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GOAL To get 12.3 million learners on e-learning The Smart Schools Initiative is an e-learning platform that is focused on connecting 12.3 million students and 400 000 educators from over 25000 schools on a single platform where the interaction between students and educators is effortless.
GOAL To get 12.3 million learners on e-learning The Smart Schools Initiative is an e-learning platform that is focused on connecting 12.3 million students and 400 000 educators from over 25000 schools on a single platform where the interaction between students and educators is effortless. Smart Schools NetworkPowered by Payghost Web Services
E-learning is a broadly inclusive term that describes educational technology that electronically or technologically supports learning and teaching. Bernard Luskin, a pioneer of e-learning, advocates that the ”e” should be interpreted to mean "exciting, energetic, enthusiastic, emotional, extended, excellent, and Educational“
Whilst we try to grapple with technology it sometimes results in major losses with inappropriate and wasted investments. Did you know that over $6 trillion is wasted on hardware ,software and other technological programmes worldwide annually. How much is South Africa Wasting!!!!!!! With R140m for a single wordpress website -3000 families have been deprived of RDP homes The following table performs this calculation of various regions of the world: By Michael Krigsman for Beyond IT Failure | December 22, 2009 -- 06:00 GMT (22:00 PST)
Most schools that have an internet presence merely have a standard website with some very basic information about the school- there is no good reason for parents , teachers and learners to visit such site. E-learning is a broadly inclusive term and includes all aspect of a standard website with the added benefit of providing a very efficient and effective teaching and learning platform for all stakeholders particularly the learner, educators and parents. E-learning vs Website
Standard Website- Other Providers E-Learning – Smart schools network • Limited pages- 3-20 • Design Fee- R 2500-R10000 • Support- R 250- R500 ph • Email - Limited to 5-10 • Domain Reg/Renewal-R 99-R250pa • Hosting R 99-R500pm • Un-Limited pages • Design Fee- None • Support- FREE • Email - Un-Limited • Domain Registration/ Renewal - FREE • Hosting R79 pm Cost Comparisons
Advertising Platform on our e-learning platform • Database where we can accommodate an unlimited number of adverts – space which schools sells to businesses , suppliers etc. • We recommend a nominal fee of R200-R300 pa. Potentially R 50000 to R250000 pa
Parents camp outside school for enrolment Hoping to be in grade eight at Greenbury ...show more IMAGE 1 of 3 Parents camp outside Greenbury Secondary School to ensure their children are enrolled at the school next year. 28 September 2012 Rachel Vadi More than 200 desperate parents have been camping outside a Phoenix school since Wednesday night, for 2013 school admissions that is only taking place on Saturday at 8am. Above: More than 200 parents outside Greenbury Secondary on Thursday afternoon. Since 7pm on Wednesday night, Phoenix parents have been living outdoors to ensure that their children get a place in grade eight next year at Greenbury Secondary School in Phoenix, for the 2013 school year. According to sources, there are only about 250 places for grade eight pupils in 2013. Parents have been sleeping in chairs, covered in blankets and sleeping bags to ensure their children are first in line. With the heavy rain last night, marquees, tents and gazebos were erected along Greenbury Drive to provide some sort of protection from the cold and rain. Above: Some of the parents camping outside the school. Two mothers spoke to the Tongaat, Verulam and Phoenix Sun on the basis of anonymity, in fear of their children being prevented from being enrolled at school. “We would do anything for our children. We both have our older children already enrolled in Greenbury and we know what we had to go through to have them enrolled,” said one of the mothers. Rumours started circulating on Tuesday night that the 2013 admission at Greenbury Secondary was set to take place on Saturday. These two mothers decided to do whatever it took to ensure their children would make the list. “We decided that we had to be here to make sure our children are enrolled. We have been sitting outside the school since about 7:30 on Wednesday night,” they added. Ensuring enrolment, people are taking turns to relieve each other. “We do have some form of relief when our husbands, friends, relatives and even neighbours sit in our place. This helps us to go home, rest for a bit, bath and eat,” added the mothers. It was also alleged that some people are so afraid to lose their place in the line, that they are paying or employing people to sit in their place at night. A parent, Keshni Munsamy explained that the reason why this is happening is because Greenbury Secondary is considered the best secondary school in Phoenix. “Greenbury has one of the highest pass rates in Phoenix and an excellent academic programme. The principal, Mr H Ramnarain and deputy principal, Mrs P Ameen are the best management team. The teachers at this school are also very dedicated. We know that our children would get the best possible education at Greenbury,” said Munsamy. A parent-elected committee has been set up by those who have been camping outside the school. According to one of the officials of the committee, the purpose of committee is to draw up a list of names of parents who are camping outside. Parents and children have been given numbers indicating their position on the list. This is to ensure that those that came first to enrol are enrolled first. Updates to follow. Online Admission
Matric results available via the schools e-learning system in real time. All sites are linked to a secondary site called myschoolhub.co.za. The link to departments website is updated once the results are released and can access the results via the school sites immediately. Matric Results
Forum/Blogs on all sites- Learners can easily communicate to fellow learners teachers etc via this powerful medium. Chatline- Another useful tool for live group discussions via the platform Link to important educational sites such as Thutong, Dept of Education, and more. Other important features
Study Resources- Educators at each institution should upload resources be it lesson plans, self assessments, and relevant material to contents taught. Syllabus- We have preloaded with the Caps syllabus in English, Afrikaans and Zulu (where available) Podcast- related videos to practically every topic taught in class been identified and uploaded. We plan to do this from the lowest grade to matric. Past Year papers- Critical that schools upload the past year papers with marking memos. Academic component
One of the key features of the system is the SEARCH FUNCTION. Learners / Teachers and parents can find resources easily from any institution that form part of the Network This, we believe is key to an effective e-Learning system. The net and the e-learning system overcomes barriers and for the first time learners can have easy access to resources from the more privileged schools. Academic component– Search Function
Complements the School E-Learning Platform Most important feature is the inclusion of educators for every grade and subjects who will fulfill the role of an online tutors. Manage the Resources, Podcasts, Past Year papers etc. Students can get help online – via the Smart Forum. Smart school Network.org.za
My school Hub forms an integral part of the e-learning programme. Online Forum- Help Real time- general discussions Online chatline. Platform for Qualified Specialist Educators for every subject and every grade- Provide advice, Test ……… Career Guidance- Online assessment for career orientation Personality assessments Links to accredited higher institutions and colleges. Link to CAO – learners can apply directly from the comfort of the school. My School Hub
Our system is compatible with blackberry, smart phones and the most popular browsers. Compatibility- blackberry – Smartphone- browsers
We are currently in the process of developing an alternative to MOODLE which is an open source software that allows a two way exchange between between educators and learners. All educators per subject and grades will have access to the platform and learners themselves will be able to submit material via the system. Access will be password protected for each learners and educator. New learning management system
All sites are customized to suit the schools curriculum. Special Needs Schools- Online Testing for conditions such as hyperactivity, Downs Syndrome, Autism etc. Allows Parents to do initial online screening of children. Links to valuable information that affect children that fall in category of special needs. Religiously orientated Schools. Customized to Schools Curriculum
We at SSN have come to realise that for effective management of the e-learning platform at the school level we need to also make an input to create an effective channel of communication between the district office/circuit offices and the schools. Principals often complain about serious inadequacies in the system- Not receiving correspondences on time, wasted trips etc. Communication system between districts and schools
District Websites DISTRICT WEBSITE Managers of Dept: CSS, GET, HRM etc manage site Effective email/sms system between schools and the district offices. All schools on network will benefit. Where schools are reluctant to join the e-learning system – we offer a email option only at reduced monthly cost. 2 emails viz admin@school and principal@school school school school school school school school
Exclusive District Website- All districts at No Charge We will provide Training Each Manager will have secure login and update will dispatch email/sms to all schools Data base of all school email – at least x2 : eg admin@school.org.za and principal@school.org.za Built in SMS facility (Optional) District Websites
All email accounts on database will receive an email each time the site is updated. The message received will be specific – Person responsible for update and link to the document that has been uploaded. BENEFITS Cost Saving- No costly trips to District office to pick up documents. Convenience. Time Saving More time to focus on other important issues . Email / SMS System
3 Steps CMS: Login enter username and password, Click on Editor icon, Enter editor screen. Changes directly on server. Updates in real time. Password accessible for managers of the site on different levels. Managing e-learning - simple Cms
Smart Schools NetworkPowered by Payghost Web Services challenges solution • Reluctance schools principal and governing bodies. • Vandalism and security risks. • Internet connectivity especially in rural areas • We need a concerted effort to enlighten and educate our principals and GB. • Communities need to be conscientised that hardware supplied at schools is not a luxury but an essential tool for effective teaching and learning. • As part of their social responsibility and improving BEE score companies are willing to partner with us and making internet connectivity in some rural areas a reality via satellite technology.
With improved technology we are committed to embrace the latest technology to enhance the system. With the growing popularity of e-books and inventions such as the kindle and other tech gadgets , e-learning is here to stay. e-learning should be a continuous process
The system we have is a simple and highly user friendly system. The system if hosted as we plan on cloud servers, will give schools the benefit of being able to work on schedules, reports and timetable from the comfort of their homes. Servers will be partitioned and password protected for each institution. All role players can have access to material in real time. In the pipe-line- school management system
Other Initiatives - Municipalities • Currently setting up municipal website whereby all communities will have a platform to communicate with their councilors and community members. www.sharpville.co.za with each of the 3 wards under each municipal councilor . • We have secure the support of the Demarcation board, Gauteng and Sedibeng Municipalities.
Approx 12% of Black Students gain university entrance Av 19% qualify University Entrance 40% dropout rate in 1st yr Unemployed of this 600000 are graduates Life of Crime Live in Poverty Poor Health Menial Jobs Only 15% of Students graduate - equate to roughly 1% Matric (75% av pass) 67% 25% 99% >45% dropout 2000 Gr 1 - 923000 learners 2011 496000 wrote matric 17% doctors leave SA Schooling System Home RUN Young people who do not earn a high school certificate face many more problems later in life than people who graduate. Dropouts are more likely to be unemployed, have poor health, live in poverty, be on public assistance, and be single parents.
Home School • We have plans to launch Short Course such as the A+, Diploma and Degree programs online in association with and accredited Higher Education Institution. • The course work will be made available free of charge. • Students can then home school themselves in area of choice. • There will be self assessments and tests that they can administer to themselves. • If they are confident and would like to obtain full certification, they can enrol to sit for the formal examination. All they pay is the exam fee, fee for the marking and assessment of course work such as assignments.
Flexible: Educators can upload resources for easy access 24/7 by learners. Better Efficiency: Educators can upload content ahead of time so learners can be on par with work taught in class. Accountable: Students become independent and accountable for their performance. Better Communication: Efficient communication via the forums and chatline. Cost Effective: There is a continuous downward trend in terms of communication costs. Billions on Text books: 5-6 b spent annually- very few benefit from this. E-Books will be a better alternative. Access to technology getting cheaper and more efficient. Even remote rural areas have cellular connections which means access to the internet. Cell Phones: More powerful by the day and cheaper. Generic I-Fones can be bought for as little as R250. Exponential Growth: Information easily accessible on net on practically every topic. Why we should drive e-learning
Current Trends • Dramatic shift towards technology and the internet. • Publishers moving from hard copies to soft copies. • Britannica Encyclopedia – After 244 years on the 12 March 2012- has gone electronic with no print copies being published. • Newsweek – ceased its print edition in December 2012. • Oxford Dictionary – customised smart phone version launched. • Yellow Pages- More people access the electronic version rather than the print editions. • Kindle- Increasing number of books being sold in electronic format. • Over 2 Billion People of 7Billion own Smart Fones. • More Africanshave access to mobile phones than to clean drinking water. • South Africa over 40 million people own a cell phone.
Internet Access - Human Right • TheUnited Nations Human Rights Council passed a resolution last week affirmingInternet access as a human right.
Are we Ready • We are a winning nation and a country of many FIRSTS.
Yes we Can do e-learning Did you know if South Africa introduces e-Learning nationally to all schools, we will be one of the first countries worldwide to do so.
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