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Producing pigments or colors for food and beverage industries is a difficult task as it is necessary for the pigments to go well, first with the nutritional value and second with the flavor of the food or drink. https://bit.ly/3r9cnht
Applicationof InorganicPigments inFoodand BeverageIndustries
Aboutus The global champion of dyes & pigments, Koel is an actual manufacturer of the pigments for Cosmetics, Personal Care, Home Care, Pharmaceutical, Food & Beverage, Pet Food & Animal Feed industries. Koel strives to provide International quality certified products since 1972,which has enabled us to rise to the prominenceofbeingthecolourexperts,deliveringthelatestandinnovativepigment&ingredient technologiesforyourformulations.Koeloffersa platform thatsupportsformulationdevelopmentand application support. Over the years, the experts at Koel have developed an eye for process enhancements which enhance product stability,preventcontamination issues and ensureshortlead time.Drivenwith ethical values based framework,Koelfamily boasts of a young & dynamic team grounded withstrong Indian values ina pursuitof building a global brand withrobustmanufacturing facilities & astounding customer support. Koel has an array of sophisticated QC Testing premises in-house, covering all kindsof QCtestsincludingtestingofHeavymetals,microbiologicalcontamination,particlesize,etc.
Ourcompany'smission: Extensivemarketcoverage(Cosmetic&Pharmaceuticals) Leadingsupplierofwiderangeofcolourants State-of-the-artmanufacturingfacility Fullyintegratedandcomputerizedworkingenvironment Technicalsupport(applicationlaboratory,expertise)
INTRODUCTION Producingpigmentsorcolorsforfoodand beverage industries isa difficulttaskas itis necessary for the pigments to go well,firstwiththe nutritionalvalue and second withthe flavor of the food ordrink.Thecost of the pigment should not add more value to the cost of the product. The pigment should be safe to consume. Highly regulated compounds should be used for the production of food colours may that be inorganic or organic. There are strict and safe guidelines regarding the usage of food colors by the European Food Standard Authority (EFSA), UnitedStates Food and Drug Administration(FDA), TheWorldHealth Organization (WHO). Food Colour Production industries also follow the FD&C (Food, Drugs, and Cosmetics) regulatorystandardsofthemarket.
WhatareInorganicPigments? Inorganicpigmentsaremetallicsalts and metals. Thesedrygroundmineralsarenotinthe formof carbon chains or rings. Their configuration makes them more insoluble and more non-transparent than organic pigments. They do not lose colour that easily and their costischeapwhichiswhytheyarefitformany industrialapplications.
WhyShouldYouUseInorganicPigmentsin Food? Theyarecost-effectivewhenproducedinlargeamountsforindustrialpurposes. Theydonotfadewhenexposedtolight,heat,andopenair.Theyhavestrongresistanceagainstit. Simplechemicalreactionsarerequiredfortheproductionofinorganicpigmentswhichalsocontrolsthecostofits production. Whenmixedwithorganicpigmentstheycanproducebrightcolours. Theydispersewellandareversatilewhichiswhytheycan be appliedinfoodsandbeverages. Theymakefoodsandbeveragesmoreattractiveandappealing. Theyareavailableindifferentformssuchasliquid,powder,andgranules. Principalregulatoryauthoritieshavesanctionedinorganicpigmentsasfoodadditives.
WhatMakestheInorganicPigmentsofKoelColoursSpecial? KoelColoursprovidesnaturalandhigh-puritysyntheticcolorantswhichmeetDirective95/451ECandsatisfyboth US &EC colourspecification which makesitsuitableforpharmaceutical industries.TheKoelinTio2 Anatase pigmentproducedbyKoelColoursisapplicableforfoodandbeveragebecauseithashigh purity,high dispersibility,and isofpharmaceuticalgrade. Thesepigmentsare free fromresidual solvents,AOX Halogen, animal testing, Latex GMO, VOC, and BSE. They also conform to FDA titles 21 CFR 73.575/ 21 CFR 73.1575/ 21 CFR 73.2575, IP/EP/USP/&E..; Directives 95/94 (E 171),Food- (FCC) V. Therange of IronOxide shades provided by Koel Colours consists of 3 shades of IronOxide Yellow, 6 shades of IronOxide Red, and 2 shades of IronOxide Black. The TitaniumDioxide we produce isof pharma grade and has certificates IP,BR,USP, JP. Customized pigmentscanalsobeavailedtoourcustomersaspertheirrequirements.
CONCLUSION Areyoulookingforaplacetogetyour inorganicpigmentsfrom?We,atKoelColours, haveexpertswhocanhelpyouwithit.Youcan mailusatsales@koelcolours.inor sales.int@koelcolours.inandcallusat +912268252300.