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Doc. Guda N.V.

Introduction to the discipline . Psychological aspects of aesthetic and reconstructive surgery . Plastic operations on a head , face and neck. Aesthetic operations on chest, abdomen, extremities. Liposuction. Doc. Guda N.V. Moments of cosmetic surgery. Plastic surgery

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Doc. Guda N.V.

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  1. Introduction to the discipline . Psychological aspects of aesthetic and reconstructive surgery. Plastic operations on a head, face and neck. Aesthetic operations on chest, abdomen, extremities.Liposuction Doc. Guda N.V.

  2. Moments of cosmetic surgery

  3. Plastic surgery Esthetic Reconstructive (cosmetic) 2\3 1\3 • Such dividing of plastic surgery appeared at the beginning of our century

  4. The same or very similar methods and techniques are used in reconstructive and cosmetic surgery • Planning of cosmetic abdominal plastic • Breast restoring after oncology operation by fat tissue of abdomen д

  5. Ideals of beauty Venera from Villendorf, 20 000 years before Crist is the most ancient women’s sculpture. It was found in Austria.

  6. Ideals of beauty • In Classic Greece (V-IV s. before Crist) ideals of beauty were more clear, beauty was a cult. • Platon :”Men should have 3 wishes – to be healthy, to become rich by true way, to be beautiful.” • Apollon ( God of love and beauty) statues were in each house • Xenofon:” I swear that I wouldn’t prefer strong of king of Persia to beauty. • Venera Meloskaya , Luvr, Paris

  7. Ideals of beauty • In Middle Ages ideals of beauty were changed to slender waist women with silk close, gold, stones. • In the century of Renaissance (IV-VI s.) artists and scientists were trying to describe beauty by scientific terms. Durer – mass principles of beauty, 4 books on proportions of men’s body. Leonardo da Vinci, Rafael, Tician, Botichelli showed great interest in women’s beauty and preferred rounded formwomen.

  8. Ideals of beauty • In the period of Mannerism (1520-1600) ideals of beauty changed. Mikelangelo, El Greco drew graceful, thin women with long necks. • In years of Barocco ideal woman was healthy, with round forms, energy – like in Rubence pictures

  9. Ideals of beauty • In Elizabeth's era XVI s. she chose ideals of beauty by herself. Tall women in corsets were the ideal. • Neoclassic period in the middle of XVIII s. was characterized by repeating of Greece ideals. • In XIX s. pretty women were with thin waist, wide thighs, big breasts.

  10. Nowadays

  11. Men’s beauty • In ancient Egypt men paid great attention to their close, they liked to put on jewelry, draw their eyes with char coal • In ancient Greece interest to men’s beauty was bigger then women’s one. They had the cult of human body, they went for sports to make their body ideal. • In Renesanse period a great interest was performed to measurement of body proportions. Mikelangelo paid a great attention to men’s beauty, that may be was characterizing of his sexual interests.

  12. Men’s beauty • In Elizavet’s era homosexual interests became more open. Women like tender boys were heroes in literature very often. They say that Shakespeare had big interest to men’s beauty. • In the middle of XVIII s. in neoclassic period were special groups of men that paid big interest to their appearance. For example, Makarini club in London. They used corsets, wigs, made make up. They wanted to be like Casanova, but paid too great attention to women. • Member of Makarini club

  13. Men’s beauty nowadays

  14. Formulas of beauty • Formulas of beauty were studied by different people. F.e. Leonardo da Vinci. According to his measuring – Distance from nose to chin = from eyelids to hair line Between eyes = length of eye Mouth not more than lines from interior border of iris Length of hand = height of face • Measuring of Venire statue made by Orden in 1683.

  15. The British Association of Aesthetic Plastic Surgeons recorded:



  18. Most plastic surgery operations

  19. Hot topics of plastic surgery

  20. The most dangerous word in plastic surgery may be ‘new.'” • They warn not to impulsively undergo cosmetic procedures just because the advertisements are seductive or because you saw them on TV. There are effective tried and true surgical and nonsurgical cosmetic procedures available, so avoid those that are untested, ineffective, painful, risky, or outdated. Here are some procedures that Allure magazine, February 2013, suggests you should approach cautiously. • The vampire facelift: The basic premise is that if your doctor injects your own yellow blood plasma around your eyes and mouth, the growth factors in your plasma will gradually stimulate collagen production. Plasma injection is unproven and adds a hefty $1,000 to your bill. • Laser liposuction: In this procedure the high heat from lasers melts your fat before it is removed from your body. A laser wand (the melting device) is inserted under your skin before another tube vacuums out your fat. The benefit of the laser is better skin tightening, more elasticity, and less bruising. But some plastic surgeons cite disadvantages, including the risks of a burn, large scars, tissue hardening, and prolonged pain. • The stem cell facelift: Almost 10 years ago claims started to appear that stem cells in fat improved skin quality. Shortly thereafter, injection of your own fat to plump certain areas in your face was called a “stem cell facelift.” Sounds irresistible, but a chair of plastic surgery at the University of Texas says “the idea that fat injections can replace a traditional facelift is high on marketing and short on science.” Stem cells may be the great hope of modern medicine, but right now there's no FDA-approved device to separate stem cells from fat and no proof that stem cells rejuvenate the face.

  21. Teens going 'under the knife'

  22. Mommy makeover • While many women choose to diet and exercise after pregnancy, some may find that no amount of time spent at the gym will help get rid of sagging skin or pockets of fat. Typically, a mommy makeover includes one or several of the following: liposuction, a tummy tuck and breast augmentation. Together, these procedures can undo some of the damage caused by the stress of carrying and birthing a child.

  23. Men will represent a growing segment of the aesthetic surgery market. • According to the American Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery (ASAPS), in 2011, men had nearly 800,000 cosmetic procedures, accounting for 9 percent of the total number of procedures carried out by ASAPS doctors that year. That figure represents a 121 percent increase from the number of male patients going under the knife in 1997. Among the most popular procedures for men were rhinoplasty, liposuction, eyelid surgery, male breast reduction and facelifts.

  24. Psychological aspects of aesthetic surgery Coping with post-operative depressionAfter surgery, most patients experience mild feelings of unhappiness. However, for an unlucky few, post-operative depression may be more severe. Post-surgery let downs usually set in about three days after surgery. In fact, some plastic surgeons call this condition "the Third-Day Blues." It may last anywhere from a few days to several weeks. This emotional let down may be caused by stress, exhaustion, metabolic changes, or the frustration of waiting for results to appear. Depression may be especially stressful for patients undergoing staged procedures, who must cope with an unfinished "interval image" until the final stage of surgery is complete. • 1 day after big operation on face

  25. Planning of the operation • Marking of operation area

  26. Complications

  27. Complications

  28. Variety of cosmetic operations

  29. Breast implanting • Incision: • Around the areola • Under breast • Axillaries

  30. Breast implanting • Localization of implant: • Over breast muscle • Under breast muscle

  31. History of breast implants • Smooth implants with liquid silicon gel • Smooth implants with physiological solution • Not smooth with liquid silicon gel • Not smooth with not liquid silicon gel anatomically formed

  32. ASPS Studies Re-Evaluate Psychological Benefits And Health Concerns Of Silicone Breast Implants • Cancer RiskWhile some studies have raised concerns about the potential link between silicone breast implants and breast cancer, others have suggested the implants could cause other types of cancer (cervical, vulvar, lung, etc). A National Cancer Institute (NCI) review of past epidemiologic studies showed little support for an increased risk of cancer among breast implant patients. • "At present, there is no convincing evidence that breast implants alter the risk of cancer," said Louise Brinton, Ph.D., NCI, and study author. "The few increases in risk that have been noted in studies appear to be largely attributable to lifestyle characteristics of the women, such as smoking, rather than the implants."

  33. ASPS Studies Re-Evaluate Psychological Benefits And Health Concerns Of Silicone Breast Implants • Effect on Breast-feeding"Our findings suggest there is no difference in silicone levels in the breast milk of women with silicone breast implants than in the breast milk of women without implants," said John Semple, MD, ASPS Member Surgeon and study author.

  34. Capsular contracture of the right breast Rupture / Deflation After removing

  35. There were 369,928 breast augmentations performed in 2012

  36. Types of liposuction • Vacuum • Ultrasound • Electrical

  37. Liposuction

  38. Liposuction

  39. Blepharoplasty

  40. Thank You for attention

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