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Formal Semantics for an Abstract Agent Programming Language. K.V. Hindriks, Ch. Mayer et al. Lecture Notes In Computer Science, Vol. 1365, 1997. http://www.nue.ci.i.u-tokyo.ac.jp/~duc/ppt/abstract-apl.ppt M1. Nguyen Tuan Duc (duc@nue). Source.
Formal Semantics for an Abstract Agent Programming Language K.V. Hindriks, Ch. Mayer et al. Lecture Notes In Computer Science, Vol. 1365, 1997 http://www.nue.ci.i.u-tokyo.ac.jp/~duc/ppt/abstract-apl.ppt M1. Nguyen Tuan Duc (duc@nue)
Source • Formal Semantics for an Abstract Agent Programming Language • Authors: K.V.Hindriks, F.S. de Boer, W. van der Hock, J.Ch. Mayer (Dept. of Computer Science, Utrecht Univ., the Netherlands) • Lecture Notes In Computer Science; Vol. 1365, 1997, pp 215 – 229 • Proceedings of the 4th International Workshop on Intelligent Agents IV, Agent Theories, Architectures, and Languages
1.Introduction • There exist many agent programming languages • AGENT-0, AgentSpeak(L) • Lack a clear and formally defined semantics, difficult to formalize the design, specification and verification • Need for an agent programming model based on existing programming concepts • Logic programming, imperative programming • Operational semantics
Agenda • Introduction • Programming BDI-agents • Abstract agent programming language • Operational semantics • Comparison with existing APLs • Conclusions
2.Programming BDI-agents • BDI-agents: agents have • Explicit goals (Desires) • A set of plans to achieve a goal (Intensions) • Information about the environment (Belief) • Based on Human practical reasoning theory (Michael Bratman) • Many agent programming languages (APLs) based on this model • AGENT-0, AgentSpeak(L), … • However, APL is still disconnected from theory
Characteristics of BDI-agents • Complex internal mental state changes over time • Beliefs, Desires, Plans, Intentions • Pro-active and reactive • Goal-directed (proactive) • Respond to changes in environment in a timely manner (reactive) • Reflective • Meta-level reasoning capabilities (e.g. goal revision) • Agent = goal-directed, belief-transforming entity
Requirement for APL • Theoretically, APL must have features for • Belief updating (for newly observed, communicated data, …) • Goal updating (for goal revision) • Practical reasoning (for finding the means to achieve a goal) • Practically, APL should contain all the familiar constructs from imperative programming • Sequential composition, tests, parallel execution, etc.
3. An abstract agent programming language (3APL) • An APL provides mechanism for • Belief updating • Goal updating (goal revision) • Practical reasoning (rule / plan to achieve a goal)
Belief • Beliefs are represented as First-order logic formulae from a language L. • P, F, C, A • P: set of predicate symbols • F: set of function symbols • C: set of constant • A: set of action symbols (not used in Belief) • Basic elements of L are given by a signature (Σ) • Σ = <P, C, F, A> • Term T ::= x | f(t, t,..., t) (x∈TVar, variable; f∈F) • Formulae B::= P(t, t,..., t) | not B | B∧B | B∨B |∃x.P(x) • At = the set of atoms ( constants, primitive predicates, …)
Example 1: robot Greedy • Robot & Diamond • Diamond may randomly appear / disappear • Rocks are obstacles • Basic predicates • diam( d, x, y ) : diamond d at (x, y) • robot( r, x, y ): robot r at (x, y) • rock( x, y ) : rock at (x, y) • Basic functions • xc( x, y ) = x of nearest diamond from (x, y) • yc( x, y ) • Perfect knowledge
Goals and actions • Goal: set of objectives agent tries to achieve • Goal to do some action • Goal to achieve some state of affairs • Signature Σ= <P, F, C, A>, Gvar: global variables, set of goal Lg • A⊆Lg (basic actions) • At ⊆ Lg • Φ∈L ⇒ φ? ∈ Lg • Gvar ⊆ Lg • π1, π2 ⊆ Lg ⇒ π1; π2, π1 + π2, π1 || π2 ∈Lg • Rule for composition of goal • Basic goals: basic actions, achievement goals (P(t)∈At), test goal (φ?) • Basic actions are update operators on belief base • pickup( Greedy, d ) ⇒ delete diam( d, x, y ) from σ (belief base)
Goal variables • The language contains variables range over Goals • Reflective reasoning • Communication (parameter passing) • Receive request to establish some goal in a goal variable
Example 2: Actions and goal of Greedy • west, east, north, south: move a step • pickup( r, d ) : robot r pickup diamond d • Goal: max_diam • User defined predicate • Usually given in a procedure definition
Practical reasoning rules • To achieve its goals, agent has to • Find the means for achieving them • Revise its goal (in case of failure…) ⇒ Practical reasoning • Practical reasoning rules Lp • φ∈L, π,π’∈Lg ⇒ π ← φ| π’ ∈ Lp • π: head of the rule • π’: body of the rule • φ: guard • Global variables of the rule = Free variables in π • Local variables = variables in the rule except global one • Practical reasoning rule (PR) serves two functions • Mean, recipe to achieve a goal (plan rule) • Goal revision • Φrepresents condition to apply the rule • Or used to retrieve data from B (by unifying predicates)
Plan rules: procedural knowledge • Plan rules: rules with head is a basic goal P(t) • P(t) may be viewed as procedure calls to plans to achieve the goal • Plan rules encode procedural knowledge of an agent
Example 3: plan rules • max_diam ← robot( Greedy, x0, y0 ) ∧ x = xc( x0, y0 ) ∧ y = yc( x0, y0 ) | robot( Greedy, x, y ); diam( z, x, y )?; pickup( Greedy, z ); max_diam • Implementing greedy algorithm: repeat the following action: go to nearest diamond, take it
max_diam 0 1 2 3 • x0 = 0, y0 = 0 • x = 1, y = 1 • robot(Greedy, 1, 1) • diam(z, 1, 1)? • pickup(Greedy, z) • x0 = 1, y0 = 1 • x = 3, y = 2 • robot(Greedy, 3, 2) • diam(z, 3, 2)? • pickup(Greedy, z) 0 1 2
robot( r, x, y ) • robot( r, x, y ) ← robot( r, x0, y0 ) | (x = x0 ∧ y = y0 )? + [(x < x0)? west + (x0 < x)? east + (y > y0)? south + (y0 > y)? north]; robot( r, x, y) • robot( r, x0, y0 ) : to retrieve current position • robot( r, x, y ) (in body): sub-goal 0 1 2 3 0 1 2
Revision of goals: reflective rules • Rules with head contains an arbitrary programs (including goal variables) • Goal revise in case • Found a more optimal strategy • Failure
Example 4: More optimal strategy • Diamond suddenly appeared as nearer position • X; robot( r, x, y ) ← robot( r, x0, y0 ) ∧not( x = xc( x0, y0 ) ∧ y = yc(x0, y0) ) | robot( r, xc( x0, y0 ), yc( x0, y0) )
Example 5: Failure • rock as (x0-1, y0) • west; robot( r, x, y ) ← robot( r, x0, y0 ) ∧ rock( x0 – 1, y0 ) | [(y<=y0)?; north + (y0 <= y)?; south]; robot( r, x, y )
Three levels of agent programming • Action • Goal execution • Goal revision (self-modifying program)
Agent programs • Agent = goal directed, belief transforming entity • Beliefs are updated by Actions • Goals are updated by execution and revision • An agent changes its beliefs and goals (PR and basic actions are fixed)
Mental state • Mental state = <Π, σ>, where • Π∈Lg is a goal base (set of goals) • σ∈ L is a belief base (set of beliefs) • Thus, the changing components in previous slide • Denote: B: set of belief bases, Γ: PR-base • The behavior of an agent is fully specified if • The semantics of basic actions is given • The mechanism for executing goals and applying rules are defined
Some definitions • Free vs. bounded variables • P(x, d) ∧∃x. Q(y, x) ∧ ∀z. G(a, b, z) • Alpha conversion: P(x, d) ∧∃x1. Q(y, x1)∧∀z. G(a,b,z) • Free(e) = { x | x is free in e } • Substitution: [x/5] f(x) ≡ f(5) • Unifier: if t1, t2, … are terms then unifier of t1, t2,…, tn is a substitution θsuch that θ(t1) ≡ θ(t2) ≡…≡θ(tn) Ex: f(x, x) and f(y, z) ⇒ θ = [x/z, y/z] • Most general unifier (MGU) ξ • ∀θ∈unifier、∃ψ: θ = ψξ • In the above example: [x/c, y/c] = [z/c][x/z, y/z]
Basic action transitions • Semantics of basic actions A is given by a transition function T: B x B → P(A) • P(A) is variant of A • If a ∈ T(σ,σ’) then denoted by <σ,σ’>a • <{…, robot(Greedy, n, m), not(rock(n-1,m)),…}, {…, robot(Greedy, n-1, m), not(rock(n-1, m))}> west; • <{…, diam(d,n,m), robot(Greedy, n, m), …}, {…, robot(Greedy, n, m), not(diam(d, n, m), …}> pickup(Greedy, d) • By observing the environment, agent knows action has succeeded or failed
Agent program • An agent program is a quadruple <T, Π0, σ0, Γ> • T : a basic transition function (specifying the effect of basic actions) • Π0 : initial goal base • σ0 : initial belief base • Γ : PR-base • Thus, to program an agent is to • specify its initial mental state • define semantics of basic actions • write a set of PR
Example 6: Agent program for Greedy • Basic actions: • <{…, robot(Greedy, n, m), not(rock(n-1,m)),…}, {…, robot(Greedy, n-1, m), not(rock(n-1, m))}> west; • north, south, east • <{…, diam(d,n,m), robot(Greedy, n, m), …}, {…, robot(Greedy, n, m), not(diam(d, n, m), …}> pickup(Greedy, d) • Π0 = {max_diam} • σ0 = { robot(Greedy, 0, 0), rock(1,5), rock(3,3), rock(2,1), diam(d, 2, 2) } • PR-base in example 4, 5
4. Operational semantics • Operational semantics • Specify how a program can transform the system state • A transition system is a deductive system which allows to derive the transition of a program. • Transition rules specify the meaning of each programming construct. • Transition rules transform configuration • In APL, configuration is mental state <Π,σ>
4.1. Practical reasoning rule • V = set of global variables in goal base • PR-rule application π’ ← φ| π’’ ∈’ Γ ∧ σ|= ∀(φθγ) ____________________________________ <π, σ> V → θγ <π’’θγ, σ> • Where, • θ(π’) = θ(π), π∈Π • A ∈’ Γmeans A is a variant of a PR-rule (alpha conversion) • γis a substitution such that no variable x: γ(x)∈V (retrieves parameter values from σ) ⇒ Perform alpha-conversion to avoid interference of local and global parameters • → followed by θγ to record the substitution process
Example 7: goal revision 0 1 2 3 • Suppose that Π = {east; robot( Greedy, 3, 2 )}, σ = {robot(Greedy, 0, 0), diam(d’, 3, 2), diam(d,2,2) } • Apply rule: X; robot( r, x, y ) ← robot( r, x0, y0 ) ∧not( x = xc( x0, y0 ) ∧ y = yc(x0, y0) ) | robot( r, xc( x0, y0 ), yc( x0, y0) ) • θ = { X/east, r/Greedy, x/3, y/2 } ⇒ φθ≡ robot(Greedy, x0, y0)∧not( 3 = xc(x0, y0) ∧2 = yc(x0, y0) ) • γ= {x0/0, y0/0} • π’’θγ ≡ robot(Greedy, xc(0, 0), yc(0, 0)) ≡ robot(Greedy, 2, 2)
4.2. Execution rules • E denotes termination • E ; π ≡ π • E + π ≡ π • …. • Execution rule 1: basic actions <σ, σ’>a ____________________________ <a, σ>V →Φ <E, σ’> • Φ is an identity substitution • Thus, basic action means changing the state according to transition function and stop execution
First-order tests • Check if some condition follows from σ σ |= ∀(φθ) ____________________ <φ?, σ>V →θ <E, σ> • Ex: diam(z, x, y)?; pickup(Greedy, z) • θ = {z/d, x/2, y/2} • After first-order test, goal becomes pickup(Greedy, d)
Sequential composition <π1, σ>V →θ <π’1, σ’> ________________________________ <π1;π2, σ>V → θ <π’1; π2θ, σ’> • Ex: in previous slide: • π1 = diam(z, x, y)?, π’1 = E • θ = {z/d, x/2, y/2} • π2 = pickup(Greedy, z) • π1;π2θ ≡ E; pickup(Greedy, d) ≡ pickup(Greedy, d)
Non-deterministic choice <π1, σ>V →θ <π’1, σ> _____________________________ <π1 + π2, σ>V →θ <π’1, σ’> <π2, σ>V →θ <π’2, σ> _____________________________ <π1 + π2, σ>V →θ <π’2, σ’>
Parallel composition <π1, σ>V →θ <π’1, σ> ____________________________________ <π1 || π2, σ>V →θ <π’1 || π2θ, σ’> (similar rule for π2)
Goal execution • Let Π = {π0, …, πi, πi+1, …} ⊆Lg, • V = Free(Π) • Goal execution <πi, σ>V →θ <π’i, σ’> __________________________________________________ < {π0, …, πi, πi+1, …}, σ>V → < {π0, …, π’i, πi+1, …}, σ’> • There is no θ in the consequence • This is because the mental state is the top level of execution. At this level, various goal are executed in a parallel fashion without communication
Computations of an agent program • A computation of an agent program is a finite or infinite sequence of configurations <Π0, σ0>, <Π1, σ1>, <Π2, σ2>, … such that, for each i: <Πi, σi> → <Πi+1, σi+1>
5. Comparison with existing APLs • AGENT-0: • Only executes basic, primitive actions or skills of agent • Goal revision is restricted to removing infeasible commitments and uses built-in mechanism • 3APL allows much more general revision rule • AgentSpeak(L): • Quite similar to the proposed language • 3APL provides more general and high-level programming construct then AgentSpeak(L)
6. Conclusions • A transition system is a suitable formalism for specifying the operational semantics of APL • An abstract APL is proposed • Includes all the regular programming constructs from imperative programming and logic-programming • Future work • Extensions to multi-agent systems with communication • Mechanism for failure recovery • Apply notions of standard concurrency theory (π-calculus) • …