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New Sassie Development Updated 10/30/09. Sneak Preview – New CSS shop views in beta. Report Revue.
New • Sassie • Development • Updated 10/30/09
Report Revue Coming in the next few weeks is "REPORT REVUE", a handy "jukebox" of very short videos that briefly describe the strengths of each report. Your client can quickly skip around and view only the videos for the reports they're interested in or they can breeze through the entire suite of reports in just a few minutes.
Report Revue Here's what the Report Revue page will look like - click any link to get a video for that report! But what if you've only activated some of the standard reports for a given client? No fear! Report Revue automatically detects which reports are active and offers ONLY those videos for those reports.
Shopper Email Verification Now available upon request, please open a tracker NOTE: if your system has been rebranded and the account confirmation email has been customized, please be aware that additional customizations may be required to enable shopper email verification. • Background information: • Like every other system that sends out large volumes of emails, SASSIE wages a constant battle against spam-blockers that prevent shoppers from receiving your shop postings. One long-standing argument that the spam-blocking agents have had against SASSIE is that our system did not technically comply with the requirement for "double opt-ins" (a.k.a. requiring a new subscriber to respond to a confirmation email, essentially verifying their email address and their desire to receive bulk emails). Naturally, the fact that shoppers must fill out a detailed form to even get ON the "mailing list" was lost on these agents. • We've done the work to bring SASSIE into compliance with the double opt-in requirement. As of today, you can request that shopper email verification be turned on for your SASSIE or ATHENA system! • Benefits of turning this setting on: • Your company will be in compliance with the double opt-in requirement. • Your SASSIE shop postings will reach more shoppers • Your bulk shopper emails will reach more shoppers • If your company gets blacklisted or challenged by a specific mail provider (AOL, Comcast, Verizon, mail.com etc ...) you will be able to put together a much stronger case as to why your emails should be allowed through. • Requiring shoppers to have a verified email address can be an effective anti-fraud mechanism • If you do NOT choose to turn on Shopper Email Verification, nothing will change from the previous shopper sign-up process and new shoppers will immediately receive shop postings
Shopper Email Verification How it works: 1) Shopper signs up for an account as usual 2) After account is created, shopper will get the notice that a confirmation email has been sent (and that verification is required to receive shop postings) 3) Shopper receives the following confirmation email: 4) Shopper clicks on link and is verified. They can now receive shop posting emails. NOTE: In accordance with the double opt-in requirements, there is no way an administrator can manually verify the email address (the shopper MUST be able to receive the confirmation email in order to receive shop postings. However, admin's can go to the shopper's profile and resend the test email :
Session Question Display the session question and answer on the shoppers log under their assigned shop. The shopper fills in their response when they apply for the shop Schedulers have the opportunity to prompt the shopper to answer a session specific question when they apply for a shop. The question and the shoppers response are displayed on the shopper’s shop log once they have been assigned the shop, to remind them of their response.
Review View • Now displaying in the Review View: • The hours and days of the week for the assigned shop • A link to download the Guidelines for the assigned shop
SHOPPER WITH SHOPS IS DEACTIVATED When a shopper with a pending shop deactivates themselves it's a dangerous. This feature sends an email alert to the scheduler who created that autoscheduling session (yes, autoscheduled shops only) that a train wreck might be on its way!
EMAIL MANAGER PASSWORDS Now with Company Name! People and passwords are like oil and water - it's hard to keep them together. Our Email Manager Passwords feature has been handy in those situations but ... what if your client doesn't know if their company is entered as "Widgets", "Widgets Inc.", or "Widgets Incorporated"?
EMAIL MANAGER PASSWORDS This Bon Bon: * Previews the email before you actually send it out to potentially hundreds or thousands (!!!) of client managers * Adds the Company Name to the “Email Manager Passwords” function
EMAIL MANAGER PASSWORDS This Bon Bon: * Allows you to send either the admin login link or the client side login link to Client masters
Upcoming Bon Bon Releases • TestCaster Invites Coming Soon! • If you were throwing a party, you wouldn't invite the whole world, would you? • Well, some mystery shops are EVERY BIT as good as going to a party (that's what we tell the shoppers anyway) so it doesn't always make sense to allow every shopper to take a qualifying test to get those shops either. • We're nearing completion on a method to hide selected TestCaster tests and generate a special "invite" link that you can send to your choice of shoppers. Now your "party" can be as exclusive as you like! • There will be 2 methods of invites: • Generate a link and email the link directly to a selected shoppers • Embed the link on an assigned shop and use our new Rulez technology to restrict access to the rest of the shop until the shopper has completed the test and been granted the qualification.
Additional Section Assignments Assign a question to up to 10 sections
Session Duplicator Copy sessions, including comments, location rosters and optional components such as Wave assignments and shopper questions. 1. Chose the copy button from the Session Viewer page 2. Update your session name and dates 2. Email out your shops and post them on the Job Board
Scheduler Log Updates 1. Sort Scheduler log by scheduler, similar to the session scheduler sort 2. Filter results by Country 3. Search by Shopper Email 4. Sort results by assigned Shopper 5. View Events in the scheduler log
Shopper Distance View the mileage from a shoppers address to the location address from Assignment View and click the link to view the route map
Shopper Oracle Quickly assess your shopper coverage for any location roster in your system and highlight hard to schedule locations Paste a list of zip codes in the zip code entry box and assess coverage of new clients Break out results by additional subsets of characteristics such as MSPA verification, age, gender and shopper rating
Shopper Profile Step 1 of Sassie Beautification: Shopper Profile
Form Versioning Now available on the admin survey setting for any user with form creation permissions
Jobslinger Plus • FAQs about Jobslinger and Jobslinger Plus • Q. What is Jobslinger? • A. Jobslinger is a job board, developed by Surfmerchants that allows shopper to view job postings from the MSPA job board, the Volition job board and any session that an MSP chooses to post to Jobslinger • Q. So, what is Jobslinger Plus?? • A. Jobslinger Plus is a set of power tools for shoppers that allows the shopper to do the following things: • Link all of their Sassie accounts together in one place • Update all common profile details with the click of button (common profile details include things like their address, phone numbers and common demographic questions such as height and weight • View all of the Sassie job boards from linked Sassie accounts • Opt in to receive additional means of notification for jobs listed from their Sassie accounts, MSPA and Volition listings
Jobslinger Plus • FAQs about Jobslinger Plus • JobSlinger Plus: • Is a set of powerful web tools to help shoppers find and manage their mystery shops • Is available to shoppers by monthly subscription (starting at less than $3/month) • Will make the entire SASSIE platform more effective and competitive against the competition (and guarantee the continued development of SASSIE X). • Is a supplement, not a replacement for the current JobSlinger.com website Requires NO changes for SASSIE companies or SASSIE shoppers • The current JobSlinger.com website will continue to be completely free to shoppers
Recruiterator in Jobslinger Plus We've made an update to RECRUITERATOR, the JobSlinger Plus feature that lists your company as a company seeking new mystery shoppers ... and includes links to sign up almost instantly (using information stored in their JobSlinger Plus shopper profile). Recruiterator NOW highlights which companies a shopper hasn't signed up for, making this an ideal time for your company to join the 25+ companies already listed on Recruiterator. JobSlinger Plus shoppers tend to be more experienced and committed than the average shopper, so Recruiterator is a pain-free way to add quality shoppers to your database. To be added, please send an email to our JobSlinger Operations Manager Mary Malmros at "support@jobslingerplus.com" and she'll get your company listed as soon as possible! Recruiterator is a free, but exclusive free service for companies on the SASSIE/ATHENA platform.
Jobslinger Reachout Find shoppers for hard to fill shops - with one click! If you’re having trouble filling a specific shop, just click the “REACHOUT” button in that shop’s shopper selection view. You’ll see instantly how many JobSlinger shoppers are in that area and have the ability to send them an invitation with one click.
Jobslinger Plus Shops get filled faster! Shoppers can now get your listings via text (and DIGESTED email). Verified shoppers can now choose to receive your job board listings via text message and/or by digested email (”send me shops every 15 min/hour/12 hours”). Shoppers have full control over what types of listings get texted/digest-emailed to them. Note that this does not replace your autoscheduleremails which will remain under your complete control.
Jobslinger Plus Reach more shoppers faster - Shoppers get DING’ed! JobDinger is a small desktop application that will automatcally search for each shopper’s preferred shop. When it finds shops, it will alert the shopper (by making a DING sound and/or by visual alert). JobDinger means that your scheduler can reach shoppers even when email queues are backed up or when shoppers have problems with flaky email and nasty spam filters.