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“…we all be ‘techie’ teachers now!”

University of Indianapolis. “…we all be ‘techie’ teachers now!”. It’s true…. I have seen Elvis this week!. University of Indianapolis. “…we all be ‘techie’ teachers now!”. Current ENTR 280 Course Structure •Text Reading •Key Item Lecture (PPT) •”What Interests Me” (Student Driven)

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“…we all be ‘techie’ teachers now!”

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Presentation Transcript

  1. University of Indianapolis “…we all be ‘techie’ teachers now!”

  2. It’s true…

  3. I have seen Elvis this week!

  4. University of Indianapolis “…we all be ‘techie’ teachers now!”

  5. Current ENTR 280 Course Structure •Text Reading •Key Item Lecture (PPT) •”What Interests Me” (Student Driven) •Current Events (Student Driven) •Project-Business Plan (Student Driven) •Quizzes/Exams

  6. ENTR 280 Course Structure NOWGOING FORWARD •Text Reading •Text Reading •Key Item Lecture (PPT) •Key Item Lecture (PPT) *Short term Biz Sims www.industryplayer.com www.informatist.net www.greatsims.com *Distribution of pre-lecture material www.snapkast.com *Graphics tablet ADD DEPTH/BREADTH/INTERACTIVITY TO LECTURE •“What Interests Me” (Student Driven) •“What Interests Me” (Student Driven) •Current Events (Student Driven) •Current Events (Student Driven) *RSS auto update from web sources www.entrepreneur.com www.wsj.com www.marketingjournal.com www.businessweek.com www.ibj.com *Improved /shared “Favorites” www.delicious.com EASIER, TIMELIER ACCESS TO WHAT’S NEW •Project-Business Plan (Student Driven) •Project-Business Plan (Student Driven) *Blackboard/pbwiki for peer review/comment *Additional biz plan examples www.bplans.com ENHANCE STUDENT INTERACTION IMPROVED BIZ PLAN QUALITY •Quizzes/Exams •Quizzes/Exams

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