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https:// youtube/watch?v=FyOK-q_gGGE&list=TLI9SURi2RHWFwhD5hoRIc3s1K5xZRdEAh

LRE Video: http :// www.ocali.org/project/least_restrictive_environment_video Thasya https:// www.youtube.com/watch?v=HH-Yur2c3N8 Axel. https:// www.youtube.com/watch?v=FyOK-q_gGGE&list=TLI9SURi2RHWFwhD5hoRIc3s1K5xZRdEAh.

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  1. LRE Video: http://www.ocali.org/project/least_restrictive_environment_videoThasyahttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HH-Yur2c3N8Axel https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FyOK-q_gGGE&list=TLI9SURi2RHWFwhD5hoRIc3s1K5xZRdEAh

  2. “Experts Get Big Bucks For Consultation to Remind Folks that ‘Intervention’ Can Be Effective Only Before a Crisis Occurs” “Secret”: Design Instruction and Interventions that are designed to Prevent, Teach, and Effectively Respond to Student Behavior

  3. Agenda • Discussion Guide • Review/Quiz • Systematic Instruction • Discrete Trial Training • Pivotal Response Training • Verbal Behavioral Approach • Course Evaluations • Dismissal • http://www.swiftschools.org/ • http://www.autisminternetmodules.org/

  4. Discussion Guide • Chapter 14: Building Skills for Home & Community • Guidelines for Planning Instruction • Guideline 1: Person-centered Planning Strategies to Create a Vision • Guideline 2: Coordinate Instruction with Families • Guideline 3: Encourage Self-Determination • Guideline 4: Select Appropriate Instructional Settings, Plan for Generalization, and use Efficient Strategies • Guideline 5: Use Transition Planning to Focus on Community-Based Instruction • Autism Internet Modules??? • http://www.autisminternetmodules.org/

  5. Review • Critical features of a goal and objective? • “Least Dangerous Assumption (Jorgenson, 2005)” for students with developmental disabilities? • PLAAFP? • Self-determination? • What skills would you teach a student to promote their self-determination? • Steps to assessing a student with developmental disabilities? • Task analysis? • Antecedent strategy? Consequence strategy?

  6. “Clearing a path for people with special needs clears the path for everyone!”

  7. How do we help schools & classrooms plan for all students? • Think School-wide? • Think Classroom/Unit Planning? • Think About different Abilities/Acceptance/Tolerance?

  8. Six Guiding Principles to Creating an Inclusive School • All instruction is guided by General Education • All school resources are configured to benefit all students • School Proactively addresses social development and citizenship • School is data-based learning organization • School has open boundaries in relation to its families and its community • District supports school-centered approach and extensive systems-change activities required to implement a school-wide model Sailor & Roger, 2005

  9. Universally Designed Instruction…Why? • National Center on UDL; www.udlcenter.org • http://udltechtoolkit.wikispaces.com/

  10. Ability Awareness • Alternatively called “disability awareness” • Lessons, activities, discussions that teach students & staff about individual abilities • Facilitates a dialogue about overall respect & dignity

  11. Basic Idea around Ability Awareness • Should emphasize that we are all people first & • We all want to be treated fairly and have opportunities like everyone else • http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k3AeIFup1qY&feature=rellist&playnext=1&list=PL961CE6A2D1A552BE

  12. Where do we start when planning for an individual with significant disabilities?

  13. External Community Supports I hear “One Voice” Academic Support System: Response to Intervention Social/Behavior Support System: School-wide PBS Context for: Person Centered Planning, Functional Assessment & Wraparound

  14. Steps in the Ecological Assessment Process? • Where do we start?

  15. Steps in Ecological Assessment Process • Step 1: Plan with Student & Family • Person-centered Planning • Step 2: Summarize what is known about the student • Record Review, IEP Review • Step 3: Encourage Self-Determination/ Assess Student Preferences • Preference Assessment • Step 4: Assess student’s instructional program • Daily Schedule Analysis • Task Analyses • Other Assessments • Step 5: Develop ecological assessment report • To inform IEP: PLAAFP, Goals & Objectives, Interventions

  16. Common Person-Centered Planning Methods?? • http://functionalassessment.pbworks.com/w/page/65382678/Person-Centered%20Planning%20Resources

  17. Planning Alternative Tomorrows with Hope (PATH) http://www.inclusive-solutions.com/pcplanning.asp

  18. Choosing Outcomes & Accommodations for Children: COACH 3 • Giangreco, Cloninger, Iverson (2011) • Beyond Student-Centered Planning to Student-Directed Planning • Intended to accompany and not supplant IEP planning process

  19. MAPS • Making Action Plans • OR • McGill Action Planning • Number of Questions around: • Dreams • Nightmares • Important People • What Works for Me? • What Doesn’t Work for Me?

  20. After Person-Centered Planning…What next? • How? • What should be included?

  21. After IEP Summary, etc…..?

  22. Promote Self-Determination Loman et al., 2010

  23. Preference Assessments • Why are preference assessments so important? • Want to be seen as the “giver of good things” • Natural consequences may not be reinforcing to the learner. • http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CBuTHzWvN8I

  24. Two Main Types of Preference Assessments?

  25. Free Access Steps (Ortiz & Carr, 2000) • Identify several potentially preferred items (checklist or interview of others) • Position items so that the learner has access to all items • Spread around the room in the learner’s reach/view • Observe the learner on several occasions • Document the first item (& successive items) the learner approaches and note the total duration of time the learner engages with each item.

  26. Form 5.2

  27. Forced Choice Steps (Piazza, Fisher, Hagopian, Bowman, & Toole, 1996) • Identify several potentially preferred items • Present items in pairs. • Randomize the presentation of items in pairs and order of pairs (to prevent the same item from being presented too many times in a row) • Randomize the position of the items • Observe the item in each pair the learner selects.

  28. Forced Choice Form 5.3

  29. After preference assessments…then….

  30. Steps in Ecological Assessment Process • Step 1: Plan with Student & Family • Person-centered Planning • Step 2: Summarize what is known about the student • Record Review, IEP Review • Step 3: Encourage Self-Determination/ Assess Student Preferences • Preference Assessment • Step 4: Assess student’s instructional program • Daily Schedule Analysis • Task Analyses • Other Assessments

  31. Qualities of a Well-Designed Standards-Based IEP (modified from Wakeman et al., 2010)

  32. Infused Skills Grid • Focus on Goals. • Increase Participation

  33. Bryant, D.P., Smith, D. D., & Bryant, B. R. (2008). Teaching students with special needs in inclusive classrooms. Boston: Allyn & Bacon. Bryant, D.P., Smith, D. D., & Bryant, B. R. (2008). Teaching students with special needs in inclusive classrooms. Boston: Allyn & Bacon.

  34. Daily Schedule Analysis

  35. Participation Plan

  36. Steps in Ecological Assessment Process • Step 1: Plan with Student & Family • Person-centered Planning • Step 2: Summarize what is known about the student • Record Review, IEP Review • Step 3: Encourage Self-Determination/ Assess Student Preferences • Preference Assessment • Step 4: Assess student’s instructional program • Daily Schedule Analysis • Task Analyses • Other Assessments • Step 5: Develop ecological assessment report • To inform IEP: PLAAFP, Goals & Objectives, Interventions

  37. How do we assess communication? • Social Skills? • Academic Skills? • Daily living skills?

  38. Teaching • Teaching is the process of arranging instructional stimuli that result in behavior change for the learner. • Teaching requires the establishment of a learning context. • Teaching requires behavior change on the part of the learner. • Teaching students to respond to specific stimuli is a teacher’s basic job.

  39. Stimulus Control • Stimulus control refers to change in the likelihood of a response when a stimulus is presented. • The stimulus is a signal that if the response is performed, a predictable outcome (consequence) is likely. • If a person responds one way in the presence of a stimulus and another in its absence, than that stimulus is said to “control” behavior. • A traffic light is an example Antecedent/Stimulus: Green Light Behavior: Drive or walk across the street

  40. General Case Design— Why?Determine what to teach and features need to varyto increase generalization. 1. Define the Instructional Universe 2. Define the Range of Relevant Stimulus and Response Variation 3. Select Examples for Teaching & Testing 4. Sequencing Teaching Examples 5. Teaching the Examples 6. Testing with Non-trained Probe Examples

  41. KWL for instructing students with multiple or developmental disabilities

  42. Evidenced-based Practices

  43. National Standards Project:11 Established Treatments • Comprehensive Treatment Packages • Comprehensive Behavioral Treatment for Young Children (discrete trial) • Antecedent Package (ABA, positive behavior supports) • Behavioral Package (ABA, positive behavior supports, token systems) • Pivotal Response Training • Schedules • Self-management (promoting independence) • Peer Training Package • Joint Attention Intervention (respond or initiate joint attention) • Modeling (imitation of target behavior) • Naturalistic Teaching Strategies (child-directed to teach functional skills) • Story-based Intervention Package

  44. Antecedent: Natural Cue that triggers [or should trigger]…. Behavior you want to Increase or Decrease Consequence: Natural outcome that consistently occurs after behavior Antecedent Strategies -Time Delay -Prompting -Pre-correction -Modeling Consequence Strategies -Differential Reinforcement -Shaping -Error Correction Instructional Design -Range of Responses -Range of Examples -Positive Examples -Negative Examples -Minimally Different -Maximally Different

  45. Errorless learning • Train discrimination without errors (shaping stimulus control) • Refined form of decreasing prompts • Alterations of features of the stimulus (Sd) OR Stimulus property • Student’s name on white card other student’s name on black card. • Card gradually darkened. • No incorrect choices and discriminated on relevant stimulus properties. • http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8sYNcSP5VZ0 • http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h5_zJIm1B_k

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