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FOR MORE CLASSES VISIT<br>www.dbm380aid.com<br><br>DBM 380 Assignment Week 1 Database Recommendation <br>DBM 380 Assignment Week 2 Normalized Database Design Assignment <br>
DBM 380 All Assignments FOR MORE CLASSES VISIT www.dbm380aid.com DBM 380 Assignment Week 1 Database Recommendation DBM 380 Assignment Week 2 Normalized Database Design Assignment DBM 380 Assignment Week 3 Create and Populate a Database DBM 380 Assignment Week 4 Select and Update Data in Related Tables DBM 380 Assignment Week 5 Database Administrator ============================================== DBM 380 Assignment Week 1 Database Recommendation FOR MORE CLASSES VISIT www.dbm380aid.com Database Recommendation Instructions: The first and most important database-related decisions are whether to use a database at all and, if so, which database management system to use and why. Today there are dozens of database management systems available; however, some are better suited to specific business environments and applications than others. For this assignment, you will analyze a business scenario, compare the pros and cons of different database models and products, and recommend a specific product to meet the
needs of the business scenario. You will provide the rationale for your recommendation in terms of the suitability and business benefit. Download and read the Brewster Business Scenario document. Write a 2-page high-level, non-technical recommendation to present to the Brewster CEO. In your recommendation: • Analyze the company's current system. • Describe the problems and challenges associated with the current system. • Explain the business benefit of moving from the current system to a single, shared database. • Compare and contrast at least four different database models, including the relational database model, in the context of the company's business environment. • Suggest a specific RDBMS solution you believe would be most Appropriate for the company. • List the benefits the company could expect to gain from implementing the recommended RDBMS. Cite at least two references. Format citations using APA format. Submit your assignment. ============================================== DBM 380 Assignment Week 2 Normalized Database Design Assignment FOR MORE CLASSES VISIT www.dbm380aid.com Normalized Database Design Assignment Instructions: A relational database must be designed and normalized before it can be created, populated with data, and used. Database design depends on the business scenario(s) a database architect needs to model, but all relational database designs benefit from being normalized. Download and follow the instructions on the Normalized Database
Design document. Note: For this assignment, you will be given a business scenario. If you make changes during the normalization process (and usually this is the case) you will update your ERD to reflect the changes. Later in this course, you will be asked to implement the ERD from this week. Submit your ERD and your normalized database design. ============================================== DBM 380 Assignment Week 3 Create and Populate a Database FOR MORE CLASSES VISIT www.dbm380aid.com Create and Populate a Database Instructions: Resources: "SQL CREATE DATABASE Statement," "SQL CREATE TABLE Statement," "SQL PRIMARY KEY Constraint," "SQL FOREIGN KEY Constraint," and "SQL INSERT INTO Statement" For this assignment, you will create the database you designed in Week 2. Download the Create a Database document and follow the instructions. Submit the database containing all the tables you created or a Microsoft® Word file containing all the SQL statements used. ============================================== DBM 380 Assignment Week 4 Select and Update Data in Related Tables FOR MORE CLASSES VISIT www.dbm380aid.com
Select and Update Data in Related Tables Instructions: Running reports on existing data and updating data records are very common tasks in the industry. For this assignment, you will begin with a database containing severalpre-populated tables. Download and unzip the Microsoft® Access® database (ZIP file) available on the Cengage's website. (You may need to convert the database depending on the version of Microsoft® Access® you are using. To convert the database, follow Microsoft®'s Convert a Database to the .accdb File Format instructions.) Open the database in Microsoft® Access® and explore the tables it contains by following this path: /folderYouNameWhenYouUnzip/1305627482_526407/Student/Ch07 - Intro-to-SQL/Databases/Ch07_SaleCo.mdb Note: If you have chosen not to use Microsoft® Access® in this course, you will need to download the SQL statements for MySQL, Oracle®, or SQLserver and run those statements against your RDBMS to create a populated database. Download the Select and Update Data in Related Tables document and follow the instructions. Your completed assignment will consist of one document and two screenshots placed in one document (one screenshot showing the results of the "before" SELECT statement and a second showing the results of the "after" SELECT statement). Submit your assignment. ============================================== DBM 380 Assignment Week 5 Database Administrator FOR MORE CLASSES VISIT www.dbm380aid.com Database Administrator Instructions: Imagine that you have the educational background, skills, and abilities to be a database administrator. The XYZ company recently announced a vacancy for a
database administrator position, and you are very interested because XYZ is known as a high-paying employer that is enjoyable to work for. Because a security breach at XYZ recently made the news, XYZ's job posting has requested all applicants to include in their cover letter a brief description of how he or she would approach data security if awarded the position. Research the qualifications necessary to obtain a database administrator position. Read "Cover Letter Workshop - Formatting and Organization" fromPurdue Online Writing Lab Write a 1- to 2-page cover letter briefly describing your (fictional) database administrator-related qualifications and outlining the reasons you believe you are the best candidate for the job. Your cover letter must include: • A description of your education and database-related work experience • Note: this description will likely not match your own actual education and experience. You will need to research and include the education and work experience appropriate to a successful candidate for a database administrator position unless your own personal background qualifies you for a database administrator position • Your philosophy and approach to backing up relational data • Your philosophy and several approaches to securing relational data and a rationale for each approach • Address your cover letter to Mr. Ben Smith, Director of Human Resources. Submit your cover letter. ============================================== DBM 380 Week 1 DQ 1 (New) FOR MORE CLASSES VISIT www.dbm380aid.com
Reflect on the textbook readings. Using the search strings listed in the Electronic Reserve Readings for Week one search for additional information on database systems. What information would your provide to an organization or your employer on why database systems should be used? ============================================== DBM 380 Week 1 DQ 1 FOR MORE CLASSES VISIT www.dbm380aid.com Using the Ghanem (2010) article as a guide, what are the benefits of using Views in a database? ============================================== DBM 380 Week 1 DQ 2 (New) FOR MORE CLASSES VISIT www.dbm380aid.com What limitations have you or someone you know encountered in the past in using nonrelational structures (such as in a Microsoft® Excel® or Word file) to store data? What were the advantages? ============================================== DBM 380 Week 1 DQ 2 FOR MORE CLASSES VISIT
www.dbm380aid.com Based on the Manegold (2009) article, what are two new methods of optimizing data retrieval from a high-use database? ============================================== DBM 380 Week 1 Individual Assignment Database Environment Proposal (NEW) FOR MORE CLASSES VISIT www.dbm380aid.com DBM 380 Week 1 ASSIGNMENT Individual: Database Environment Proposal As one of the program outcomes for the Bachelor of Science in Information Technology program, students must design and develop a database using professional principles and standards. Write a 1- to 2-page memo in which you complete the following: • Choose a database application from the following: o An appropriate database environment within your workplace. o An Art Museum that needs to track the artwork, artists, and locations where the art is displayed or stored within the museum. o A similar environment that you have has some experience with in the past. o Analyze the database environment. o Describe the problems and constraints. o Describe the objectives of the database environment. o Describe the scope and boundaries. o List the data specifications (must include a minimum of three entities with attributes). Include 2 or 3 references. Format your memo using the attached Memo Template. Format citations using APA format. Submit your assignment using the
Assignment Files tab. Note: The database chosen will be used in the Week Two through Five Individual Assignments. ============================================== DBM 380 Week 1 Individual Assignment DataBase Paper (New) FOR MORE CLASSES VISIT www.dbm380aid.com Write a 350- to 700-word paper in which you do the following: Explain what database systems are and how they are used. Define database architecture. Consider Microsoft® Access®, Microsoft® SQL Server®, Oracle®, and IBM DB2® software as possible examples. Summarize your paper by describing the database systems in your workplace, identifying which database systems and architecture they fall under. Include 2 to 4 references. Format your paper consistent with APA guidelines. ============================================== DBM 380 Week 2 DQ 1 (New) FOR MORE CLASSES VISIT www.dbm380aid.com Think of a situation where null value should be allowed and a situation where it should not be allowed. What are the consequences of inappropriate null settings? ==============================================
DBM 380 Week 2 DQ 1 FOR MORE CLASSES VISIT www.dbm380aid.com What are the issues identified in the Cox (2009) article that a database administrator should know when working with a many-to- many relationship. Identify and discuss one of them. ============================================== DBM 380 Week 2 DQ 2 (New) FOR MORE CLASSES VISIT www.dbm380aid.com Why it is necessary to choose appropriate data types for each data column? ============================================== DBM 380 Week 2 DQ 2 FOR MORE CLASSES VISIT www.dbm380aid.com Using the Geiger (2009) article as a guide, how must a database administrator balance the time to complete data modeling step with the benefits this step offers in creating a database?
============================================== DBM 380 Week 2 Individual Assignment Database Design and ERD Creation (NEW) FOR MORE CLASSES VISIT www.dbm380aid.com DBM 380 Week 2 ASSIGNMENT Individual: Database Design and ERD Creation The following assignment is based on the database environment proposed in the Week One Individual Assignment. Perform a logical design on the proposed database environment without going through the full normalization process. Include the identification of all entities and attributes associated with the environment. Use a 2-page memo to document your logical design including the process you went through. Discuss the process you went through to select the appropriate data types, primary and foreign keys, and other constraints that are necessary to maintain the integrity of the database. Create a detailed ERD using the data specifications from the logical design. Use Microsoft® Visio® or another tool to create this diagram. ============================================== DBM 380 Week 2 Individual Assignment Database Design Paper FOR MORE CLASSES VISIT www.dbm380aid.com
Write a 350- to 700-word paper in which you do the following: • Explain what database systems are and how they are used at your workplace. • Define database architecture. For the database systems in your workplace, identify which architecture they fall under. • Define relational database architecture. Consider Microsoft® Access®, Microsoft SQL Server®, Oracle®, IBM DB2®, and so on. Include three to five references. Format your paper consistent with APA guidelines. ============================================== DBM 380 Week 2 Individual Assignment Database Environment Paper (New) FOR MORE CLASSES VISIT www.dbm380aid.com Write a 750- to 1,050-word paper in which you complete the following: Choose a database environment from the following: An appropriate database environment within your workplace (must be approved by your instructor) An Art Museum that needs to track the artwork, artists, and locations where the art is displayed or stored within the museum Smith Consulting (Virtual Organization) – needs a database to track their consulting staff, each staff member’s skill sets, and what projects they are working on Analyze the database environment. Describe the problems and constraints. Describe the objectives of the database environment. Describe the scope and boundaries. List the data specifications (must include a minimum of
three entities with attributes). Include 3 to 5 references. Format your paper consistent with APA guidelines. Note. The database environment chosen will be used in the Weeks Three and Four Individual Assignments. ============================================== DBM 380 Week 2 Learning Team Sparkle Diamonds Project FOR MORE CLASSES VISIT www.dbm380aid.com DBM 380 Week 2 Learning Team Sparkle Diamonds Project Start working on your Learning Team Database and Presentation outlined above with delivery in Week Four. Begin by analyzing the requirements provided. Identify the tables, fields, field attributes, and table relationships required. Build a 1-page Entity Relationship Diagram that models the required tables and relationships using Microsoft® Visio®, Lucidchart, or another software tool of your choice. The table design and relationships must support the following functionality: Customers – Each customer is assigned a unique customer number but may have multiple locations to ship to. The sales team needs to be able to select the customer and the location for preparing sales orders. Inventory Table – The sales team will want to query the inventory to find diamonds that meet the following specifications of their customers: Cost – what SD has paid for the stone Price – what SD will sell the stone for Carat – weight Clarity – clarity scale for diamonds offered are IF, VVS1, VVS2, VS1, VS2* Cut – cut scale for diamonds offered are Excellent, Very Good, Good Color – color scale for diamond
offered are D, E, F, G, H, I, J* want to prepare a sales order for existing customers and sell only diamonds that are in inventory. The DBMS must be designed such that customers can purchase multiple stones on one sales order. *Diamond Scale Reference* VVS1 – Very, very slightly included (pavilion) very slightly included (crown) VS1 – Very slightly included (under 10X magnification) VS2 – Very slightly included (to the naked eye) Color: D, E, F – Colorless – color between D, E, and F diamonds can be detected only by a gemologist in side by side comparisons, and rarely by the untrained eye G, H, I, J, K – Near Colorless – diamonds color rated by a gemologist Write a 175- to 350-word Status Update for your Learning Team using Microsoft® Word describing the work you have completed this week. The Status Update is a simple Microsoft® Word document that lets the instructor know what the team has accomplished during the week. Submit the ERD and Status Update to the Assignment Files tab. Order Table – The sales team will Clarity: IF- Internally Flawless VVS2 – Very, ============================================== DBM 380 Week 2 Team Assignment (Huffman Trucking) Entities and Attributes Requirements FOR MORE CLASSES VISIT www.dbm380aid.com Begin work on Service Request SR-ht-003, due in Week Five, by completing Change Request 2.
Create documentation for this project that summarizes the process for using the entities and attributes for fleet truck maintenance. The Entities and Attributes for Fleet Truck Maintenance can be found on the intranet site for the Huffman Trucking Virtual Organization. Prepare a summary of all deliverables for this team project ============================================== DBM 380 Week 2 Team Assignment Service Request SR-ht- 003 Change Request 2 (New) FOR MORE CLASSES VISIT www.dbm380aid.com Begin working on Service Request SR-ht-003, due in Week Five, by completing Change Request 2. Create documentation for this project that summarizes the process for using the entities and attributes for fleet truck maintenance. The Entities and Attributes for Fleet Truck Maintenance can be found in the Huffman Trucking Virtual Organization. Format your paper consistent with APA guidelines. Submit a draft of your team’s documentation. ============================================== DBM 380 Week 3 DQ 1 (New) FOR MORE CLASSES VISIT www.dbm380aid.com A motor vehicle maintenance center wants to improve its services by using database management systems (DBMS) and data mining. What
tables are needed in such a database and how can it help improve their services? ============================================= DBM 380 Week 3 DQ 1 FOR MORE CLASSES VISIT www.dbm380aid.com Wang and Gong (2007) explain how database management systems (DBMS) and data mining can help a motor vehicle maintenance center improve its services. Based on your reading of the article, which tables are needed in such a database? In which additional way-beyond those mentioned in the article-can the DBMS and data mining be used to improve customer service? ============================================== DBM 380 Week 3 DQ 2 (New) FOR MORE CLASSES VISIT www.dbm380aid.com How do you select the primary key from the candidate keys? How do foreign keys relate to candidate keys? Provide examples from either your workplace or class assignments. ============================================== DBM 380 Week 3 DQ 2
FOR MORE CLASSES VISIT www.dbm380aid.com Why do you think the use of icons in entity-relationship diagrams as described in the Masri (2008) article resulted in a better understanding of these complex diagrams by users? ============================================== DBM 380 Week 3 Individual Assignment Database Normalization (NEW) FOR MORE CLASSES VISIT www.dbm380aid.com DBM 380 Week 3 ASSIGNMENT Individual: Database Normalization The following assignment is based on the database environment designed in the Week Two Individual Assignment. Your database project must meet the following assessment requirements: • Design a database using professional principles and standards. • Provide a logical design of the database. As a part of the design, normalize the database to the 3NF • Use Microsoft Visio or another tool to create this diagram to normalize the ERD to third normal form (3NF). Submit the ERD to the appropriate Assignment Files tab. ============================================== DBM 380 Week 3 Individual Assignment ERD Creation Project (New)
FOR MORE CLASSES VISIT www.dbm380aid.com The following assignment is based on the database environment chosen and discussed in the Week Two Individual Assignment. Use a Microsoft® Visio® diagram to create a detailed ERD using the data specificationsnoted in the Week Two Individual Assignment. Make any necessary changes provided in your faculty’s feedback. Use a Microsoft® Access® database to create the preliminary database tables, columns with data types, primary keys, and relationships. ============================================== DBM 380 Week 3 Individual Assignment ERD Creation Project FOR MORE CLASSES VISIT www.dbm380aid.com The following assignment refers to material found in the Virtual Organizations. Create a detailed ERD using the Entities and Attributes for Driver's Log document found on the Huffman Trucking Intranet site. A copy of the tables is posted at the end of this document. Use Microsoft® Access® to create the preliminary (no keys and no relationships) database tables for the Huffman Trucking Driver Log. ============================================== DBM 380 Week 4 DQ 1 (New)
FOR MORE CLASSES VISIT www.dbm380aid.com In your own words, describe the nature and purpose of the normalization process. Provide some examples from sources other than the readings. ============================================== DBM 380 Week 4 DQ 1 FOR MORE CLASSES VISIT www.dbm380aid.com Based on the Chen (2007) article, why must a database administrator consider more than just function dependency during the normalization process? ============================================== DBM 380 Week 4 DQ 2 (New) FOR MORE CLASSES VISIT www.dbm380aid.com In what business database environments is denormalization appropriate and why? What would denormalization specifically involve?
============================================== DBM 380 Week 4 DQ 2 FOR MORE CLASSES VISIT www.dbm380aid.com Do you consider the new approach to teaching the concepts of database normalization introduced in the Wang (2010) article easier for you to grasp? Explain why. ============================================== DBM 380 Week 4 Individual Assignment Database Creation (NEW) FOR MORE CLASSES VISIT www.dbm380aid.com DBM 380 Week 4 ASSIGNMENT Individual: Database Creation The following assignment is based on the database environment designed in the Week Three Individual Assignment. Your database project must meet the following assessment requirements: • Create a database using professional principles and standards. • Use a relational database software application to develop a database implementing the logical design into a physical design. • Use an Oracle® database to create the normalized physical database including tables, columns with data types, primary keys, constraints, etc. • Create a minimum of ten rows of test data in each table. Submit an .sql file with the scripts needed to create tables with keys
and to insert test rows, etc., into the tables and submit to the Assignment Files tab. ============================================== DBM 380 Week 4 Individual Assignment Normalization of the ERD (New) FOR MORE CLASSES VISIT www.dbm380aid.com The following assignment is based on the database environment chosen and created in the Week Three Individual Assignment. Your database project must meet the following assessment requirements: Design and develop a database using professional principles and standards. Provide a logical and physical design of the database. Use relational database software application to develop database. Provide an entity relationship diagram. Normalize the database. Generate and provide test data. Use a Microsoft® Visio® diagram to normalize the ERD to third normal form (3NF). Use the Microsoft® Access® database created in Week Three to create a minimum of 10 rows of test data in each table. Also, create at least one query that joins two tables and returns values from both tables. Note. Only the Microsoft® Visio® diagram must be normalized to the 3NF. The 3NF is not required for a Microsoft® Access® database. Submit the ERD and final database to the appropriate Assignment link. ============================================== DBM 380 Week 4 Team Assignment SR-ht-003 Change Request 4 and 5 (New)
FOR MORE CLASSES VISIT www.dbm380aid.com Continue working on Service Request SR-ht-003, due in Week Five, by completing Change Requests 4 and 5. Create documentation describing the principles and importance of normalization in relation to this project and the process by which this project was normalized. Format your paper consistent with APA guidelines. Submit a draft of your team’s documentation to the Assignments link. ============================================== DBM 380 Week 5 DQ 1 (New) FOR MORE CLASSES VISIT www.dbm380aid.com Describe the advantages and disadvantages of DBMS-provided security. Compare it to network or application security. ============================================== DBM 380 Week 5 DQ 1 FOR MORE CLASSES VISIT www.dbm380aid.com
Identify and discuss the data mining techniques outlined in the Ting (2009) article. How will understanding these techniques affect the way you approach database design? ============================================== DBM 380 Week 5 DQ 2(New) FOR MORE CLASSES VISIT www.dbm380aid.com Locate a hosted, distributed database service. Explore its features and talk about your experiences. In what situations would an organization consider using it? ============================================== DBM 380 Week 5 DQ 2 FOR MORE CLASSES VISIT www.dbm380aid.com Based on the Yew (2009) article, how does the information presented to decision makers affect the quality of their decisions? ============================================== DBM 380 Week 5 Individual Assignment SQL Queries (NEW)
FOR MORE CLASSES VISIT www.dbm380aid.com DBM 380 Week 5 ASSIGNMENT Individual: SQL Queries The following assignment is based on the database environment created in the Week Four Individual Assignment. Design and develop the below queries using professional principles and standards: • A set of SQL Statements that returns all rows and all data for each table in your database. • Two SQL Statements that return a subset of columns and a subset of rows using the WHERE clause. • Two SQL Statements that join two or more tables in one query. Look for primary and foreign keys to help you determine join points. Use the JOIN clause as a part of your queries. Submit an .sql file with the scripts needed to create the required queries and submit the file using the Assignment Files tab. ============================================== DBM 380 Week 5 Team Assignment Service Request SR ht 003 Presentation FOR MORE CLASSES VISIT www.dbm380aid.com Create a 3- to 5-slide Microsoft® PowerPoint® presentation in which you explain how the principles of database management and your recommendations were applied to the project. Submit your team presentation to your faculty. ==============================================
DBM 380 Week 5 Team Assignment Service Request SR-ht- 003 (New) FOR MORE CLASSES VISIT www.dbm380aid.com Finalize the project work for SR-ht-003 and Change Requests 2–5. Compile all documentation from your Change request from Weeks Two through Five. Submit your team’s project work and documentation to your facilitator. ============================================== DBM 380 Week 5 Team Assignment Service Request SR-ht- 003 Presentation (New) FOR MORE CLASSES VISIT www.dbm380aid.com Create a 3- to 5-slide Microsoft® PowerPoint® presentation in which you explain how the principles of database management and your recommendations were applied to the project. Submit your team presentation to your facilitator. ============================================== DBM 380 Week 5 Team Assignment Service Request SR-ht- 003
FOR MORE CLASSES VISIT www.dbm380aid.com Finalize the project work for SR-ht-003 and Change Requests 2–5. Compile all documentation from your Change request from Weeks Two through Five. Submit your team’s project work and documentation to your faculty.