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High-Performance Computing for Reconstructing Phylogenies from Gene-Order Data

High-Performance Computing for Reconstructing Phylogenies from Gene-Order Data. David A. Bader Electrical & Computer Engineering University of New Mexico dbader@eece.unm.edu http://hpc.eece.unm.edu/. Acknowledgment of Support. National Science Foundation

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High-Performance Computing for Reconstructing Phylogenies from Gene-Order Data

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  1. High-Performance Computing forReconstructing Phylogenies fromGene-Order Data David A. Bader Electrical & Computer Engineering University of New Mexico dbader@eece.unm.edu http://hpc.eece.unm.edu/

  2. Acknowledgment of Support • National Science Foundation • CAREER: High-Performance Algorithms for Scientific Applications (00-93039) • ITR: Algorithms for Irregular Discrete Computations on SMPs (00-81404) • DEB: Ecosystem Studies: Self-Organization of Semi-Arid Landscapes: Test of Optimality Principles (99-10123) • ITR/AP: Reconstructing Complex Evolutionary Histories (01-21377) • DEB Comparative Chloroplast Genomics: Integrating Computational Methods, Molecular Evolution, and Phylogeny (01-20709) • ITR/AP(DEB): Computing Optimal Phylogenetic Trees under Genome Rearrangement Metrics (01-13095) • PACI: NCSA/Alliance, NPACI/SDSC, PSC • Sun Microsystems High-Performance for Phylogeny Reconstruction, David A. Bader

  3. Algorithms that Scale from the Blade to the Fire High-Performance for Phylogeny Reconstruction, David A. Bader

  4. Commercial Aspects of Phylogeny Reconstruction • Identification of microorganisms • public health entomology • sequence motifs for groups are patented • example: differentiating tuberculosis strains • Dynamics of microbial communities • pesticide exposure: identify and quantify microbes in soil • Vaccine development • variants of a cell wall or protein coat component • porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome virus isolates from US and Europe were separate populations • HIV studied through DNA markers • Biochemical pathways • antibacterials and herbicides Glyphosate (Roundup, Rodeo , and Pondmaster ): first herbicide targeted at a pathway not present in mammals • phylogenetic distribution of a pathway is studied by the pharmaceutical industry before a drug is developed • Pharmaceutical industry • predicting the natural ligands for cell surface receptors which are potential drug targets • a single family, G protein coupled receptors (GPCRs), contains 40% of the targets of most pharm. companies High-Performance for Phylogeny Reconstruction, David A. Bader

  5. GRAPPA: Genome Rearrangements Analysis • Genome Rearrangements Analysis under Parsimony and other Phylogenetic Algorithms • http://www.cs.unm.edu/~moret/GRAPPA/ • Open-source • already used by other computational phylogeny groups, Caprara, Pevzner, LANL, FBI, PharmCos. • Gene-order Phylogeny Reconstruction • Breakpoint Median • Inversion Median • over one-million fold speedup from previous codes • Parallelism • Scales linearly with the number of processors • Developed using Sun Forte C High-Performance for Phylogeny Reconstruction, David A. Bader

  6. Molecular Data for Phylogeny • simple DNA sequence: nucleotides • low-level functionality: amino acids, etc. • genomic level: genes • (next is functional level: proteomics, etc.) Biologists now have full gene sequences for many single-chromosome organisms and organelles (e.g., mitochondria, chloroplasts) and for more and more larger organisms High-Performance for Phylogeny Reconstruction, David A. Bader

  7. j -i i -j j+1 j+1 i -1 i -1 Gene Order Phylogeny • Many organelles appear to evolve mostly through processes that simply rearrange gene ordering (inversion, transposition) and perhaps alter gene content (duplication, loss). • Chloroplast have a single, typically circular, chromosome and appear to evolve mostly through inversion: The sequence of genes i, i+1, …, j is inverted and every gene is flipped. High-Performance for Phylogeny Reconstruction, David A. Bader

  8. Gene Order Phylogeny (cont’d) • The real problem • Reconstruct the “true” tree, identify the “true” ancestral genomes, and recover on each edge the “true” sequence of evolutionary changes • The optimization problem (parsimony) • Reconstruct a tree and ancestral genomes so as to minimize the sum, over all tree edges, of the inferred evolutionary distance along each edge • The surrogate problem • Do the optimization problem with a measure of inferred evolutionary distance that lends itself to analysis High-Performance for Phylogeny Reconstruction, David A. Bader

  9. Breakpoint Analysis:A Surrogate for Gene Order • Breakpoint: • an adjacent pair of genes present in one genome, but absent in the other • Breakpoint distance: • the total number of breakpoints between two genomes (a true metric, similar to Hamming distance) • Breakpoint phylogeny: • the tree and ancestral genomes that minimize the sum, over all edges of the tree, of the breakpoint distances Naturally, it is an NP-hard problem, even with just 3 leaves. High-Performance for Phylogeny Reconstruction, David A. Bader

  10. Breakpoint Analysis(Sankoff & Blanchette 1998) • For each tree topology do • somehow assign initial genomes to the internal nodes • repeat • for each internal node do • compute a new genome that minimizes the distances to its three neighbors • replace old genome by new if distance is reduced • until no change Sankoff & Blanchette implemented this in a C++ package (2n-5)!! = (2n-5) (2n-7) …  5  3 trees unknown iterative heuristic NP-hard High-Performance for Phylogeny Reconstruction, David A. Bader

  11. Algorithm Engineering Works! • We reimplemented everything – • the original code is too slow and not as flexible as we wanted. • Our main dataset is a collection of chloroplast data from the flowering plant family Campanulaceae (bluebells): • 13 genomes of 105 gene segments each • On our old workstation: • BPAnalysis processes 10-12 trees/minute • Our implementation processes over 50,000 trees/minute • Speedup ratio is over 5,000!! • On synthetic datasets, we see speedups from 300 to over 50,000… High-Performance for Phylogeny Reconstruction, David A. Bader

  12. So… What did we do?! * (~ 10x)* • Absolutely no high-level algorithmic changes • Three low-level algorithmic changes: • better bounding • strong upper bound initialization • “condensing” • Completely different data representation • Two low-level algorithmic changes • all memory is pre-allocated • some loops are hand-unrolled • Written in C instead of C++ ~10x ~10x ~ 6x ? (convenience) * Well, so I lied just a little bit… High-Performance for Phylogeny Reconstruction, David A. Bader

  13. One high-level algorithmic change • (Ok, so I lied a little…) • Avoid labeling the tree if possible • Use current best score as an upper bound. • Compute lower bound & prune tree away if lower bound > upper bound • Lower bound: • Get circular ordering of leaves, x1 x2 … xn • Compute D = d(x1,x2) + d(x2,x3) + … + d(xn,x1) • Then ½ D is a lower bound because • d(.) obeys the triangle inequality • every tree edge is used twice in a tree-based version of D High-Performance for Phylogeny Reconstruction, David A. Bader

  14. e e a a d d b b c c Tree Tree Tree version (paths) d(e,a) d(d,e) d(a,b) d(c,d) d(b,c) (Same trick as in the “twice around the tree” approximation for the TSP with triangle inequality.) D = d(a,b) + d(b,c) + d(c,d) + d(d,e) + d(e,a) High-Performance for Phylogeny Reconstruction, David A. Bader

  15. Algorithmic Changes (~ 10x) • Better bounding: skip edges that would cause degree 3 or premature cycle • “Condensing”: whenever the same • gene subsequence appears in all genomes, it can be condensed into a single “superfragment” • done as static processing and on the fly before each TSP • Initializing the new median with the best of the old one and its three neighbors. • Condensing is very effective on real data within families, but easily defeated by large evolutionary distances. • (1) and (3) cause over half of the TSP instances (for finding computing “median-of-three” updated internal nodes) to be pruned away instantly. High-Performance for Phylogeny Reconstruction, David A. Bader

  16. Data Representation (~ 10x) • No distance matrix for reduction of “median-of-three” to Traveling Salesperson Problem (TSP): at most 4n edges can be of interest – the others are treated as an undifferentiated pool. The adjacency lists have length  4. • thus, linear time at each step and reduced storage. • Backtracking search has a small list of edges and only searches among edges of cost 1 and 2 (– and 0 are always included) – still NP-hard, but often easy • When search runs out of edges, tour is completed in linear time from the pool of edges of cost 3 • Many auxiliary arrays (á la Fortran!) to carry information on flags, degrees, other end of chains, … High-Performance for Phylogeny Reconstruction, David A. Bader

  17. Low-Level Coding Changes (~ 6x) • All storage allocated at start, with large #s of pointers passed to subroutines (no globals, to allow parallel execution). • Avoids malloc/free overhead; Improves cache locality • Avoid recomputations. • Use local variables for intermediate pointers • Hand unroll loops on adjacencies to preserve locality (and to avoid “mod” operations with circular genomes) • Speeds up addressing – never deference! & Improves cache locality BPAnalysis uses 65MB and has a real memory footprint of ~ 12MB on our real data Our reimplementation uses 1.6MB with a footprint of 0.6MB High-Performance for Phylogeny Reconstruction, David A. Bader

  18. And… How did we do it? • 3 strategies: Profile, Profile, Profile (and use your engineering sense/nose/… ) Sun Forte 6 Analyzer • We began with 4 main culprits: • preparing adjacency lists for the TSP • computing breakpoint distances • computing lower bounds in TSP • backtracking in TSP • Over 10 – 12 major iterations, each of which yielded a 1.5 – 2 fold speed-up, these four switched places over and over. High-Performance for Phylogeny Reconstruction, David A. Bader

  19. Profiling • And our final tally (still on the Campanulaceae dataset) is: 30% backtracking (excl. LB) 20% preparing adjacency lists 20% condensing & expanding 15% computing LB 8% computing distances 7% miscellaneous overhead • (no obvious culprits left) High-Performance for Phylogeny Reconstruction, David A. Bader

  20. High-Performance Computing Techniques • Availability of hundreds of powerful processors • Standard parallel programming interfaces (Sun HPC) • Message passing interface (MPI) • OpenMP or POSIX threads • Algorithmic libraries for SMP clusters • SIMPLE • Goal: make efficient use of parallelism for • exploring candidate tree topologies • sharing of improved bounds High-Performance for Phylogeny Reconstruction, David A. Bader

  21. Parallelization of the Phylogeny Algorithm • Enumerating tree topologies is pleasantly parallel and allows multiple processors to independently search the tree space with little or no overhead • Improved bounds can be broadcast to other processors without interrupting work • Load is evenly balanced when trees are cyclically assigned (e.g. in a round-robin fashion) to the processors • Linear speedup High-Performance for Phylogeny Reconstruction, David A. Bader

  22. Final Remarks • Our reimplementation led to numerous extensions as well as to new theoretical results • GRAPPA has been extended to inversion phylogeny, with linear-time algorithms for inversion distance and a new approach to exact inversion median-of-three. • Better bounding in the next version of GRAPPA yields two more orders of magnitude speedup. • These insights and improvements are made possible by mature development tools (Forte) • Algorithmic engineering techniques are widely applicable • We may not always get 6 orders of magnitude, but 3 – 4 orders should be nearly routine with most codes. (We are starting work on TBR and exact parsimony solvers.) High-Performance for Phylogeny Reconstruction, David A. Bader

  23. Final Remarks (cont’d) • High-performance implementations enable: • better approximations for difficult problems (MP, ML) • true optimization for larger instances • realistic data exploration (e.g., testing evolutionary scenarios, assessing answers obtained through other means, etc.) • Our analysis of the Campanulaceae dataset confirmed the conjecture of Robert Jansen et al. – that inversion is the principal process of genome evolution in cpDNA for this group. High-Performance for Phylogeny Reconstruction, David A. Bader

  24. Work-In-Progress and Future Work • Tree enumeration using circular ordering • Handle unequal gene content and duplicate genes using exemplars • Parallel branch and bound techniques (optimized for Sun HPC Servers) for searching tree space • Improved SPR and TBR techniques (local searches around good trees) • Exact Algorithm for Maximum Parsimony High-Performance for Phylogeny Reconstruction, David A. Bader

  25. Recent publications (2001) • A New Implementation and Detailed Study of Breakpoint Analysis, B.M.E. Moret, S. Wyman, D.A. Bader, T. Warnow, M. Yan, Sixth Pacific Symposium on Biocomputing 2001, pp. 583-594, Hawaii, January 2001. • High-Performance Algorithm Engineering for Gene-Order Phylogenies, D.A. Bader, B. M.E. Moret, T. Warnow, S.K. Wyman, and M. Yan, DIMACS Workshop on Whole Genome Comparison, DIMACS Center, Rutgers University, Piscataway, NJ, March 2001. • Variation in vegetation growth rates: Implications for the evolution of semi-arid landscapes, C. Restrepo, B.T. Milne, D. Bader, W. Pockman, and A. Kerkhoff, 16th Annual Symposium of the US-International Association of Landscape Ecology, Arizona State University, Tempe, April 2001. • High-Performance Algorithm Engineering for Computational Phylogeny, B. M.E. Moret, D.A. Bader, and T. Warnow, 2001 International Conference on Computational Science, San Francisco, CA, May 2001. • Cluster Computing: Applications, David A. Bader and Robert Pennington, The International Journal of High Performance Computing, 15(2):181-185, May 2001. • New approaches for using gene order data in phylogeny reconstruction, R.K. Jansen, D.A. Bader, B. M. E. Moret, L.A. Raubeson, L.-S. Wang, T. Warnow, and S. Wyman. Botany 2001, Albuquerque, NM, August 2001. • GRAPPA: a high-performance computational tool for phylogeny reconstruction from gene-order data, B. M.E. Moret, D.A. Bader, T. Warnow, S.K. Wyman, and M. Yan. Botany 2001, Albuquerque, NM, August 2001. • Inferring phylogenies of photosynthetic organisms from chloroplast gene orders, L.A. Raubeson, D.A. Bader, B. M.E. Moret, L.-S. Wang, T. Warnow, and S.K. Wyman. Botany 2001, Albuquerque, NM, August 2001. • Industrial Applications of High-Performance Computing for Phylogeny Reconstruction, D.A. Bader, B. M.E. Moret, and L. Vawter, SPIE ITCom: Commercial Applications for High-Performance Computing, Denver, CO, SPIE Vol. 4528, pp. 159-168, August 2001. • Using PRAM Algorithms on a Uniform-Memory-Access Shared-Memory Architecture, D.A. Bader, A. Illendula, B. M.E. Moret, and N.R. Weisse-Bernstein, Fifth Workshop on Algorithm Engineering, Springer-Verlag LNCS 2141, 129-144, Aarhus, Denmark, August 2001. • A Linear-Time Algorithm for Computing Inversion Distance Between Two Signed Permutations with an Experimental Study, D.A. Bader, B. M.E. Moret, and M. Yan, Journal of Computational Biology, 8(5):483-491, October 2001. High-Performance for Phylogeny Reconstruction, David A. Bader

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