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Plug-N-Harvest. WP 3: The PLUG-N-HARVEST Control and Management at Building and District Level
Plug-N-Harvest WP3: The PLUG-N-HARVEST Control and Management at Building and District Level ORGANIZATION: Certh, Odins, Etrai+d, siemensPRESENTER(S): iakovosMichailidis, STELIOS KRINIDIS, RAFAEL MARIN-PEREZ, ANA ISABEL MARTINEZ GARCIA, CHRISTIAN VINTILAMEETING: 3Rd plenary MEETING 6-7 JuNE 2018, BARCELONA, SPAIN PLUG-N-HARVESTID: 768735 - H2020-EU.
Plug-N-Harvest: Project Information Cordis Europa URL: http://cordis.europa.eu/project/rcn/211287_en.html Project Website: www.plug-n-harvest.eu Project Acronym : PLUG-N-HARVEST Project ID: 768735 Funded under: H2020-EU. - Technologies enabling energy-efficient systems and energy-efficient buildings with a low environmental impact Project Start Date: 1st of September 2017 Duration: 51 months PLUG-N-HARVESTID: 768735 - H2020-EU.
Plug-N-Harvest: WP3 Description • WP3 activities are related to: • Support the requirements identification and suggest solutions for the Interconnected Elements Ecosystem (IEE) – Layer 2. • Develop tailored solutions for Security and Safety Mechanisms (SSM) – Layer 3. • Develop tailored solutions for Energy Management System (EMS) – Layer 4. • Integrate and verify the functionalities of the aforementioned layers. PLUG-N-HARVESTID: 768735 - H2020-EU.
Plug-N-Harvest: WP3 Progress • Start Date: 01/12/2017 (M4) • Outcomes so far: • Functional description for all WP3 components [10/01/2018]. • Internal technical discussion of WP3 contributors to resolve minor collaboration issues [6/3/2018]. • Equipment specifications for BMS compatibility [23/4/2018]. • List of necessary equipment for building control (feedback vector) [11/5/2018]. • Merged list of necessary equipment both for building control and evaluation (monitoring) [24/5/2018]. PLUG-N-HARVESTID: 768735 - H2020-EU.
Plug-N-Harvest: Task 3.1 PLUG-N-HARVESTID: 768735 - H2020-EU.
Plug-N-Harvest: Task 3.1 Function • Optimization Mode Technical Description (T1=24 hours [configurable]): • STEP 1: Every T1 get the total energy consumption KPI-K1 or KPI-K2 (not defined yet)???measurements of the controllable assets as well as the total renewable energy generation and demand flexibility (from Task 3.2). • STEP 2: Every T1 get the total indoor comfort KPI-K9 measurements [can be also internally calculated based on ASHRAE 62.1-2013 and ASHRAE 55-2013 standards]. • STEP 3: Every T1calculate the total cost-criterion as follows: • STEP 4: Every T1update control strategy to be applied for the next T1. PLUG-N-HARVESTID: 768735 - H2020-EU.
Plug-N-Harvest: Task 3.1 Function • Control Mode Technical Description (T2=15 mins [configurable]): • STEP 1: Every T2get the current indoormeasurements. • STEP 2: Every T2get the current outdoor conditions. • STEP 3: Every T2get the forecasted outdoor and occupancy conditions. • STEP 4: Every T2generate a new set of control decisions (set-points) to be applied for the next T2, as follows: PLUG-N-HARVESTID: 768735 - H2020-EU.
Plug-N-Harvest: Task 3.2 PLUG-N-HARVESTID: 768735 - H2020-EU.
Plug-N-Harvest: Task 3.2 • Optimal Energy Management System (OEMS) at District/Grid Level. PLUG-N-HARVESTID: 768735 - H2020-EU.
Plug-N-Harvest: Task 3.2 PLUG-N-HARVESTID: 768735 - H2020-EU.
Plug-N-Harvest: Task 3.2 OEMS • Responsible for the communication and energy exchange: • among all the Plug-N-Harvest buildings, • between the buildings and the energy networks, and • between the buildings and external actors (ESCOs, aggregators, etc.). • Inputs: BMS information from sensors • Outputs: BMS commands for actuators PLUG-N-HARVESTID: 768735 - H2020-EU.
Plug-N-Harvest: Task 3.2 OEMS • Implemented as 2-levels system: • A RABBIT system on each building • Immediately analysis of consumption, alarms, etc. • Inputs/outputs from/to BMS • One REST API Server in the server side: • Management, configuration… • Demand response, • Optimizations, • Interchange of energy, • Information for ESCO, Aggregators, etc… PLUG-N-HARVESTID: 768735 - H2020-EU.
Plug-N-Harvest: Task 3.2 OEMS • Status: On time (first period) • Architecture definition: DONE • Identification of required modules. • Identification of modules location (building, server or both). • Identification of inputs/outputs. PENDING • Waiting for knowing final sensors/actuators • Integration with BMS client library. STARTED • Accorded with Odins the way of integration (client library). • Waiting for Odins library (expected during June). • Implementation of modules (v1). STARTED PLUG-N-HARVESTID: 768735 - H2020-EU.
Plug-N-Harvest: Task 3.2 OEMS • Status: On time (first period) PLUG-N-HARVESTID: 768735 - H2020-EU.
Plug-N-Harvest: Task 3.2 OEMS • Functionalities detected (1/2) PLUG-N-HARVESTID: 768735 - H2020-EU.
Plug-N-Harvest: Task 3.2 OEMS • Functionalities detected (2/2) PLUG-N-HARVESTID: 768735 - H2020-EU.
Plug-N-Harvest: Task 3.2 DRFFO • Short-term predictions/ forecasting • Estimation of the buildings’ flexibility • Evaluation of different building operational states (specific KPIs) • Selection of the optimal state • Demand/ Response capabilities STARTED • Light-weight simulations of different building operational states • DistrictSimulations PLUG-N-HARVESTID: 768735 - H2020-EU.
Plug-N-Harvest: Task 3.2 DRFFO Demand/ Response queries Simulation module Forecasting module Sensors measurements MQTT broker Evaluation of different states (KPIs) StorageDB PLUG-N-HARVESTID: 768735 - H2020-EU.
Plug-N-Harvest: Task 3.2 DRFFO Light-weight simulations of different building operational states Evaluation of different building operational states Selection of the optimal building operational state Estimation of the building flexibility Short-term predictions/ forecasting Demand/ Response capabilities District simulations PLUG-N-HARVESTID: 768735 - H2020-EU.
Plug-N-Harvest: Task 3.2 DRFFO Light-weight simulations of different building operational states • Training: • Data gathering from the pilots • Energy consumption • Indoor environmental information (e.g. occupancy, temperature, etc.) • Outdoor environmental information • Training of the simulation engine • Testing/ Running: • Stochastic generation of different building operational states • Simulation of the energy consumption • Heating/ Cooling devices • Lighting • Appliances • Estimation of the energy consumption for each different building state • Estimation of the occupants’ comfort for each different building state PLUG-N-HARVESTID: 768735 - H2020-EU.
Plug-N-Harvest: Task 3.2 DRFFO Evaluation of different building operational states • Evaluation based on various KPIs: • Energy consumption • Comfort values (visual & thermal comfort) • Footprint • Previous building states • etc. • Dynamic weights for all KPIs • Evaluation/ Ranking of each simulated building state PLUG-N-HARVESTID: 768735 - H2020-EU.
Plug-N-Harvest: Task 3.2 DRFFO Estimation of the building flexibility • Analysis of different building operational states • Analysis of the short-term predictions/ forecasting • Analysis of the flexibility of each device in the building • Estimation of the building flexibility PLUG-N-HARVESTID: 768735 - H2020-EU.
Plug-N-Harvest: Task 3.2 DRFFO District simulation • Analysis of the building energy consumption • Multidisciplinary assessments of energy systems in the districts/ neighborhoods • Training based on real data from the pilots • Simulation of the grid state • Normal use • Extreme conditions (need for D/R actions) PLUG-N-HARVESTID: 768735 - H2020-EU.
Plug-N-Harvest: Task 3.3 PLUG-N-HARVESTID: 768735 - H2020-EU.
Plug-N-Harvest: Task 3.3 – Safety Mechanisms • Siemens: iCore, CityPulse and D-Cep: where, a central complex event processing (CEP) framework based on open frameworks (e.g. Drools or Esper) are integrated employing time series over patterns. [Faults Detection and Recognition] • Siemens: can provide mechanisms and tools for ML libraries in order to detect deviations from predefined patterns (i.e. expected values). [Faults Mitigation] PLUG-N-HARVESTID: 768735 - H2020-EU.
Plug-N-Harvest: Task 3.3 – Safety Mechanisms Operational Data to mine for Patterns Sensor Data Configuration Data Log Data Time Based Events Data Event Based Data Alarms Operations Knowledge (Models) Repository Discrimination Maker Fault Prognostics Engine Operation Model Updater Optimizer Context Classifier PLUG-N-HARVESTID: 768735 - H2020-EU.
Plug-N-Harvest: Task 3.4 PLUG-N-HARVESTID: 768735 - H2020-EU.
Plug-N-Harvest: Task 3.4 description • Task 3.4 activities (1st cycle: M4 – M18, 2nd cycle: M28 - M39) are related to: • Provide in-depth analysis of the technical risks of security and privacy, and of the legal risks associated with personal data protection issues. • Provide end-to-end protocols that protect the data communication among BMS system and OEMS/IMCS applications to mitigate security and privacy risks. PLUG-N-HARVESTID: 768735 - H2020-EU.
Plug-N-Harvest: Task 3.4 • Siemens: • Trust and reputation mechanism based initially only on stochastic rules. To be enhanced with ML • Contextual access control mechanism, requiring: • Custom access models and ontology • ML-based rules for handlers • I.e. “learn” behavior of users of the system • Generates XACML policies PLUG-N-HARVESTID: 768735 - H2020-EU.
Plug-N-Harvest: T3.4 Security Protocols • DCapBACprovides a distributed scheme for the generation and verification of capability tokens to authorize actions such as the data publication in BMS server or the actuation in an BMS gateway. • XACML enables the Policy Decision Point to resolve the authorization decision to obtain a capability token for the access of resources in BMS gateways and BMS system. • CP-ABE is a ciphering schema enabling to access information ciphered in BMS system according to privacy policies. • ECC enables elliptic curves for constrained BMS gateways to allow security mechanisms such as encryption and digital signature. • CoAPS (DTLS+COAP) provides secure channel for data communication between BMS gateways and the BMS system. COAPS provides the security services such as integrity, authentication and confidentiality in end-to-end communications. PLUG-N-HARVESTID: 768735 - H2020-EU.
Plug-N-Harvest: T3.4 BMS Interoperability • Approach for interoperability of the IEE, SSM and EMS layer components (BMS, IMCS, OEMS, IoT gateways, sensors and actuators): 3. DirectIntegrationwith BMS server via Open Interfaces (MQTT/REST) 1. Integrationthrough IoT gateway viawiredModbus-RTU connection 2. DirectIntegrationwith BMS server viasecure JAVA-clientapplication PLUG-N-HARVESTID: 768735 - H2020-EU.
Plug-N-Harvest: T3.4: Modbus-RTU Integration with BMS-gateway • BMS-gateway supports Modbus-RTU devices via wired RS-485 connection. • BMS-gateway acts as Master to control until 32 Slave devices. • Table shows the compatible Modbus-RTU configuration of BMS-gateway. PLUG-N-HARVESTID: 768735 - H2020-EU.
Plug-N-Harvest: T3.4: Open-REST Integration with BMS-Server. • Example of Information request of all IoT gateways in the building called “pilot1” • Actuation Query to turn ON Ventilator. (curl localhost:1026/v1/updateContext -s -S --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \ --header ’fiware-service: PlugNHarvest’ \ --header ’fiware-servicepath: /pilot1’ \ --header 'Accept: application/json' -d @- | python -mjson.tool) <<EOF { "contextElements": [ { "type": "Gateway", "isPattern": "true", "id": "Gateway:01", "attributes": [ { "name": "Ventilator", "type": "text", "value": "On" } ] } ], "updateAction": "UPDATE" } EOF (curl localhost:1026/v1/queryContext -s -S --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \ --header ’fiware-service: PlugNHarvest’ \ --header ’fiware-servicepath: /pilot1’ \ --header 'Accept: application/json' -d @- | python -mjson.tool) <<EOF { "entities": [ { "type": "Gateway", "isPattern": "true", "id": "Gateway:.*" } ] } EOF PLUG-N-HARVESTID: 768735 - H2020-EU.
Plug-N-Harvest: Responsibilities for Integration and Deployment in Pilots • The main responsibility is to provide Security/Privacy solutions for the communications between BMS-system and OEMS/IMCS platform to cope with the task T3.4 and the KeyObjetive-4 of the PnH project. • Offer 3 different options for the integration with BMS system: • For each ModbusRTU device, we can provide the integration with BMS gateway and the communication with BMS-FIWARE server using Security/Privacy mechanisms. • For NO-ModbusRTU devices, we can provide the open JSON-API interfaces (REST/MQTT) in BMS server to enable the integration by the pilot partners or subcontracting entity. • For OEMS/IMCS or any Server application, we can provide a Client Application for the easy integration by any partners using Security/Privacy mechanisms. • For deployment, we can provide technical documentations about BMS-gateway, BMS-server and Secure-JAVA-client for the installation in the pilot sites. PLUG-N-HARVESTID: 768735 - H2020-EU.
Plug-N-Harvest: Needs for Integration and Deployment in Pilots • Required activities for the Modbus-RTU deployment by pilot partners or subcontracting entities: • The hardware validation of the proposed Modbus-RTU equipment before the acquisition. • The network configuration in the building for the Ethernet communication for BMS-system. • The deployment validation of the Modbus-RTU equipment installation in each building. • The whole configuration of the Modbus-RTU installation before programming the BMS-gateways. • The Modbus-RTU configuration of all devices connected to the same BMS-gateway. • For each Modbus-RTU device, it needs the bus identification, the memory map of registers and the functions available (Read/Write). • Required activities for NO-Modbus deployment by pilot partners or subcontracting entity: • For NO-ModbusRTU equipment or Server-PC, the integration of a client application with JSON format to enable the direct communication with BMS-server. PLUG-N-HARVESTID: 768735 - H2020-EU.
Plug-N-Harvest: Task 3.4: Deployment Validation of Modbus-RTU Slave Devices • Validation equipment • Laptop or PC with Windows OS • Modbus-Master Application • USB-RS485 Adapter • Wired connection to Modbus-RTU Devices • Hardware tests • 1. Modbus configuration • 2. Slave Identification • 3. Addresses of Memory Registers • 4. Functions (Read/Write) 1. ModbusConfiguration 2. Identification 4. Functions (Read/Write) 3. Addresses of MemoryRegisters PLUG-N-HARVESTID: 768735 - H2020-EU.
Plug-N-Harvest: WP3 Control and Metering Network PLUG-N-HARVESTID: 768735 - H2020-EU.
Plug-N-Harvest: WP3 Equipment Deployment Strategy A and B are fully wired. Strategy C is fully wireless. Strategy D considers both wired and wireless connections. PLUG-N-HARVESTID: 768735 - H2020-EU.
Plug-N-Harvest: WP3 Feedback Control Equipment Legend: Necessary equipment Not necessary equipment Out of WP3 scope PLUG-N-HARVESTID: 768735 - H2020-EU.
Plug-N-Harvest: WP3 Feedback Control Equipment Legend: Necessary equipment Not necessary equipment Out of WP3 scope PLUG-N-HARVESTID: 768735 - H2020-EU.
Plug-N-Harvest: WP3 Feedback Control Equipment Legend: Necessary equipment Not necessary equipment Out of WP3 scope PLUG-N-HARVESTID: 768735 - H2020-EU.
Plug-N-Harvest: WP3 Indicative Commercial Solutions • ETRA / OdinS: Spanish-market list of compatible commercial paradigms for strategy A and B. • CERTH: Greek-market list of BMS compatible commercial paradigms for strategy A and B. • RWTH: German-market list of BMS compatible commercial paradigms for strategy A and B. • ETL / CU / CCC: British-market list of BMS compatible commercial paradigms for strategy A and B. • All contributors are expected to be finished by the end of June 2018 the latest so as these lists will be presented to the end-users as recommendations/examples. PLUG-N-HARVESTID: 768735 - H2020-EU.
Plug-N-Harvest: WP3 Next Steps • Market-driven list with compatible solutions for Strategy A and B [ready by June 2018]. • BMS dummy remote server by OdinS [ready by June/July 2018]. • REST/API functional interfaces for WP3 S/W services [ready by September 2018]. • First functional version of the WP3 S/W services [ready by November 2018]. PLUG-N-HARVESTID: 768735 - H2020-EU.
Thank you! PLUG-N-HARVESTID: 768735 - H2020-EU.