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Program Erasmus Mundus OPPORTUNITIES FOR CHINESE SCHOLARS AND STUDENTS D r . Katarzyna Hadaś International Programs and Projects Office ADAM MICKIEWICZ UNIVERSITY. „ European Higher Education for the World – Studies and Promotion ” Erasmus Mundus project. Pozna n.
Program Erasmus Mundus OPPORTUNITIES FOR CHINESE SCHOLARS AND STUDENTS Dr. Katarzyna Hadaś International Programs and Projects Office ADAM MICKIEWICZ UNIVERSITY „European Higher Education for the World – Studies and Promotion” Erasmus Mundus project
ERASMUS MUNDUS • European Union Program • provides for the establishment of ‘Erasmus Mundus Masters Courses’ • with scholarships for students and scholars from all over the world, to obtain qualifications and experience in the European Union
ERASMUS MUNDUS Programme Actions • Action 1: Erasmus Mundus Masters Courses • Action 2: Scholarships - for third-country highly qualified students and scholars • Action 3: Partnerships between EU and non-Eu HEIs • Action 4: Enhancing the attractiveness of Europe as an educational destination
ACCESS TO THE PROGRAMME FOR CHINA • Scholarships to study or teach at ERASMUS MUNDUS MASTERS COURSES (Action 1 and 2) • students having obtained a first degree awarded by a higher education institution (Bachelor or Master) • scholars or professionals who lecture or conduct research 2. Institutional partnerships with existing ERASMUS MUNDUS MASTERS COURSES (Action3) • higher education institutions offering education and carrying on research in the same discipline 3. Cooperation in Action 4 projects – studies and promotion
ACTION 1 - ERASMUS MUNDUS MASTERS COURSES (1) • existing joint (international) master programs to which Erasmus Mundus status has been given to open them to non- EU students and teachers • high-quality masters courses delivered by networks of prestigious universities (consortium) selected on the basis of the quality of the proposed training and hosting of students • offered by a consortium of at least 3 higher education institutions from 3 different European countries • studies lasting 1 to 2 years (60 to 120 ECTS credits)
ACTION 1 - ERASMUS MUNDUS MASTERS COURSES (2) • open to all students - European and non European • consortium must provide a minimum of places for non European students with granted financial support under the programme (about 20 each year)
ACTION 1 - ERASMUS MUNDUS MASTERS COURSES (3) • Study period in at least 2 institutions - enable students to travel in Europe, attending 2 or more different universities in different EU countries • Language of instruction – usually English • Language courses and daily use of at least 2 EU languages • Award of a joint, a double or a multiple degree (diploma) officially recognised in EU countries
ACTION 2: SCHOLARSHIPS – only for non –EU nationals Student mobility: 1 year study: • 16,000 € (10 study months x 1,600 €) • 5,000 € for travel expenses, tuition fees etc Total: 21,000 € per student for a one-year course fees- up to 10,000 € per year! Scholar mobility: • 13,000 € per scholar (3 months x 4,000 € plus a fixed amount of 1,000 € for travel expenses) Grants are paid to grantees by consortia
ERASMUS MUNDUS Main Outputs 2004-2008 • 100 Erasmus Mundus Masters Courses • 5,000 grants for incoming third-country students • 1,100 grants for incoming third-country scholars + • 200 additional grants for Chinese students • 200 additional grants Chinese scholars (within Asian Window)
”ASIAN WINDOW”- ADDITIONAL FUNDS FOR MUNDUS In 2005, an Erasmus Mundus Masters consortia have the possibility to select: • 13 additional Asian students • 1 additional Chinese scholar The country distribution of the 13 additional students for 2005 must be: – 6 Indian nationals; – 3 nationals from Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Bhutan, Cambodia, East Timor, Indonesia, Laos, Maldives, Mongolia, Nepal, North Korea, Pakistan, Philippines, SriLanka or Vietnam; – 2 Chinese nationals; – 1 Malaysian national; 1 Thai national. REGULAR MUNDUS FUNDS - Every consortium accepts 13 students for outside EU (incl. China)
HOW TO APPLY FOR GRANT? • Erasmus Mundus consortia and Commission publicise selected Masters Courses world-wide (INTERNET) • Students and scholars apply directly to consortia • Consortia select students and scholars and propose a list of grantees, including a reserve list, to the Commission • Recruitment for academic year 2006/7 – from October 2005 to March 2006
EMM Nano. Erasmus Mundus Master of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology (2 years) B – Katholieke Universiteit Leuven (co-ordinator) S - Chalmers University of Technology NL - Technische Universiteit Delft NL - Universiteit Leiden D - Technische Universität Dresden MESPOM: Environmental Science, Policy and Management (2 years) S – Lund Universitet (co-ordinator) HU - Közép-Europai Egyetem Alapitvany UK - University of Manchester GR - Panepistimio Aigaiou European Master in Global Studies (2 years) D – Universität Leipzig (co-ordinator) UK - London School of Economics and Political Science AT - Universität Wien PL – University of Wroclaw GEM: Geo-Information Science and Earth Observation for Environmental Modelling and Management (1 year, 6 months) NL – International Institute for Geo-Information Science and Earth Observation (co-ordinator) UK - University of Southampton S - Lunds Universitet PL - University of Warsaw 34 ERASMUS MUNDUS MASTERS COURSES – offered in 2005(about 50 – for the academic year 2006/07)EXAMPLES OF CONSORTIA OFFERING STUDIES
Agricultural sciences (3 currently operating Master Studies) Architecture, urban and regional planning (0) Art and design (0) Business studies, management sciences (1) Communication and information sciences (4) Education, teacher training (3) Engineering, technology (11) Geography, geology (6) Humanities (5) Languages and philological sciences (2) Law (2) Mathematics, informatics (5) Medical sciences (2) Natural sciences (7) Social sciences (3) Other (Adapted physical activity, Cultural sciences, e-Business, e-Commerce) (3) Note: Some Master Studies are multidisciplinary DISCIPLINES OF MUNDUS MASTERS COURSES
ERASMUSMUNDUS List of Erasmus Mundus Master Courses with links to websites providing detailed information: http://europa.eu.int/comm/education/programmes/mundus/projects/index_en.html
SELECTION The Erasmus Mundus Masters consortium offering the Masters Course selects the students and scholars on the basis of CVs, study and academic merits, motivation, recommendations, language skills, etc. The European Commission confirms this selection. Motivation letter guidelines: Explain why you are applying for this course. Include: • Your academic interests • Why you have chosen this subject • What interests you especially about the course • Link these ideas to your chosen career • What are your particular skills and abilities that make you an excellent candidate • Why are you interested in studying in Europe • Why are you well prepared for living and studying in Europe • Do you foresee any personal problems (family/ financial/cultural) GOOD LUCK!!!
European Higher Education for the World – Studies and PromotionAdam Mickiewicz University (Poland) University of Hanover (Germany)University of Zaragoza (Spain)Erasmus Mundus Action 4 project2004-2007 1.carry out studies on the attractiveness and perception of European Higher Education among students from third countries 2. disseminate the research outcomes accompanied by recommendations 3. realise promotion activities focused on improving European higher education image and accessibility to world-wide public
ERASMUS MUNDUS Further Information • http://europa.eu.int/comm/education/programmes/mundus/index_en.html • http://www.mundusamu.amu.edu.pl/Erasmus.php Contact: kaha@amu.edu.pl