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Windsor, October 2004. Structured statistical modelling of gene expression data. Peter Green (Bristol) Sylvia Richardson, Alex Lewin, Anne-Mette Hein (Imperial) with Clare Marshall, Natalia Bochkina (Imperial) Graeme Ambler (Bristol) Tim Aitman and Helen Causton (Hammersmith). BGX.
Windsor, October 2004 Structured statistical modelling of gene expression data Peter Green (Bristol) Sylvia Richardson, Alex Lewin, Anne-Mette Hein (Imperial) with Clare Marshall, Natalia Bochkina (Imperial) Graeme Ambler (Bristol) Tim Aitman and Helen Causton (Hammersmith) BGX
Statistical modelling and biology • Extracting the message from microarray data needs statistical as well as biological understanding • Statistical modelling – in contrast to data analysis – gives a framework for formally organising assumptions about signal and noise • Our models are structured, reflecting data generation process: ‘highly structured stochastic systems’
Background and 3 studies • Hierarchical modelling • A fully Bayesian gene expression index (BGX) • Differential expression and array effects • Two-way clustering
Part 1 • Hierarchical modelling • A fully Bayesian gene expression index (BGX) • Differential expression and array effects • Two-way clustering
Gene expression using Affymetrix chips * * * * * Zoom Image of Hybridised Array Hybridised Spot Single stranded, labeled RNA sample Oligonucleotide element 20µm Millions of copies of a specific oligonucleotide sequence element Expressed genes Approx. ½ million different complementary oligonucleotides Non-expressedgenes Slide courtesy of Affymetrix 1.28cm Image of Hybridised Array
condition/treatment biological array manufacture imaging technical within/between array variation gene-specific variability Variation and uncertainty Gene expression data (e.g. Affymetrix) is the result of multiple sources of variability Structured statistical modelling allows considering all uncertainty at once
Advantages of avoiding plug-in approach Uncertainties propagated throughout model Realistic estimates of variability Avoid bias The price you pay – computational costs Intricate implementation Longer run times (but far less than experimental protocol!) Costs and benefits of this approach
Part 2 • Hierarchical modelling • A fully Bayesian gene expression index (BGX) • Differential expression and array effects • Two-way clustering
A fully Bayesian Gene eXpression indexfor Affymetrix GeneChip arraysAnne-Mette HeinSylvia Richardson, Helen Causton, Graeme Ambler, Peter Green Gene specific variability (probe) PM MM PM MM PM MM PM MM BGX Gene index
Single array model: motivation Key observations: Conclusions: PMs and MMs both increase with spike-in concentration (MMs slower than PMs) MMs bind fraction of signal Multiplicative (and additive) error; transformation needed Spread of PMs increase with level Considerable variability in PM (and MM) response within a probe set Varying reliability in gene expression estimation for different genes Estimate gene expression measure from PMs and MMs on log scale Probe effects approximately additive on log-scale
Model assumptions and key biological parameters • The intensity for the PM measurement for probe (reporter) j and gene g is due to binding • of labelled fragments that perfectly match the oligos in the spot (the true signal Sgj) • of labelled fragments that do not perfectly match these oligos (the non-specific hybridisation Hgj) • The intensity of the corresponding MM measurement is caused • by a binding fraction Φ of the true signal Sgj • by non-specific hybridisation Hgj
PMgj N( Sgj + Hgj , τ2) MMgj N(Φ Sgj + Hgj,τ2) Background noise, additive fraction Non-specific hybridisation signal log(Sgj+1) TN (μg ,ξg2) log(Hgj+1) TN(λ, η2) j=1,…,J Array-wide distribution Gene specific error terms: exchangeable Gene expression index (BGX): qg=median(TN (μg ,ξg2)) “Pools” information over probes j=1,…,J “Empirical Bayes” log(ξg2)N(a, b2) Priors: “vague”t2 ~ G(10-3, 10-3) F~ B(1,1), mg ~ U(0,15) h2 ~ G(10-3, 10-3),l ~ N(0,103) BGX single array model g=1,…,G (thousands), j=1,…,J (11-20)
Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) computation • Fitting of Bayesian models hugely facilitated by advent of these simulation methods • Produce a large sample of values of all unknowns, from posterior given data • Easy to set up for hierarchical models • BUT can be slow to run (for many variables!) • and can fail to converge reliably
Single array model performance • Data set : varying concentrations (geneLogic): • 14 samples of cRNA from acute myeloid leukemia (AML) tumor cell line • In sample k: each of 11 genes spiked in at concentration ck: • sample k: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 • conc. (pM): 0.0 0.5 0.75 1.0 1.5 2.0 3.0 5.0 12.5 25 50 75 100 150 • Each sample hybridised to an array • Consider subset consisting of 500 normal genes + 11 spike-ins
Signal & expression indices 10 arrays: gene 1 spiked-in at increasing concentrations Lines: 95% credibility intervals for log(Sgj+1) Curves: posterior for signal `true signal`/ expression index BGX increases with concentration
Non-specific hybridisation 10 arrays: gene 1 spiked-in at increasing concentrations Lines: 95% credibility intervals for log(Hgj+1) Curves: posterior for signal Non-specific hybridisation does not increase with concentration
Comparison with other expression measures 11 genes spiked in at 13 (increasing) concentrations BGX index qgincreases with concentration ….. … except for gene 7 (incorrectly spiked-in??) Indication of smooth & sustained increase over a wider range of concentrations
95% credibility intervals for Bayesian gene expression index 11 spike-in genes at 13 different concentrations (data set A) Each colour corresponds to a different spike-in gene Gene 7 : broken red line Note how the variability is substantially larger for low expression level
Part 3 • Hierarchical modelling • A fully Bayesian gene expression index (BGX) • Differential expression and array effects • Two-way clustering
Bayesian modelling of differential gene expression, adjusting for array effectsAlex LewinSylvia Richardson, Natalia Bochkina,Clare Marshall, Anne Glazier, Tim Aitman • The spontaneously hypertensive rat (SHR): A model of human insulin resistance syndromes. • Deficiency in gene Cd36 found to be associated with insulin resistance in SHR • Following this, several animal models were developed where other relevant genes are knocked out comparison between knocked out and wildtype (normal) mice or rats. See poster!
Data set & biological question Microarray Data Data set A (MAS 5) ( 12000 genes on each array) 3 SHR compared with 3 transgenic rats Data set B (RMA) ( 22700 genes on each array) 8 wildtype (normal) mice compared with 8 knocked out mice Biological Question Find genes which are expressed differently in wildtype and knockout / transgenic mice
Condition 1 (3 replicates) Condition 2 (3 replicates) Exploratory analysis showing array effect
Differential expression model The quantity of interest is the difference between conditions for each gene: dg , g = 1, …,N Joint model for the 2 conditions : yg1r = g - ½ dg + 1r(g)+ g1r , r = 1, … R1 yg2r = g + ½ dg + 2r(g) + g2r , r = 1, … R2 where ygcr is log gene expression for gene g, condition c, replicate r g is overall gene effect cr() is array effect - a smooth function of gcr is normally distributed error, with gene- and condition- specific variance
Differential expression model Joint modelling of array effects and differential expression: • Performs normalisation simultaneously with estimation • Gives fewer false positives Can work with any desired composite criterion for identifying ‘interesting’ genes, e.g. fold change and overall expression level
Data set A 3 wildtype mice compared to 3 knockout mice (U74A chip) MAS5 Criterion: Gene is of interest if |log fold change| > log(2) and log (overall expression) > 4 Plot of log fold change versus overall expression level Genes with pg,X > 0.5 (green) # 280 pg,X > 0.8 (red) # 46 The majority of the genes have very small pg,X : 90% of genes have pg,X < 0.2 pg,X = 0.49 Genes with low overall expression have a greater range of fold change than those with higher expression
Part 4 • Hierarchical modelling • A fully Bayesian gene expression index (BGX) • Differential expression and array effects • Two-way (gene by sample) clustering
Hierarchical clustering of samples The gene expression profiles cluster according to tissue of origin of the samples A subset of 1161 gene expression profiles, obtained in 60 different samples Red: more mRNA Green : less mRNA in the sample compared to a reference Ross et al, Nature Genetics, 2000
Non-model-based clustering • Many clustering algorithms have been developed and used for exploratory purposes • They rely on a measure of ‘distance’ (dissimilarity) between gene or sample profiles, e.g. Euclidean • Hierarchical clustering proceeds in an agglomerative manner: single profiles are joined to form groups using the distance metric, recursively • Good visual tool, but many arbitrary choices care in interpretation!
Model-based clustering • Build the cluster structure into the model, rather than estimating gene effects (say) first, and post-processing to seek clusters • Bayesian setting allows use of real prior information where it is exists (biological understanding of pathways, etc, previous experiments, …)
Additive ‘ANOVA’ models for (log-) gene expression The simplest model:gene + sample g=gene s=sample/condition Under standard conditions, the(least-squares) estimates of gene effectsare Themodelgenerates themethod, and in this case performs a simple form ofnormalisation
... bring in mixture modelling … (single sample first!) g=gene Tg= unknown cluster to which gene g belongs This is a mixture model
… finally allow clusters to overlap – ‘Plaid’ model h denotes a ‘cluster’, ‘block’ or ‘layer’ – pathway? gh= 0 or 1 and sh= 0 or 1
‘Plaid’ model samples genes
An early experiment : artificial raw data Artificial data from a very special case of the Plaid model: single sample s True H=3, b(h)=2.2, 3.4 and 4.7, N(0,2); 500 genes, some in each of 23=8 configurations ofgh 8 overlapping normal clusters
trueHwas 3 trueb(h)were 2.2, 3.4, 4.7
Human fibroblast data – Lemon et al (2002) • 18 samples split into 3 categories: serum starved, serum stimulated and a 50:50 mix of starved/stimulated. • We used the natural logarithm of Lemon et al.’s calculated LWF values as our measure of expression and subtracted gene and sample mean levels. • We then selected the 100 most variable genes across all 18 samples and used this 18×100 array as the input to our analysis.
Bayesian clustering • Hierarchical model allows us to learn about all unknowns simultaneously • In particular, this includes complete 2-way classification, gene by sample, with numerical uncertainties • We then construct visualisations of interesting aspects (marginal distributions) of this posterior
More details, papers and code • www.stats.bris.ac.uk/BGX/ • www.bgx.org.uk