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Grèce. Maroc. The idea is to describe a past holiday using picture prompts like these of your own. The 4 x questions on the next page are designed to help you plan what to say. Ideally you will deliver it all as a presentation without being asked individual questions. Irlande.
Grèce Maroc The idea is to describe a past holiday using picture prompts like these of your own. The 4 x questions on the next page are designed to help you plan what to say. Ideally you will deliver it all as a presentation without being asked individual questions. Irlande
Year 8 French summer speaking assessment 1.Où es-tu allé(e) en vacances l’année dernière? (Where did you go on holiday last year?) 2. Avec qui es-tu allé(e)? Comment es-tu allé(e)?Comment était le voyage?(Who did you go with? How did you get there? What was the journey like? 3.Qu’est-ce que tu as fait là-bas? (What did you do there? 4. C’était bien passé? (Did you have a good time?)
Prepare answers of 2(or 3) sentences for each question that include the following: Level 2: short, simple (one or part phrase) responses to 3 of 4 questions. Pronunciation is approximate but meaning clear.Level 3: answers of two phrase length in 2 of 4. Pronunciation is intelligible in general. Several complete sentences.Level 4: answers presented as one mini-presentation - pronunciation generally accurate, sentences mostly have correct verb forms. Opinions & reasons included with linking words.Level 5: Pupils do as for level 4 and delivery is quite fluent, pronunciation generally accurate, sounds like the speaker is meaning what they say confidently.Level 6: pupils include some additional present/future details in their presentation or in one of the possible follow up questions. In answering spontaneous questions, they make themselves understood, even though there are some mistakes.Level 7:pupils have a wider range of vocabulary and structures, some using language they have researched themselves and used successfully with consistently good pronunciation and intonation – in answering spontaneous questions they are able to retrieve, re-purpose and re-use fluently language they have covered in class.NB: Half levels are also possible. Enter marks on marksheet as follows: Level 7 = 20, Level 6.5 = 19, Level 6 = 17, Level 5.5 = 15, Level 5 = 14, Level 4.5 = 12, 4 = 10, 3.5 = 8, 3 = 7, 2.5 = 5, 2 = 3
Follow up questions: (not to be scripted in advance)1. Qu’est-ce qu’il y a pour les touristes à Cambridge?2. Q’est-ce qu’on peut faire à Cambridge?3. Qu’est-ce que tu aimes faire pendant les vacances?4. Qu’est-ce que tu vas faire cet été?