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2013 STARTALK/NHLRC Teacher Workshop Martha Corona Cecilia Milán Sybil Alexandrov. MY FRAGMENTED SELF. No soy de aqu í, ni soy de allá. ACTFL: INTERMEDIATE ( mid to high ) Second-generation HLL ( predominantly of Mexican heritage )
2013 STARTALK/NHLRC Teacher Workshop Martha Corona Cecilia Milán SybilAlexandrov MY FRAGMENTED SELF No soy deaquí, ni soy de allá
ACTFL: INTERMEDIATE (midtohigh) Second-generationHLL (predominantly of Mexicanheritage) Theactivitiesaddresslinguistic and cultural gaps withtheaim of helpingthestudentsadvanceto a higherlevel of proficiency. Studentprofile
Cultural: Increaseunderstanding of thestudents’ place in both cultures. Linguistic: -Use of Similes -IncreaseAwareness of Register Goals
BasedonexcerptsfromCaramelo, by Sandra Cisneros. Thecharacterstakeannualtripstovisitfamily in Mexicoand pondertheir place withintwo cultures. Theme: identity/Culture Clash
Listening Reading Speaking Writing TARGETED Skills
Vocabulary. Whatwords do youassociatewith a triptovisityourfamily in yourheritage country? Day 1: brainstorming
Vocabularyfollow-up. What do youconsider a typical Christmas in Mexico?Write 5 sentencesusingthevocabularypresented in class. Share youranswerswith a classmate. In-classactivity
Listen tothefollowing audio-clip and describe: Day 1: IN-Classactivity (2) Discuss: What is your idea of “correct Spanish”?
Read: Caramelo (excerpts) by Sandra Cisneros Complete thevocabularyrubricprovided. Homeworkassignment 1: INTERPRETIVE READING
Differenttypes of comparisons ¡La ciudad de México! La capital. El D.F. La capirucha. ¡El centro del universo! El valle como un tazón de caldo de res caliente antes de probarlo. Writefivesimilesaboutfood, familyand trips. Share yourexampleswithyourgroup. Day 2: linguisticcomponent
(…) es como si hubieran secuestrado a nuestro hermano Rafa y nos lo hubieran cambiado por otro. Grammaticalexplanation (como si + impf. subj) Structuredpractice (matchingand clozeactivities) Day 2: LinguisticComponent
WatchYoutube video “Programa Paisano 2013” Answerthefollowingquestions 1. What do youneedto do to prepare forthetrip? 2. Howwillthisaffectyourplans? HomeworkAssignment 2
Complete MexicanCustomsDeclarationForm Day 3: Real-lifetask:
Real-lifetask Role-playing: At thebordercrossing.Situationwith a complication: negotiating meeting with a Customs’ Officer. Day 3: Interpersonal speaking
Whatphysicaltraits do youassociatewitha Mexicanperson? Re-readthefollowingtext and discussitwith a classmate. -Pos no pareces mexicana. Por un lado quisiera darles una patada en el culo. Por el otro me da lástima ver lo ignorantes y estúpidos que son. Pero si nunca has sido más allá de Nuevo Laredo, ¿cómo diablos van a saber qué pinta se supone que tienen los mexicanos, ¿verdad? Day 3: beingmexican
Day 3: beingmexican OfficialVersion
Follow-up Whataspects of theofficialversionsurprisedyou and why? Day 3: beingmexican
Differentiatedactivities (selecttwo of thefollowing) Writean email toyourcousintellinghimyou are comingtovisit. Write a poemusingsimiles. Writea corridoaboutyourlasttriptoMexico. (model) Readthefollowingarticle and summarize Summativeassessment: Presentationalwriting