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Applicable Checklists. AC7108 The base checklist for Chemical Processing (Electroplating, Electroless Plating, Etching, Chemical Milling, Cleaning, Painting, Dry Film Lubricant, Phosphating, Passivation, ..)AC7108/1 Addendum for Painting
1. Nadcap Supplier SeminarChemical Processing Presented by Nigel Cook
Staff Engineer
Chemical Processing
2. Applicable Checklists AC7108 – The base checklist for Chemical Processing (Electroplating, Electroless Plating, Etching, Chemical Milling, Cleaning, Painting, Dry Film Lubricant, Phosphating, Passivation, …..)
AC7108/1 – Addendum for Painting & DFL (Can also be used with Coatings Audits)
AC7108/2 – Addendum for Etching (Can also be used with NDT Audits)
AC7108/3 – Addendum for Metal Bond (Can also be done with Composite Audits)
AC7108/4 – Solution Analysis and Chemical Process Testing Subcontract Laboratories (A stand alone document)
eAuditNet, <checklists>, <Chemical Processing>
3. Scope & Duration AC7108 is used for all Chemical Processing Audits, addendums will be used if required.
An Audit requires a minimum of 2 days but typically takes 3 to 5 days.
Duration is based on number of technologies and number of processes.
A minimum of 4 job audits is required.
The Auditor is required to audit hardware that is subject to your Nadcap scope.
4. Sections in The Checklist Instructions to the supplier – What you need to do!!!!
Audit Scope & Supplier Information.
General Quality System Questions, Statistical Techniques, Training.
Job Documentation, Contract Review & Planning
Inspection (receipt, in process, final)
Solution Analysis & Process Control Testing
Maintenance & Calibration
Control of embrittlement relief and cure ovens.
Processing Steps (cleaning, masking, blasting etc)
Job Compliance Audits.
Appendix A – Statistical Techniques
Appendix B – Test Methods
5. Main Audit Findings
6. Main Audit Findings 6.n.2 – Shop Paperwork.
4.5 – Solution Analysis.
6.n.3 – Process Observations (Operator Compliance).
4.2 – Test Records.
3.3 – Job Documentation.
3.1 – Statistical Techniques.
4.1 – Process Control Testing.
4.4 – Retest & Replacement Testing.
7. Shop Paperwork (Route Card) – 3.3 Needs to identify the part, part material (& hardness) and process specification.
Needs to identify any test piece requirements.
Needs to identify and have buy-off for every step of the process including in process inspections.
Needs to specify the required parameters – current, voltage, time, pressure, temperature, humidity as applicable.
Needs to record the parameters actually used or controlled by the operator.
8. Solution Analysis – 4.5 You need a log sheet for each process tank.
The log sheet needs to identify:- spec ranges, shop target ranges, analysis frequency, titration/test result, calculated concentration value, person doing analysis, addition required, person doing addition, tank changes, re-analysis.
The results shall be reviewed at a defined frequency by somebody other than the person doing the test.
9. Process Observations These are typically operator compliance issues.
Solutions are not at correct temperature when processing.
Actual plating current is not equal to the required current.
Water break test is not carried out or documented.
Pressure is not set to correct value when abrasive blasting.
Paint is not mixed for required time.
Paint is not allowed to dry for the required time.
Wrong sample size used for inspection.
Etc. etc.
10. Control Tests & Records – 4.1-4.3 A Test Matrix that defines all periodic and lot test requirements (and solution analysis requirements).
Traceability from the sample to the test report to the test piece processing parameters to the test piece material.
Each External Test Report must be reviewed by a nominated person and signed and dated as evidence of review.
All Test Results, internal and external, need to be reviewed periodically by a ‘third’ party. The review needs to assess any trends and negative trends must be acted upon. This review must be documented.
11. Retest & Replacement Testing – 4.4 Prevents uncontrolled repeated testing until a successful result is obtained.
It is not applicable to solution analysis.
It is based on the following definitions:
Invalid Test - A test where it can be shown that the test piece was of an incorrect material, or it was processed incorrectly (not batch tests), or it was tested incorrectly.
Replacement Test - A repeat test where the original test is invalid. A replacement test may be done once without customer permission.
Retest - A repeat test where the original failed test result is believed to be wrong but cannot be invalidated. A retest can only be done if permitted by specification or customer.
12. Statistical Techniques – 3.1 & App. A It is really about process improvement and the use of statistical techniques as a tool.
It is applicable to your whole facility not just chemical processing.
It is driven by inspection defects, rework and customer complaints.
You are given 2 years to install the core requirements and culture within your facility.
The following years are about using the processes and providing demonstrable improvements.
13. The Human Side Customer Service Representatives
Jennifer Walker {+44 (0)20 7483 9010}
Dina Heasley {+1 724 772 1616 x 8114}
Staff Engineers
Nigel Cook {+44 (0)20 7483 9010}
Mike Graham {+1 724 772 1616 x 8117}
Bill Dumas {+1 724 772 1616 x 8157}
Jim Lewis {+1 724 772 1616 x 8186}