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3/6. WITHOUT LOOKING AT YOUR NEIGHBORS WORK, on the LEFT side of your notebook (page 30), draw what you think the bottom of the ocean looks like. You should only use the top half of the page to complete this assignment. Do not worry about coloring or being overly detailed. . 3/6.
3/6 • WITHOUT LOOKING AT YOUR NEIGHBORS WORK, on the LEFT side of your notebook (page 30), draw what you think the bottom of the ocean looks like. You should only use the top half of the page to complete this assignment. • Do not worry about coloring or being overly detailed.
3/6 Marine Ecosystems and the Oceans
3/6 Types of Marine Ecosystems Write on page 31. • Intertidal Areas • Coral Reefs • Estuaries • Mangrove Swamps • The Sargasso Sea • Polar Ice
3/6 Marine Natural Resources Write on page 31. Living Resources Non-Living Resources • Fishing in the Ocean • Farming in the Ocean • Savory Seaweed • Oil and Natural Gas • Searching for Oil • Fresh Water and Desalination • Sea-Floor Minerals • Tidal Energy • Wave Energy
3/6 Upwelling Draw, label, and define on page 30, at the bottom of the page. -- the movement of deep, cold, and nutrient rich water to the surface
3/6 …just another view…no need to draw
3/6 Estuaries Draw, label, and define on page 30, at the bottom of the page. -- an area where fresh water from rivers mixes with salt water from the ocean
3/6 Estuaries
3/7 Dissolved Gases Turn to page 59
3/7 Sanctuaries -- a protected area http://sanctuaries.noaa.gov/
3/7 Bioindicators -- are species used to monitor the health of an environment or ecosystem
3/7 Coral Reef Bioindicators • Percentage hard coral cover, diversity indices, and vitality indices • Growth rate (measurement of coral growth rates as an indication of water quality) • Productivity and calcification profiles (measurement of productivity and calcification profiles as an indication of water quality) • Coral fecundity and recruitment • Zooxanthellae loss (quantifying the occurence and extent of coral bleaching as a general bioassay of environmental stress on corals) • Coral diseases and cyanobacterial blooms (frequency and severity of occurances of coral diseases and cyanobacterial blooms) • Bioaccumulation of metals, phosphorus in coral skeletons • Physical damage http://www.epa.gov/bioiweb1/html/coral_reef_indicators.html
3/7 Vocabulary NC Surface Water Ocean Ecosystems • River • Tributaries • River basins • Intertidal • Neritric • Coral reefs • Upwelling • Oceanic zone • Hydrothermal vent