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2. CDP. SPIN Tutorial - part I. CDP SPIN Lectures. SPIN part I IntroductionSPIN BackgroundPromela processes Promela statementsPromela communication Some demo's: SPIN and Xspin. SPIN part IISome more Promela constructsVerification: propertiesHow does SPIN work?How to write efficient S
1. Concurrent and Distributed ProgrammingSPIN Tutorial – part I Opmerkingen na CDP HC1
Eerst heeft Pieter Hartel een inleiding gegeven op het vak; daarna bleef er een uur over voor dit eerste college over SPIN.
Er waren ruim 80 studenten bij dit eerste college.
Het college zelf liep goed. De demo’s hielden de aandacht erbij. Ik had trouwens verder willen komen tijdens dit college; de slides van HC2 t/m de eerste demo van ABP had ik oorspronkelijk bij dit hoorcollege gepland.
De beschrijving over “processen” vind ik zwak. Nu begin ik met de formele bestandsdelen van een proces (naam, formal parameters, body), maar zonder een echt formele grammatica o.i.d. te geven. Het is wellicht beter om processen “by-example” te introduceren.
Opmerkingen na CDP HC1
Eerst heeft Pieter Hartel een inleiding gegeven op het vak; daarna bleef er een uur over voor dit eerste college over SPIN.
Er waren ruim 80 studenten bij dit eerste college.
Het college zelf liep goed. De demo’s hielden de aandacht erbij. Ik had trouwens verder willen komen tijdens dit college; de slides van HC2 t/m de eerste demo van ABP had ik oorspronkelijk bij dit hoorcollege gepland.
De beschrijving over “processen” vind ik zwak. Nu begin ik met de formele bestandsdelen van een proces (naam, formal parameters, body), maar zonder een echt formele grammatica o.i.d. te geven. Het is wellicht beter om processen “by-example” te introduceren.
2. 2 CDP SPIN Tutorial - part I CDP – SPIN Lectures SPIN – part I
SPIN Background
Promela processes
Promela statements
Promela communication
Some demo’s: SPIN and Xspin
3. 3 CDP SPIN Tutorial - part I Common Design Flaws Deadlock
Livelock, starvation
unexpected reception of messages
Dead code
Violations of constraints
Buffer overruns
Array bounds violations
Assumptions about speed
Logical correctness vs. real-time performance
4. 4 CDP SPIN Tutorial - part I What is Model Checking? [Clarke & Emerson 1981]:
“Model checking is an automated technique that, given a finite-state model of a system and a logical property, systematically checks whether this property holds for (a given initial state in) that model.” Advantage of Model Checking
“Press-on-the-button-technology”: Advantage of Model Checking
5. 5 CDP SPIN Tutorial - part I What is Model Checking?
6. 6 CDP SPIN Tutorial - part I System Development “Classic” Model Checking
The “pure” approach.
Unfortunately, industry did not take this idea up (yet); see [Holzmann 2000 - M’dorf]
This design trajectory (without the model checking backtracking) also fits in the CPA philosophy.
“Classic” Model Checking
The “pure” approach.
Unfortunately, industry did not take this idea up (yet); see [Holzmann 2000 - M’dorf]
This design trajectory (without the model checking backtracking) also fits in the CPA philosophy.
7. 7 CDP SPIN Tutorial - part I Classic vs Modern Approach
8. 8 CDP SPIN Tutorial - part I Verification vs. Debugging Two (extreme) approaches with respect to the application of model checkers.
verification approach: tries to ascertain the correctness of a detailed model M of the system under validation.
debugging approach: tries to find errors in a model M.
Model checking is most effective in combination with the debugging approach.
9. 9 CDP SPIN Tutorial - part I FMSE (1) FMSE – Modelling and Analysis of System Behaviour
FSP (finite state processes): textual representation
LTS (labelled transition systems): graphical representation
LTSA: analysis of LTS/FSP models
FSP is a process algebra
stop, action prefix (a -> B), choice (b -> B | c -> C), indexed actions (to simulate integers), indexed processes (to simulate parameters), relabeling, hiding (relabeling with tau), parallel composition
synchronization communication (on identical actions)
10. 10 CDP SPIN Tutorial - part I FMSE (2) Problems discussed
Alternating bit protocol
Dining Philosophers
Readers/Writers model
Hippies/Soldiers problem
A safety property asserts that nothing bad happens (e.g. no deadlocked states).
A liveness property asserts that something good will eventually happen (e.g. always normal termination). Other topics / one-liners:
Deadlock: state with no outgoing transitions.
A progress property asserts that it is always the case that an action is eventually executed.
FSP: high/low priority operators
Fair choice: If a choice over a set of transitions is executed infinitely often, then every transition in the set will be executed infinitely often.
Other topics / one-liners:
Deadlock: state with no outgoing transitions.
A progress property asserts that it is always the case that an action is eventually executed.
FSP: high/low priority operators
Fair choice: If a choice over a set of transitions is executed infinitely often, then every transition in the set will be executed infinitely often.
11. 11 CDP SPIN Tutorial - part I SPIN – Introduction (1) SPIN (= Simple Promela Interpreter)
is a tool for analysing the logical conisistency of concurrent systems, specifically of data communication protocols.
state-of-the-art model checker, used by >2000 users
concurrent systems are described in the modelling language called Promela.
12. 12 CDP SPIN Tutorial - part I SPIN – Introduction (2) Promela (= Protocol/Process Meta Language)
specification language to model finite-state systems
loosely based on CSP
dynamic creation of concurrent processes
communication via message channels can be
synchronous (i.e. rendezvous), or
asynchronous (i.e. buffered)
features from Dijkstra’s guarded command language
features from the programming language C
13. 13 CDP SPIN Tutorial - part I SPIN – Introduction (3) Major versions: During the years, several additions/optimisations/improvements to standard SPIN have been proposed.
Symmetric SPINDuring the years, several additions/optimisations/improvements to standard SPIN have been proposed.
Symmetric SPIN
14. 14 CDP SPIN Tutorial - part I Documentation on SPIN SPIN’s starting page:http://spinroot.com
Basic SPIN manual
Getting started with Xspin
Getting started with SPIN
Examples and Exercises
Concise Promela Reference (by Rob Gerth)
Proceedings of all ten SPIN Workshops
Gerard J. HolzmannThe Spin Model Checker Primer and Reference Manual Addison Wesley ISBN 0-32122-862-6, 608 pages, covers SPIN up to version 4.0.
15. 15 CDP SPIN Tutorial - part I Installation of SPIN SPIN binarieshttp://spinroot.com/spin/Bin/index.html
Windows 95/98/2000/NT/XPNeed to install:
C compiler (Visual C++ / DJGPP / Cygwin)http://www.cygwin.com
Tcl/Tk 8.x interpreter (for XSpin)http://aspn.activestate.com/ASPN/Tcl
SPIN sourceshttp://spinroot.com/spin/Src/index.html
SPIN can be compiled on any UNIX system, including Apple’s Mac OS X.
16. 16 CDP SPIN Tutorial - part I Promela Model (1) A Promela model consist of:
type declarations
channel declarations
global variable declarations
process declarations
[init process] Promela Model
The behaviour of a Promela model is captured in processes: variables (and values) and statements to test/set the values of the variables.
Promela Model
The behaviour of a Promela model is captured in processes: variables (and values) and statements to test/set the values of the variables.
17. 17 CDP SPIN Tutorial - part I Promela Model (2) Promela model consist of:
type declarations
channel declarations
variable declarations
process declarations
[init process]
A Promela model corresponds with a (usually very large, but) finite transition system, so
no unbounded data
no unbounded channels
no unbounded processes
no unbounded process creation Promela Model
The behaviour of a Promela model is captured in processes: variables (and values) and statements to test/set the values of the variables.Promela Model
The behaviour of a Promela model is captured in processes: variables (and values) and statements to test/set the values of the variables.
18. 18 CDP SPIN Tutorial - part I Processes (1) A process
is defined by a proctype definition
executes concurrently with all other processes, independently of speed or behaviour
communicates with other processes
using global (shared) variables
using channels
There may be several processes of the same type.
Each process has its own local state:
process counter (location within the proctype)
contents of the local variables Processes
Processes in SPIN are first-class citizens. Behaviour of the system is modelled/captured by processes.
Processes in SPIN are first-class citizens. Behaviour of the system is modelled/captured by processes.
19. 19 CDP SPIN Tutorial - part I Processes (2) A process type (proctype) consist of
a name
a list of formal parameters
local variable declarations
body Processes
Processes in SPIN are first-class citizens. Behaviour of the system is modelled/captured by processes.Processes
Processes in SPIN are first-class citizens. Behaviour of the system is modelled/captured by processes.
20. 20 CDP SPIN Tutorial - part I Processes (3) Process are created using the run statement (which returns the process id).
Processes can be created at any point in the execution (within any process).
Processes start executing after the run statement.
Processes can also be created by adding active in front of the proctype declaration.
21. 21 CDP SPIN Tutorial - part I Hello World! /* A "Hello World" Promela model for SPIN. */
active proctype Hello() { printf("Hello process, my pid is: %d\n", _pid);}
init { int lastpid; printf("init process, my pid is: %d\n", _pid); lastpid = run Hello(); printf("last pid was: %d\n", lastpid);} DEMO
only command-line SPIN demo
keyword “_pid”: read-only local variable that stores the process instantiation number of the process
only simulation demo:
cat hello.pr
spin –h: to show all options of SPIN
spin hello.pr: random simulation
spin –i hello.pr: interactive simulation
spin –n2 hello.pr: let random simulation start with seed “2”DEMO
only command-line SPIN demo
keyword “_pid”: read-only local variable that stores the process instantiation number of the process
only simulation demo:
cat hello.pr
spin –h: to show all options of SPIN
spin hello.pr: random simulation
spin –i hello.pr: interactive simulation
spin –n2 hello.pr: let random simulation start with seed “2”
22. 22 CDP SPIN Tutorial - part I Variables and Types (1) Five different (integer) basic types.
Records (structs)
Type conflicts are detectedat runtime ?.
Default initial value of basic variables (local and global) is 0. Processes
Processes have “state”: memory locations (variables) that hold values.Processes
Processes have “state”: memory locations (variables) that hold values.
23. 23 CDP SPIN Tutorial - part I Variables and Types (2) Variables should be declared.
Variables can be given a value by:
argument passing
message passing(see communication)
Variables can be used in expressions.
24. 24 CDP SPIN Tutorial - part I Statements (1) The body of a process consists of a sequence of statements. A statement is either
executable: the statement can be executed immediately.
blocked: the statement cannot be executed.
An assignment is always executable.
An expression is also a statement; it is executable if it evaluates to non-zero.
2 < 3 always executable
x < 27 only executable if value of x is smaller 27
3 + x executable if x is not equal to –3
25. 25 CDP SPIN Tutorial - part I Statements (2) The skip statement is always executable.
“does nothing”, only changes process’ process counter
A run statement is only executable if a new process can be created (remember: the number of processes is bounded).
A printf statement is always executable (but is not evaluated during verification, of course). skip
Note: the skip statement itself might be optimized away by SPIN optimisation algorithms.skip
Note: the skip statement itself might be optimized away by SPIN optimisation algorithms.
26. 26 CDP SPIN Tutorial - part I Statements (3) assert(<expr>);
The assert-statement is always executable.
If <expr> evaluates to zero, SPIN will exit with an error, as the <expr> “has been violated”.
The assert-statement is often used within Promela models, to check whether certain properties are valid in a state.
27. 27 CDP SPIN Tutorial - part I Interleaving Semantics Promela processes execute concurrently.
Non-deterministic scheduling of the processes.
Processes are interleaved (statements of different processes do not occur at the same time).
exception: rendez-vous communication.
All statements are atomic; each statement is executed without interleaving with other processes.
Each process may have several different possible actions enabled at each point of execution.
only one choice is made, non-deterministically. Assignments
Assignments are always executed atomically (so we cannot directly model assignments in programming languages – like Java – in which assignments can be interleaved).Assignments
Assignments are always executed atomically (so we cannot directly model assignments in programming languages – like Java – in which assignments can be interleaved).
28. 28 CDP SPIN Tutorial - part I (random) Simulation Algorithm DEMO:
This slide is the last one before the mutex demo’s.
Mention: X(SPIN) is available on Unix(Linux) and Windows.It works most conveniently under Unix, however.DEMO:
This slide is the last one before the mutex demo’s.
Mention: X(SPIN) is available on Unix(Linux) and Windows.It works most conveniently under Unix, however.
29. 29 CDP SPIN Tutorial - part I Mutual Exclusion (1) Mutual Exclusion is a safety property among processes:
Two processes may not interleave certain (sub-)sequences of instructions (i.e. the critical section). Instead, one sequence must be completed before the other commences.
Properties to be satisfied:
at most one process can be in the critical section at the same time;
no deadlocks
no halting in the critical section
no starvation of one of the processes
Java has special construct to protect critical sections:
30. 30 CDP SPIN Tutorial - part I bit flag; /* signals entering/leaving the section */byte mutex; /* # procs in the critical section (CS). */
proctype P(bit i) { flag != 1; flag = 1; mutex++; printf("MSC: P(%d) has entered section.\n", i); mutex--; flag = 0;}
proctype monitor() { assert(mutex != 2);}
init { atomic { run P(0); run P(1); run monitor(); }} Mutual Exclusion (2) Show in Xspin:
simulator (interactive: show correct run)
MSC (nothing to see yet)
data values
trace through Promela model
run verification
random simulationShow in Xspin:
simulator (interactive: show correct run)
MSC (nothing to see yet)
data values
trace through Promela model
run verification
random simulation
31. 31 CDP SPIN Tutorial - part I Mutual Exclusion (3) bit a, b; /* signal entering/leaving the section */byte mutex; /* # of procs in the critical section. */
active proctype A() { a = 1; b == 0; mutex++; mutex--; a = 0;}
active proctype monitor() { assert(mutex != 2);} To mention
invalid end-state = deadlockTo mention
invalid end-state = deadlock
32. 32 CDP SPIN Tutorial - part I Mutual Exclusion (4) bit a, b; /* signal entering/leaving the section */byte mutex; /* # of procs in the critical section. */byte turn; /* who's turn is it? */
active proctype A() { a = 1; turn = B_TURN; b == 0 || (turn == A_TURN); mutex++; mutex--; a = 0;}
active proctype monitor() { assert(mutex != 2);} Show in Xspin
Run “Slicing Algorithm”.
Show that program does not contain any (safety) errors.Show in Xspin
Run “Slicing Algorithm”.
Show that program does not contain any (safety) errors.
33. 33 CDP SPIN Tutorial - part I (X)Spin Architecture
34. 34 CDP SPIN Tutorial - part I Xspin in a nutshell Xspin allows the user to
edit Promela models (+ syntax check)
simulate Promela models
verify Promela models
bitstate hashing mode
additional features
Xspin suggest abstractions to a Promela model (slicing)
Xspin can draw automata for each process
LTL property manager
Help system (with verification/simulation guidelines)