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Progetto ”conoscere l’Europa - fare gli europei”. Classe III C Liceo A.Einstein. a.s. 06/07. Strategia di Lisbona. Costruire l’Europa dell’ istruzione e della formazione. Quando fai piani per un anno, semina grano. Se fai piani per un decennio, pianta alberi.
Progetto ”conoscere l’Europa - fare gli europei” Classe III C Liceo A.Einstein a.s. 06/07
Strategia di Lisbona • Costruire l’Europa dell’ istruzione e della formazione Quando fai piani per un anno, semina grano. Se fai piani per un decennio, pianta alberi. Se fai piani per la vita forma e educa le persone. Proverbio cinese: Guanzi (c645BC)
Obiettivi specifici • Attrarre più studenti agli studi scientifici e tecnici • Garantire l’accesso alle TIC per tutti • Migliorare l’apprendimento delle lingue straniere
Percorso di lavoro • Obiettivi: • cercare e selezionare le informazioni importanti • raccogliere i dati scientifici • trarre conclusioni • rafforzare competenze di lettura e scrittura in lingua straniera • usare le proprie capacità comunicative servendosi delle TIC • Lingua di comunicazione: inglese • Strumenti TIC: power point, e-mail e internet, foto • Discipline coinvolte: scienze, inglese • Tema: i cambiamenti climatici: sfida europea del XXI secolo
Climatechanges Anthropic responsibility A European Challenge
From the 1850, in coincidence with the Industrial Revolution, medium temperature of the Earth has increased because of the pollution.
The map shows the increasing of the hole of ozone. 1985: English scientists discover a hole in the ozone layer over Antarctic. 1989: Canadian scientists find another hole over the Artide.
CO2 emissions from industrial processes This map depicts the unequal distribution of industry in the world.
The world oceans are heating up. The oceans have absorbed about 30 times more heat than the atmosphere since 1955 Oceans 18.2 x 1022 J Atmosphere 6.6 x 1021 J Levitus et al. Science, 2000
Visible effects: • Changing in farming • Increasing of drought • Changing of ecosystems. • More common and more • severe weather events
Warming of sea-surface temperatures. • Melting of artic sea ice. • Rising of sea level. • Flooding due to • heavier rainfall
Summer Arctic Sea Ice 1979 2000 NASA Goddard Space Flight Center
Dangerous greenhouse gases Oceans are a huge thermic mass that gets easily warm but with difficulty colds off. Carbon dioxide melts in the oceans which become acid, causing problems to organisms. CO2+H2O H2CO3 H+ + HCO3- If the oceans heat up, there will be a rise in the atmosphere of carbon dioxide and of methane, two of the most dangerous greenhouse gases.
Endangered species Endangered species threatened by climatic change.
What will change ? • Global temperature is expected to increase by between 1.4 and 5.8°C (2.5 to 10°F). • The Northern Hemisphere cover should decrease further, but the Antarctic ice should increase. • The sea level should rise by between 9 and 88 cm (3.5" to 35").
Positive consequence • Some crops and forest products could benefit from a small climate change.
Negative consequences • Melting of polar ice caps • At the North Pole the ice will shrink by 10% • The thickness above the water will decrease by about 40%. • The ice sheet above the Antarctic continent will become unstable. • Glaciers are retreating • 75% of the glaciers in the Swiss Alps will disappear by 2050. • Extreme weather
Effects on Gulf stream • The Gulf stream could get slower. • There will be a rise of heat at the Equator. • There will be more frequent hurricanes and rainfalls. • The issue of Monsoons • The Indian Ocean could get warmer. • The monsoons will stop blowing. • Nations “sustained” by the monsoons will be seriously damaged.
The “War Effect” First U.N. Security Council debate on climate change: droughts, floods and rising seas linked to global warming could spur conflicts in coming decades. Otto Dix - Stormtroops advancing under gas
The Institutions and the Climate Changes • EU: • United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change(1992) • Kyoto Protocol(1997) • European Climate Change Programme(2000) • EU Emissions Trading Scheme(2005) • EuropeanCommission Communication "Limiting Global Climate Change to 2 degrees Celsius: The way ahead for 2020 and beyond” (January 2007) • Calendar of Events 2007
What can we do about it? • Don’t overheat your home. Reducing the temperature by just 1°C can cut up to 7% off your family’s energy bill. 70% of the energy used by households is for heating. • Don’t forget to switch off the lights when you don’t need them. • Recycle • Avoid taking the car. Walk or cycle instead! • Plant trees.Five trees soak up around one tonne of CO2 throughout their life time. • Don’t waste water.
Links • http://biology.usgs.gov/s+t/SNT/noframe/cl110.htm • http://www.windows.ucar.edu/tour/link=/earth/climate/cli_effects.html • www.whoi.edu/cms/files/dfino/2006/1/curry_sept2004_7208.ppt • http://www.epa.gov/climatechange/science/futurecc.html • http://vathena.arc.nasa.gov/curric/land/global/climchng.html • http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Climate_change • http://ec.europa.eu/environment/climat/home_en.htm • http://www.bbc.co.uk/climate/ • http://www.opendemocracy.net/forums/thread.jspa?forumID=179&threadID=48236&messageID=106900#106900 • http://www.npr.org/templates/story/story.php?storyId=9082151
Acknowledgments Prof.ssa Alessandra Tortul Prof. Renzo Sponza Amatruda Elda Bertoldi David Bortolossi Alessandro Comelli Ambra Contin Raffaele Dal Forno Giulia D’Angelo Mirko Di Gioia Giulia Filiputti Giulia Folla Sebastiano Gubbini Luca Mueller Luca Pelos Fabio Piani Federica Pittana Stefano Regeni Glauco Regeni Margherita Rusin Stefano Soardo Damiano Titton Giulia Zorba Erika