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Human Milk Bank Processes: Human Milk Bank System in Brazil

Human Milk Bank Processes: Human Milk Bank System in Brazil. Sergio Duarte Segall , Ph.D Path Consultant in Brazil +55 31 3022-4664 +55 31 9134-8886 sergiosegall@yahoo.com. Background info. Financial support. Brazilian HMB in numbers.

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Human Milk Bank Processes: Human Milk Bank System in Brazil

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  1. Human Milk Bank Processes: Human Milk Bank System in Brazil Sergio Duarte Segall, Ph.D Path Consultant in Brazil +55 31 3022-4664 +55 31 9134-8886 sergiosegall@yahoo.com

  2. Background info

  3. Financial support

  4. Brazilian HMB in numbers

  5. National and Regional Reference Centers Organogram Teaching Center LaboratoryofQualityControl ChiefofReference Center FirefightersProgram IT Cluster R&D Center DonorAssistance ProductionService – HM Program for TechDevelopment

  6. Transport of Milk • The health professional that attend the women in hospital advised the women to seek the milk bank by a toll free number (1-800) where women report that they want to donate the milk. • The milk home collection is done through civil defense or fire stations in partnership with milk bank that goes to the home of donors who can not come to the hospital. The milk is transported in isothermal boxes with ice frozen out and arrives frozen in milk bank. Figure 2 shows the car used for civil defense to visit the home donors and collect the frozen human milk. Figure 3 - Isothermal boxes used in the process of collection and transportation of breast milk

  7. Who can Receive the Donated Milk 1 - Distribution • Distribution of human milk to a receiver is conditional upon: a) the prescription or requesting physician or nutritionist containing volume / daily schedule and needs of the recipient; b) meeting the following priority criteria: b.1) newborn premature or low birth weight that does not suck; infected newborn, especially with enteroinfections; b.2) newborn nutrition trophic; b.3) newborn suffering from immunodeficiency; b.4) newborn suffering from allergies heterologous proteins, and exceptional cases, the medical criteria.

  8. Pasteurization • LTLT (62 oC for 30 minutes) • If the acidity is higher than 8 degrees Dornic the milk is discarded and can not be used for infant feeding. Figura 4 - Water Bath for pasteurization process Figura 5 - Creamatocrit and small titrator used to calculate the fat content and Dornic acidity, respectively.

  9. Equipment/Location • All the human milk banks follow the modus operandi and the quality standard set by Fiocruz. • The reference center cost around US$ 50K Figure 6 – Quality control laboratory of the HMB

  10. Table 1 – Quality control laboratory of the HMB

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