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The. WELCOME!. 3D. SUNDAY SCHOOL. Please take a seat and complete the activity in your chair. . Why do you think this rope is constructed with three strands? List the advantages of having three strands in this rope. A cord of three strands is not easily broken. Eccl 4:12 (HCSB).
The WELCOME! 3D SUNDAY SCHOOL Please take a seat and complete the activity in your chair.
Why do you think this rope is constructed with three strands?List the advantages of having three strands in this rope.
A cord of three strands is not easily broken.Eccl 4:12 (HCSB)
During this session we are going to explore the three elements of a 3D Sunday School: Invite Discover Connect
SUNDAY SCHOOL GROUPS 3D SUNDAY SCHOOL GROUPS Invite. 3D Sunday School groups invite people not merely because the class is responsible for getting people to attend Bible study, but rather because the class is responsible for attending to the lives of those people.
Members enter into a kingdom “conspiracy” to work together to make their class a safe and hospitable environment.
SUNDAY SCHOOL GROUPS 3D Discover. 3D Sunday School group members covenant together to create small group experiences in which members discover the great truths of the Bible and the faith stories of believers.
SUNDAY SCHOOL GROUPS 3D Connect. 3D Sunday School group members work together to provide people the opportunity to connect through fellowship and ministry.
How important is balance in life? • Can our Sunday Schools get out of balance? • What are some ways Sunday Schools get out of balance?
What happens if any one of these gets out of balance? • INVITE • DISCOVER • CONNECT
What happens if any one of these gets out of balance? Invite. What happens if the Sunday School class has a strong focus on reaching new people, but when they arrive the Bible study is not meaningful to them (discover) and they do not experience strong relationships and ministry with others in the class (connect)?
What happens if any one of these gets out of balance? Discover. What happens if the Sunday School has placed its total focus on doing a good job of teaching for those who come, but it does not reach out to new people (invite) or build relationships with people they are reaching and seeking to reach nor minister to members and unchurched (connect)?
What happens if any one of these gets out of balance? What happens if fellowship and relationships are the number one issue and the intentional discovery of the Bible truths and how they apply to life take a backseat to fellowship and the focus is totally on present members with little or no focus on the unchurched? Connect.
Have you seen your Sunday School or other Sunday Schools get out of balance?
SUNDAY SCHOOL GROUPS 3D “Invite, discover, and connect are intentionally interrelated—like the three sides of a triangle. The key to having a 3D Sunday School is balance… Which of the three strands is most important? Each of them!” —page 6
SUNDAY SCHOOL GROUPS 3D 3D Sunday School groups invite people not merely because the class is responsible for getting people to attend Bible study, but rather because the class is responsible for attending to the lives of those people. Invite.
Why do new people come to a church? • Dynamic worship • Children’s ministry • Student ministry • Personal invitation • Special events • Direct mail
Personal Invitation Much research has been done on why people come to church. Consistently, 80-90% of the people surveyed say they first came to the church they currently attend because someone invited them.
“There is not a more powerful outreach tool than the personal invitation.”– page 8
Is My Class an Open Group? Answer yes or no to the statements on your handout.
Is My Class an Open Group? • We intentionally seek to involve and connect with people who are not currently members. • We encourage new people to join at any time.
Is My Class an Open Group? • Our class is ongoing and does not stop for periods of time. • Visitors can understand the study without having attended prior sessions.
Is My Class an Open Group? • We celebrate when members leave to serve in other age groups.
“Leaders and members alike in a 3D Sunday School class invite any person—indeed, every newcomer—to enroll at any time.”—page 8
50% rule
Doors of opportunity. . . Sunday School testimony.
Romans 12:15“Rejoice with those who rejoice; weep with those who weep.”
Invite– How? • Enroll • Sunday School testimony • Crises • New frontiers • Face to face • Leave something
Invite– Who? N A R F riends elatives ssociates eighbors
Invite “There is nothing more effective than a face-to-face invitation.” —page 12
Invite “Nothing beats looking into someone’s face as you invite them to your class and witness to them about Christ.” —page 13
Invitation/Outreach Leader • Maintains the class prospect file. • Makes outreach assignments. • Leads the class to participate in visitation efforts.
SUNDAY SCHOOL GROUPS 3D 3D Sunday School group members covenant together to create small group experiences in which members discover the great truths of the Bible and the faith stories of believers. Discover.
find, search, dig, uncover, explore, look up, identify, locate, observe, determine, propose, note, discern, ascertain, hunt for, detect, indicate, notice, contemplate, distinguish, name, describe What do these words have in common?
“Regardless of how much you encourage members to invite others, they won’t do so if the class environment and group experience are not inviting.” —page 17 Do You Agree?
A member discovers how God is at work in his/her life. A member is compelled to discover God’s Word individually and as a group. A member is encouraged to discover and read the Bible study materials (learner guide) prior to the Bible study session. In a 3D SUNDAY SCHOOL . . .
A member is challenged to discover ways God’s Word applies to his/her life. A member discovers people who need ministry, hope, fellowship, prayers, discipleship, and a fresh encounter with a Living God. A member discovers ways to engage people in Sunday School. In a 3D SUNDAY SCHOOL . . .
Discover– What? • Preschool and up: • God • Jesus • Bible • Creation • Family • Self • Church and Kingdom • Community and World
Discover– What? • Older Children add: • Salvation • Holy Spirit
Discover– What? • Youth and Adults add: • Discipleship and the Christian life • Ethics and Morality • Reason and Faith • Rebellion and Sin • Time and Eternity
Discover– What? How does what a group studies affect whether or not it is an open group?
Make an assignment to a class member. Use visuals. Ask questions, allowing learners to respond. Use appropriate humor. Liven Up Lectures Teacher Member • Ask questions. • Accept assignments from the teacher. • Read the lesson before class, marking it up for areas of interest or discussion.
Write out discussion questions. Find great questions. Use buzz groups, especially in a large class. Set and maintain time limits. Discovery through Discussion Teacher Member • Be ready to participate. • Express your thoughts. • Don’t dominate the discussion.
Ask the Right Kinds of Questions • Open questions • Study questions • Apply questions