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CEGE046/GEOG3051 Principles & Practice of Remote Sensing (PPRS) 3: Radiation (ii). Dr. Mathias (Mat) Disney UCL Geography Office: 113, Pearson Building Tel: 7679 0592 Email: mdisney@ucl.geog.ac.uk www.geog.ucl.ac.uk/~mdisney. EMR arriving at Earth.
CEGE046/GEOG3051Principles & Practice of Remote Sensing (PPRS) 3: Radiation (ii) Dr. Mathias (Mat) Disney UCL Geography Office: 113, Pearson Building Tel: 7679 0592 Email: mdisney@ucl.geog.ac.uk www.geog.ucl.ac.uk/~mdisney
EMR arriving at Earth • We now know how EMR spectrum is distributed • Radiant energy arriving at Earth’s surface • NOT blackbody, but close • “Solar constant” • solar energy irradiating surface perpendicular to solar beam • ~1373Wm-2 at top of atmosphere (TOA) • Mean distance of sun ~1.5x108km so total solar energy emitted = 4r2x1373 = 3.88x1026W • Incidentally we can now calculate Tsun (radius=6.69x108m) from SB Law • T4sun = 3.88x1026/4r2 so T = ~5800K
Departure from blackbody assumption • Interaction with gases in the atmosphere • attenuation of solar radiation
Radiation Geometry: spatial relations • Now cover what happens when radiation interacts with Earth System • Atmosphere • On the way down AND way up • Surface • Multiple interactions between surface and atmosphere • Absorption/scattering of radiation in the atmosphere
Radiation passing through media • Various interactions, with different results From http://rst.gsfc.nasa.gov/Intro/Part2_3html.html
Radiation Geometry: spatial relations • Definitions of radiometric quantities • Radiant energy emitted, transmitted of received per unit time is radiant flux (usually Watts, or Js-1) • Radiant flux density is flux per unit area (Wm-2) • Irradiance is radiant flux density incident on a surface (Wm-2) e.g. Solar radiation arriving at surface • Emittance (radiance or radiant exitance) (Wm-2) is radiant flux density emitted by a surface • For parallel beam, flux density defined in terms of plane perpendicular to beam. What about from a point?
dF dA Point source d r Radiation Geometry: point source • Consider flux dF emitted from point source into solid angle d, where dF and d very small • Intensity I defined as flux per unit solid angle i.e. I = dF/d (Wsr-1) • Solid angle d = dA/r2 (steradians, sr)
Radiation Geometry: plane source dF Plane source dS dS cos • What about when we have a plane source rather than a point? • Element of surface with area dS emits flux dF in direction at angle to normal • Radiant emittance, M = dF / dS (Wm-2) • Radiance L is intensity in a particular direction (dI = dF/) divided by the apparent area of source in that direction i.e. flux per unit area per solid angle (Wm-2sr-1) • Projected area of dS is direction is dS cos , so….. • Radiance L = (dF/) / dS cos = dI/dS cos (Wm-2sr-1)
Radiation Geometry: radiance • So, radiance equivalent to: • intensity of radiant flux observed in a particular direction divided by apparent area of source in same direction • Note on solid angle (steradians): • 3D analog of ordinary angle (radians) • 1 steradian = angle subtended at the centre of a sphere by an area of surface equal to the square of the radius. The surface of a sphere subtends an angle of 4 steradians at its centre.
Cone of solid angle = 1sr from sphere • = area of surface A / radius2 • Radiant intensity Radiation Geometry: solid angle From http://www.intl-light.com/handbook/ch07.html
Radiation Geometry: cosine law • Emission and absorption • Radiance linked to law describing spatial distn of radiation emitted by Bbody with uniform surface temp. T (total emitted flux = T4) • Surface of Bbody then has same T from whatever angle viewed • So intensity of radiation from point on surface, and areal element of surface MUST be independent of , angle to surface normal • OTOH flux per unit solid angle divided by true area of surface must be proportional to cos
Radiation Geometry: cosine law X Radiometer dA Y X Radiometer Y dA/cos • Case 1: radiometer ‘sees’ dA, flux proportional to dA • Case 2: radiometer ‘sees’ dA/cos (larger) BUT T same, so emittance of surface same and hence radiometer measures same • So flux emitted per unit area at angle to cos so that product of emittance ( cos ) and area emitting ( 1/ cos ) is same for all • This is basis of Lambert’s Cosine Law Adapted from Monteith and Unsworth, Principles of Environmental Physics
Radiation Geometry: Lambert’s Cosine Law • When radiation emitted from Bbody at angle to normal, then flux per unit solid angle emitted by surface is cos • Corollary of this: • if Bbody exposed to beam of radiant energy at an angle to normal, the flux density of absorbed radiation is cos • In remote sensing we generally need to consider directions of both incident AND reflected radiation, then reflectivity is described as bi-directional Adapted from Monteith and Unsworth, Principles of Environmental Physics
d Projected surface dS cos Recap: radiance • Radiance, L • power emitted (dF) per unit of solid angle (d) and per unit of the projected surface (dS cos) of an extended widespread source in a given direction, ( = zenith angle, = azimuth angle) • L = d2F / (d dS cos ) (in Wm-2sr-1) • If radiance is not dependent on i.e. if same in all directions, the source is said to be Lambertian. Ordinary surfaces rarely found to be Lambertian. Ad. From http://ceos.cnes.fr:8100/cdrom-97/ceos1/science/baphygb/chap2/chap2.htm
Recap: emittance • Emittance, M (exitance) • emittance (M) is the power emitted (dW) per surface unit of an extended widespread source, throughout an hemisphere. Radiance is therefore integrated over an hemisphere.If radiance independent of i.e. if same in all directions, the source is said to be Lambertian. • For Lambertian surface • Remember L = d2F / (d dS cos ) = constant, so M = dF/dS = • M = L Ad. From http://ceos.cnes.fr:8100/cdrom-97/ceos1/science/baphygb/chap2/chap2.htm
Direct Diffuse Recap: irradiance • Radiance, L, defined as directional (function of angle) • from source dS along viewing angle of sensor ( in this 2D case, but more generally (, ) in 3D case) • Emittance, M, hemispheric • Why?? • Solar radiation scattered by atmosphere • So we have direct AND diffuse components Ad. From http://ceos.cnes.fr:8100/cdrom-97/ceos1/science/baphygb/chap2/chap2.htm
Reflectance • Spectral reflectance, (), defined as ratio of incident flux to reflected flux at same wavelength • () = L()/I() • Extreme cases: • Perfectly specular: radiation incident at angle reflected away from surface at angle - • Perfectly diffuse (Lambertian): radiation incident at angle reflected equally in all angles
Interactions with the atmosphere From http://rst.gsfc.nasa.gov/Intro/Part2_4.html
R R 2 1 target target R 4 R 3 target target Interactions with the atmosphere • Notice that target reflectance is a function of • Atmospheric irradiance • reflectance outside target scattered into path • diffuse atmospheric irradiance • multiple-scattered surface-atmosphere interactions From: http://www.geog.ucl.ac.uk/~mdisney/phd.bak/final_version/final_pdf/chapter2a.pdf
Interactions with the atmosphere: refraction • Caused by atmosphere at different T having different density, hence refraction • path of radiation alters moving from medium of one density to another (different velocity) • index of refraction (n) is ratio of speed of light in a vacuum (c) to speed cn in another medium (e.g. Air) i.e. n = c/cn • note that n always >= 1 i.e. cn <= c • Examples • nair = 1.0002926 • nwater = 1.33
Incident radiation n1 1 Optically less dense Optically more dense 2 n2 Path unaffected by atmosphere Optically less dense 3 n3 Path affected by atmosphere Refraction: Snell’s Law • Refraction described by Snell’s Law • For given freq. f, n1 sin 1 = n2 sin 2 • where 1 and 2 are the angles from the normal of the incident and refracted waves respectively • (non-turbulent) atmosphere can be considered as layers of gases, each with a different density (hence n) • Displacement of path - BUT knowing Snell’s Law can be removed After: Jensen, J. (2000) Remote sensing of the environment: an Earth Resources Perspective.
Interactions with the atmosphere: scattering • Caused by presence of particles (soot, salt, etc.) and/or large gas molecules present in the atmosphere • Interact with EMR anc cause to be redirected from original path. • Scattering amount depends on: • of radiation • abundance of particles or gases • distance the radiation travels through the atmosphere (path length) After: http://www.ccrs.nrcan.gc.ca/ccrs/learn/tutorials/fundam/chapter1/chapter1_4_e.html
Atmospheric scattering 1: Rayleigh • Particle size << of radiation • e.g. very fine soot and dust or N2, O2 molecules • Rayleigh scattering dominates shorter and in upper atmos. • i.e. Longer scattered less (visible red scattered less than blue ) • Hence during day, visible blue tend to dominate (shorter path length) • Longer path length at sunrise/sunset so proportionally more visible blue scattered out of path so sky tends to look more red • Even more so if dust in upper atmosphere • http://www.spc.noaa.gov/publications/corfidi/sunset/ • http://www.nws.noaa.gov/om/educ/activit/bluesky.htm After: http://www.ccrs.nrcan.gc.ca/ccrs/learn/tutorials/fundam/chapter1/chapter1_4_e.html
Atmospheric scattering 1: Rayleigh • So, scattering -4 so scattering of blue light (400nm) > scattering of red light (700nm) by (700/400)4 or ~ 9.4 From http://hyperphysics.phy-astr.gsu.edu/hbase/atmos/blusky.html
Atmospheric scattering 2: Mie • Particle size of radiation • e.g. dust, pollen, smoke and water vapour • Affects longer than Rayleigh, BUT weak dependence on • Mostly in the lower portions of the atmosphere • larger particles are more abundant • dominates when cloud conditions are overcast • i.e. large amount of water vapour (mist, cloud, fog) results in almost totally diffuse illumination After: http://www.ccrs.nrcan.gc.ca/ccrs/learn/tutorials/fundam/chapter1/chapter1_4_e.html
Atmospheric scattering 3: Non-selective • Particle size >> of radiation • e.g. Water droplets and larger dust particles, • All affected about equally (hence name!) • Hence results in fog, mist, clouds etc. appearing white • white = equal scattering of red, green and blue s After: http://www.ccrs.nrcan.gc.ca/ccrs/learn/tutorials/fundam/chapter1/chapter1_4_e.html
Atmospheric absorption • Other major interaction with signal • Gaseous molecules in atmosphere can absorb photons at various • depends on vibrational modes of molecules • Very dependent on • Main components are: • CO2, water vapour and ozone (O3) • Also CH4 .... • O3 absorbs shorter i.e. protects us from UV radiation
Atmospheric absorption • CO2 as a “greenhouse” gas • strong absorber in longer (thermal) part of EM spectrum • i.e. 10-12m where Earth radiates • Remember peak of Planck function for T = 300K • So shortwave solar energy (UV, vis, SW and NIR) is absorbed at surface and re-radiates in thermal • CO2 absorbs re-radiated energy and keeps warm • $64M question! • Does increasing CO2 increasing T?? • Anthropogenic global warming?? • Aside....
Antarctic ice core records • Keeling et al. • Annual variation + trend • Smoking gun for anthropogenic change, or natural variation?? Atmospheric CO2 trends
Atmospheric windows Atmospheric “windows” • As a result of strong dependence of absorption • Some totally unsuitable for remote sensing as most radiation absorbed
Atmospheric “windows” • If you want to look at surface • Look in atmospheric windows where transmissions high • If you want to look at atmosphere however....pick gaps • Very important when selecting instrument channels • Note atmosphere nearly transparent in wave i.e. can see through clouds! • V. Important consideration....
Atmospheric “windows” • Vivisble + NIR part of the spectrum • windows, roughly: 400-750, 800-1000, 1150-1300, 1500-1600, 2100-2250nm
Summary • Measured signal is a function of target reflectance • plus atmospheric component (scattering, absorption) • Need to choose appropriate regions (atmospheric windows) • μ-wave region largely transparent i.e. can see through clouds in this region • one of THE major advantages of μ-wave remote sensing • Top-of-atmosphere (TOA) signal is NOT target signal • To isolate target signal need to... • Remove/correct for effects of atmosphere • A major part component of RS pre-processing chain • Atmospheric models, ground observations, multiple views of surface through different path lengths and/or combinations of above
Summary • Generally, solar radiation reaching the surface composed of • <= 75% direct and >=25 % diffuse • attentuation even in clearest possible conditions • minimum loss of 25% due to molecular scattering and absorption about equally • Normally, aerosols responsible for significant increase in attenuation over 25% • HENCE ratio of diffuse to total also changes • AND spectral composition changes
Natural surfaces somewhere in between Reflectance • When EMR hits target (surface) • Range of surface reflectance behaviour • perfect specular (mirror-like) - incidence angle = exitance angle • perfectly diffuse (Lambertian) - same reflectance in all directions independent of illumination angle) From http://www.ccrs.nrcan.gc.ca/ccrs/learn/tutorials/fundam/chapter1/chapter1_5_e.html
Surface energy budget • Total amount of radiant flux per wavelength incident on surface, () Wm-1 is summation of: • reflected r, transmitted t, and absorbed, a • i.e. () = r + t + a • So need to know about surface reflectance, transmittance and absorptance • Measured RS signal is combination of all 3 components After: Jensen, J. (2000) Remote sensing of the environment: an Earth Resources Perspective.
(a) (b) (c) (d) Figure 2.1 Four examples of surface reflectance: (a) Lambertian reflectance (b) non-Lambertian (directional) reflectance (c) specular (mirror-like) reflectance (d) retro-reflection peak (hotspot). Reflectance: angular distribution • Real surfaces usually display some degree of reflectance ANISOTROPY • Lambertian surface is isotropic by definition • Most surfaces have some level of anisotropy From: http://www.geog.ucl.ac.uk/~mdisney/phd.bak/final_version/final_pdf/chapter2a.pdf
Directional reflectance: BRDF • Reflectance of most real surfaces is a function of not only λ, but viewing and illumination angles • Described by the Bi-Directional Reflectance Distribution Function (BRDF) • BRDF of area A defined as: ratio of incremental radiance, dLe, leaving surface through an infinitesimal solid angle in direction (v, v), to incremental irradiance, dEi, from illumination direction ’(i, i) i.e. • is viewing vector (v, v) are view zenith and azimuth angles; ’ is illum. vector (i, i) are illum. zenith and azimuth angles • So in sun-sensor example, is position of sensor and ’ is position of sun After: Jensen, J. (2000) Remote sensing of the environment: an Earth Resources Perspective.
viewer incident diffuse radiation direct irradiance (Ei) vector exitant solid angle incident solid angle v i 2-v i surface area A surface tangent vector Configuration of viewing and illumination vectors in the viewing hemisphere, with respect to an element of surface area, A. Directional reflectance: BRDF • Note that BRDF defined over infinitesimally small solid angles , ’ and interval, so cannot measure directly • In practice measure over some finite angle and and assume valid From: http://www.geog.ucl.ac.uk/~mdisney/phd.bak/final_version/final_pdf/chapter2a.pdf
Modelled barley reflectance, v from –50o to 0o (left to right, top to bottom). Directional reflectance: BRDF • Spectral behaviour depends on illuminated/viewed amounts of material • Change view/illum. angles, change these proportions so change reflectance • Information contained in angular signal related to size, shape and distribution of objects on surface (structure of surface) • Typically CANNOT assume surfaces are Lambertian (isotropic) From: http://www.geog.ucl.ac.uk/~mdisney/phd.bak/final_version/final_pdf/chapter2a.pdf
Features of BRDF • Bowl shape • increased scattering due to increased path length through canopy
Features of BRDF • Bowl shape • increased scattering due to increased path length through canopy
Features of BRDF • Hot Spot • mainly shadowing minimum • so reflectance higher
The “hotspot” See http://www.ncaveo.ac.uk/test_sites/harwood_forest/
Directional reflectance: BRDF • Good explanation of BRDF: • http://geography.bu.edu/brdf/brdfexpl.html