antonio, TX August 2009

  2. Session Overview • Course placement- why we do what we do • Many students are underprepared for college • Accurate placement improves retention and student success • Overview of Hennepin Technical College • Challenges and concerns • How can we help students and improve retention? • Overview of A+dvancer • Partnering with High Schools and ABE Centers

  3. Challenges of Remediating Underprepared Students • Country is undergoing profound economic and demographic changes • Creates a demand for workers with post- secondary training • Employers are looking for employees that are cross-trained • Do more with less • Budget cuts in education • Less $$ coming in, while more $$ needed to help students with multiple barriers • Well educated Baby Boomers are retiring and being replaced by the ID generation

  4. National Statistics Diploma to Nowhere, Sept 2008 • More than a third of all students enroll in remedial courses • Percent of students receiving remediation (2004) • All students 34% • Institution type • Two-year public college 43% • Four-year public college 29% Bridging the Gap, Jan 2009 • Nearly a third of all incoming freshman enroll in remedial courses • Institution type • Two-year public colleges 42% of first year students • Four-year public college 27% of first year students • Remedial courses offered at 99% of public 2 year colleges and 75% of public 4 year institutions

  5. MN Statistics: Getting Prepared, March 2008 Minnesota Public High School Graduates who Enrolled in Minnesota Public Higher Education and took Developmental Courses within Two Years of Graduation: *Percentages do not add to 38% (the total) due to rounding of numbers. Sources: U of M, Office of Institutional Research and Reporting, and MnSCU Research and Planning

  6. Largest Technical College in Minnesota Serving over 12,000 students on 2 campuses and Customized Training Average Age: 27 Majors offered 44 (A.S., A.A.S., Diplomas, Certificates) Enrollment Status: Part Time 68% Full Time 32% Gender: Male 53% Female 47% Ethnic Background: Caucasian 65% African American 15% Asian 6% Hispanic 2% American Indian 1% Not Declared 11% Hennepin Technical CollegeAt a Glance

  7. Challenges and Concerns Challenges: Many students arrive at our doors only to find they are underprepared to begin college-level coursework In 2008-2009, 59% of students placed into a developmental course in one of the three basic skills areas Concerns: Statistics show that students who begin in developmental classes are less likely to persist and graduate According to the Alliance for Excellent Education (2006), the U.S. spends $1.4 billion to provide remedial classes at colleges for students who recently completed high school

  8. What can we do? Look for ways to Improve Retention • Fall of 2006, Hennepin Technical College Testing Center obtained initiative funding to purchase A+dvancer, online tutorial of basic skills • Initially used two ways: • Study before initial course placement testing • Prior to retesting

  9. A+dvancer Pilot Pilot results were very encouraging Math Of new students who used A+dvancer and retested with ACCUPLACER, 54.5% improved their placements in math Average improvement in Arith was 21 points Average improvement in Algebra was 15.8 points Reading Of new students who used A+dvancer and retested with ACCUPLACER, 38% improved their placements in reading Average improvement in Reading was 6.1 points Overall 70% of students who used A+dvancer prior to retesting went up one to two courses

  10. Title

  11. Expanded the Use of A+dvancer LRC with tutors, can work with more students Developmental instructors in classroom ABE working with adults transitioning to college College Readiness High School Testing Program Work Force Development, Fast Track Training

  12. Work Force Development: M-Powered Project M-Powered is a fast track training program in manufacturing: metalstamping/sheet metal fabrication, welding and machining/CNC operation The focus of M-Powered is low-income, unemployed and dislocated workers. Program is 12 weeks of “fast track” classroom training Assessment testing showed 75% of participants did not have the necessary basic arithmetic skills needed to be successful in this fast paced training Students with arith test scores below 46 on Accuplacer were required to complete the A+dvancer arith coursework 73% of students who completed A+dvancer coursework passed the final exam Advisory Board has recommended that A+dvancer be included in the M-Powered program

  13. College Readiness High School Testing Program TOUR:Hennepin Technical College for career exploration, “What programs are available to me?” TEST: Take ACCUPLACER Placement Test at High School, proctored by college testing staff TALK: Receive individualized test interpretation with HTC counselors/testing staff at HS, parent evenings TARGET: An area for improvement, sign up for A+dvancer Working on a system to track student progression from high school to college

  14. Sample of Results and Recommendations from Testing at a High School

  15. Ascension High School Project • Inner city charter high school • 91%, 1st generation college students • A+dvancer for 6 weeks, 2 hrs/week with instructor • 26 Seniors • 3 Reading Comp • 15 Sentence Skills • 5 Arith • 2 Elm Alg • 1 Trig/CLM • 67% increased placement test score when retested

  16. A+dvancer Overview • Online tutorial to review/refresh basic skills • Read Comp, Sent Skills, Arith, Elm Alg, Coll Alg, Pre-calc/Trig • Does not replace a devcourse • www.advancerlearning.com

  17. A+dvancer Design • Students can work on it anywhere at anytime- online delivery • Provides diagnostics, “What do I need to study?” • Prescribed instructional coursework (optional) • Individualized to students specific learning needs • Refreshes basic skills needed for college success • Targets certain populations • Students wanting to review skills prior to placement testing • Students needing remediation before retesting • Enrolled students needing light academic support Not designed as a comprehensive developmental course.

  18. Required Required Required Required Optional Real Time

  19. Frequently Asked Questions

  20. WITHOUT good assessment, advising and sometimes intervention, our students will……. try and try again with the same results!

  21. Discussion and Questions Kathie Montognese Ph: 952-995-1545 (office) Email: kathie.montognese@hennepintech.edu

  22. Discussion and Questions Kathie Montognese Ph: 952-995-1545 (office) Email: kathie.montognese@hennepintech.edu

  23. Title

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