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Acts 9-12

Acts 9-12. Major themes: God is no respecter to persons Conversion Gospel to the Gentiles Change is not easy Listening to the Spirit, etc. Saul’s Conversion. Acts 9:2 Damascus, present day capital of Syria, approximately northeast of the Sea of Galilee. Acts 9:3

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Acts 9-12

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  1. Acts 9-12

  2. Major themes: • God is no respecter to persons • Conversion • Gospel to the Gentiles • Change is not easy • Listening to the Spirit, etc.

  3. Saul’s Conversion • Acts 9:2 Damascus, present day capital of Syria, approximately northeast of the Sea of Galilee. • Acts 9:3 This revelation happens at “noon.” (Acts 22:6) • Acts 9:4 “He fell to the earth”

  4. “And, if you sense that one day every knee shall bow and every tongue shall confess that Jesus Christ is the Lord, why not do so now? For in the coming of that collective confession, it will mean much less to kneel down when it is no longer possible to stand up” (Neal A. Maxwell in C.R., Oct. 1974, 16).

  5. Acts 9:5 “Kick against the pricks” (D&C 121:38) Dummelow’s commentary: “These words…mean that the role of persecutor is impossible to Paul. Paul is really in the position of a plough-ox. Jesus is his driver, and holds the goad. Paul can no more resist Jesus than the plough-ox can resist the driver. In other words it was “absurd” for Paul to rebel against God’s designs for him (830).

  6. Acts 9:6 What will thou have me to do? A great question! We should ask the same! • Acts 9:7 JST, Acts 9:7: saw indeed the light, and were afraid, but they heard not the voice of him who spake to him. Significance Only Saul saw and heard the risen Lord at this time. This event raised him to the ranks of an apostle, a witness of the resurrected Christ. In 1 Corinthians 9:1, he declares he saw Jesus Christ.

  7. Acts 9:13-14, 26 Ananias a Christian disciple! It’s hard for people to accept people who have changed! Proper Priesthood authority! • Acts 9:15 “He is a chosen vessel unto me” (Election of Grace!) Elder McConkie wrote, “Saul was foreordained; nothing he had done on earth qualified him for what was ahead; but his native spiritual endowment, nurtured and earned in pre-existence, prepared him for the coming ministry” (McConkie, DNTC, Vol. 2, 91).

  8. Acts 9:18 “There fell from his eyes as it had been scales” (1 Nephi 30:6). • Acts 9:36-43 Peter raises Tabitha (Dorcas) from the dead! This miracle brings Peter back into the forefront of the narrative, showing the divine power and his right to receive the revelation for the Gospel to be given to all worthy sons and daughters of God (Acts 10).

  9. Acts 10:1 Cornelius was a sincere gentile who was lead by inspiration to find the truth! Caesarea = a new port! Abrahamic covenant fulfilled (New law). Centurion = 100 men, 1/60th of a Roman legion. The Lord will grant to any honest person who earnestly seeks to know the truth one manifestation by the Holy Ghost; but he is not entitled to repeated manifestations after such a revelation is given, he is to act, for the Holy Ghost cannot be appealed to for continued manifestations until after baptism (Teachings,199).

  10. Acts 10:5 Joppa = old port! (Old law) • Acts 10:9-20 This will fulfill Acts 1:8 (uttermost part of the earth). • Acts 10:12 “Four-footed beast” The people on the earth who are not of the house of Israel! (Lev. 11, clean vs. unclean).

  11. Acts 10:16 “Thrice” = this is complete! • Acts 10:21-35 “Being in tune with the spirit! Peter and Cornelius The setting for the story is Nazi Germany in 1939. Adolf Hitler’s forces were about to take full control of that country, and the missionaries who were then serving in Germany were instructed by Elder Joseph Fielding Smith to leave immediately. In those days, missionaries were not always assigned to a specific city and were often not in contact with missionary headquarters on a regular basis. So when the instructions were given for all missionaries to leave, several could not be contacted because their exact whereabouts were not known.

  12. “And herein lies one of the most inspiring stories of World War II. President Douglas Wood called a tall, 200 pound missionary from Idaho into his office and said, ‘Elder, we have 31 missionaries lost somewhere between here and the Dutch border. It will be your mission to find them and see that they get out.’ “The young elder set out with 500 marks and some tickets for Denmark and London, and was told to follow his impressions entirely….

  13. “…He boarded a train and headed westward, not knowing where to go. Cologne was not his destination, but he felt impressed to get off the train there. The large station was filled with thousands of people. How was he to find the missionaries? He began to whistle ‘Do What is Right,” and in a corner of the station an elder and a married missionary couple heard the call and quickly received their tickets for Denmark….

  14. “…The tall elder again boarded the train and continued on his mission, getting off at border stations at town after town only when he felt inspired to do so. Led by inspiration, he found 17 missionaries, who were able to flee Germany that night. Shortly thereafter a report reached mission headquarters that all missionaries were safely out of Germany. Nine days later the war broke out” (Provo: BYU Publications, 1974, 314).

  15. Power of the Holy Ghost vs. Gift of the Holy Ghost Acts 10:44-46 “Cornelius received the Holy Ghost before he was baptized, which was the convincing power of God unto him of the truth of the Gospel, but he could, not receive the gift of the Holy Ghost until after he was baptized. He had not taken this sign or ordinance upon him, the Holy Ghost which convinced him of the truth of God would have left him. Until he obeyed these ordinances and received the gift of the Holy Ghost, by the laying on of hands, according to the order of God, he could not have healed the sick or commanded an evil spirit to come out of a man, and it obeyed him…” (J.S., Documentary History of the Church, 4:555).

  16. “In similar manner, in this day, many non-members of the Church, ‘by the power of the Holy Ghost’ (Moroni 10:4-5), learn that the Book of Mormon is true, or that Joseph Smith is a Prophet of God, but unless they repent and are baptized that flash of testimony leaves them. They never receive the continuing, renewed assurance that comes from the companionship of that Spirit Being whose mission it is to whisper truth to the spirits within men (Teachings, 198-99).

  17. Acts 11 Church is guided by revelation! v. 26 First time Christians is mentioned! • Acts 12 Martyrdom of James • Acts 12:21 Divine retribution, acclaimed to be of God! A miserable death for Herod (NIV).

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