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VII ISTITUTO COMPRENSIVO G. A. COSTANZO Siracusa – Italy. TOLERANCE IN THE HISTORY OF SICILY. Project n° 2011-1-RO1-COM06-14665-5 Rediscover the Real European Values. IN MIDDLE AGES.
VII ISTITUTO COMPRENSIVO G. A. COSTANZOSiracusa – Italy TOLERANCE IN THE HISTORY OF SICILY Project n° 2011-1-RO1-COM06-14665-5 Rediscover the RealEuropeanValues
IN MIDDLE AGES The respectbetweenethnicgroups and religions, thatisanintroductionto the developmentof the idea oftolerance, wasalready a practice in the Middle Ages, particularly in the multiethnic and multiculturalregionssuchasSpain and southern Italy.
THE NORMAN-SVEVIAN DOMINATION In a society thatisbecoming more and more multiethnic and multireligious the South Norman-Svevianisanexampleoftolerance and cultural symbiosisbetweenethnicgroups, religions and differentcultures.
In the Norman Kingdom ofSicilytherewas a realfusionbetweeneastern and western culture. In the sametown, with the native population, youcouldfindArabs and Jews living in the samedistrict, anotherneighbourhoodofFranks and people from Amalfi and Pisa, and harmonyreignedamongthosedifferent people.
Ruggero I (1086-1101) wastolerantof the traditions and customsof the Greeks, Romans and Arabswhocoexisted in Sicily; herespectedlanguages and religions; encouragedimmigration, included the Muslims in a christianarmy.
At the court ofRuggero II (1130-1154) in Palermo religiousfreedom and legalautonomywereguaranteedto the Jewishcommunities.
Federico IIof Svevia (1198- 1250) wascalledstupor mundi becauseheharmonized the latin-germaniccivilization, the sicilian-norman and the arabone. Itwasoneof the moments in whichCristianity and Islam werecloser.
THE JEWSH BATH In Syracuse the neighbourhoodofGiudecca, located in the beauthifulislandofOrtigia, testifiesto the existenceof a Jewish community, from Roman times in 1492, among the oldest and mostpopulousof the Mediterranean.
Nowadays the case ofLampedusaisanexampleoftolerance, openness and humanitytowardsmigrantsarrivingfrom Africa on boardofcrowdedboats.
Sicilyis the gateway toEuropeformanythousandofmigrantsseeking work. A significantnumberofthem stop on the island. • Forexample, Mazara del Valloisinhabitedby a largeTunisian community dedicatedtofishingwho, respectingdifferences, share common valueswith the localpopulation.