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Learn about various emergency codes at the hospital, such as Code Orange, Code Yellow, and more, along with their procedures and response teams. Stay informed and prepared for any unexpected events.
Code Orange • The purpose of the Code ORANGE is to coordinate a safe and effective response to an external disaster or any external pressure that may impact surge capacity or capability on the hospital, in particular the Emergency Department. • The nature of the incident and disaster may vary; therefore, the Code ORANGE policy and procedure is flexible to meet the needs of the incident. • Incidents that may precede a Code ORANGE can range from a major disaster such as an air crash with multiple casualties to an epidemic such as Pandemic Influenza.
Disaster Fan Out List • The purpose of the disaster fan out list is to bring in additional staff in the event of a disaster • Up-to-date lists will be distributed by your Manager regularly. The list should be kept at home: • If you receive a call go down the list calling names below yours until you reach a person (do not leave messages) • Anyone asked to come in; should report to SMGH with your badge and enter through the assigned Department
Code Yellow-Missing Patient • The purpose of a Code YELLOW is to alert staff that the whereabouts of an individual patient is currently unknown to the staff in a specific patient/client care area. • Code YELLOW provides all staff with direction for assisting in determining the patient’s location and safe return. • What do you do if you notice a patient missing? • Inform nurse/team leader • Check patients room/closet/washroom for street clothes and belongings • Use search map to search unit • Contact Switchboard (ext. 888) with a brief description of the missing person • All other departments are to search units & bring signed map to unit of missing patient • Security searches exterior grounds
Code Blue – Cardiac Arrest • Code BLUE policy and procedure is to ensure a skilled and timely response to a life threatening emergency such as a cardiac arrest. • The Code Blue Team will respond.
Code White-Violent Person • A Code WHITE is called to respond to episodes where individuals become violent and/or display behaviour which threatens staff, patient/client and building occupant safety. • A Code WHITE is called immediately when staff safety is compromised. • The main objectives of initiating a Code WHITE are: • To provide a standard response for staff to follow to obtain assistance in managing episodes involving violent person • To preserve the safety of staff, clients and other building occupants. • To communicate an episode of violence to other staff members working in the building. • To assist persons displaying violence to regain control over their behaviour.
Members –Code White Response Team: • Security • Emergency Department Attendants • Charge Nurse or Delegate
Code Black – Bomb Threat • A Code BLACK is called in response to a written or verbal bomb threat or upon discovery of a suspicious package or object. • Staff are to report all bomb threats or suspicious packages or objects discovered anywhere in the facility immediately. • Staff members are not to handle suspicious packages or objects. • In the event that you receive a bomb threat: • Be calm and courteous • Do not interrupt the caller • Keep the caller on the line as long as possible • Obtain as much information as you can • Call and report to Switchboard @ ext. 888
If You Hear a Code Black Called: • Form search teams (aim to complete search within 10 minutes) • Follow search map for your area (department Emergency Preparedness Station) • One member searches, other records areas on completed map • Place Room Checked tags on doorframe of searched rooms • Notify Command Centre (ext. 2509) when completed • Bring search map to Command Centre • DO NOT TOUCH suspicious packages – notify Switchboard (ext. 888) if any are found
Code Brown-Hazardous Spill • The purpose of the Code BROWN is to define procedures required for the safe containment and management of chemical spills or release. • A Code BROWN will be called if there is an internal spill/contamination, leak, suspicious unusual smell, gas, or vapor, or discovery of an unknown substance, liquid or powder.
Calling a Code Brown • Call Switchboard at ext. 888 • Relay the following Information: • Specific location of the spill • The type of substance and volume of spill • What medical assistance is needed, if any • Your name and extension • Then secure the areaand wait for spill team; have a copy of SDS available if possible
Code Purple- Abduction/Hostage Taking If you are taken as a hostage:
Code Purple- Abduction/Hostage Taking If you witness a hostage taking:
Code Aqua - Flood To ensure a quick response to flooding (internal): • Call 888 to report the flood • Response team will include Engineering, Housekeeping and Infection Control
Code Grey – Air Exclusion, Loss of Essential Services A Code GREYis a hospital emergency code that may be called due to: • Disruption or loss of essential services such as hydro, water, heating, cooling, ventilation and medical gas supply. These may be planned or unplanned. • Any planned events will be communicated ahead of time.
Code Grey – Loss of Essential Services When there is an unexpected or unplanned essential service failure: • Listen for overhead announcement • Follow instructions and department procedures
Unique Pages at SMGH • Code STEMI: Is called to provide immediate assessment and care to a patient presenting with an ST Elevation Myocardial Infarction (STEMI) either from the ED or from the community via ambulance • Nurse Available: Is announced to ensure that nursing personnel who are not required in one area of the hospital are made available to other nursing areas prior to their departure from the building. • Nurse Required: Is announced to provide a mechanism where nursing staff may be deployed from one area of the hospital on a temporary basis if another area has a temporary staffing requirement.
If You Have Any Questions Please Contact: Robin Ridsdale ext. 4667 or Nicole Johnson ext. 1209