Problem in Maywood! The City of Maywood promised eveyrone broadband internet. However, none of Maywood has seen 1 bite of information! They spent taxpayer dollars and you still do not have the bandwidth to watch one YouTube video! The people (including yourself) are tired of having to deal with spotty internet when you were promised broadband for all. The city says it does not have the money to fix the internet, and the city council refuses to spend the money to upgrade it. What can be done to fix the problem? Find a way to fix the internet problem that can satisfy both the people and the government? Fix The Problem!(Click Here) kriegster.com
Fixing the problem! Try some of the following ideas to see if you can fix the problem Rally the People In Protest! Form An Interest Group! Contact The City Council! Contact the Media! Start a Riot!
Rally the People In Protest! Rallying the people in protest can work, but you'll have to find enough people to protest with you. Try to prove to the people of Maywood that people use the internet at least twice a day using Gallop Polls. Remember to site your information. Hint: http://www.gallup.com/home.aspx Your answer can help your case, but Maywood still might not be willing to rally behind this idea with polls alone. What else can you do to help rally the people? http://resources2.news.com.au/images/2010/10/14/1225938/777650-psa-protest-rally.jpg
Form An Interest Group! Forming an interest group is a great way to unite people for a cause. Instead of creating your own try to find one that supports your ideas. Many might be able to help, but one interest group in particular, on their main webpage, show's how much they want broadband internet throughout the U.S. Find the group so you can have an advocate for Maywood Internet Interest Groups Hint: (Think of the type of interest group that might help you the most) Once you find a group to help support you, your job is not over. The group might help you, but it is still concerned primarily with national policy. It's a good start. What else can you do? http://images.tdaxp.com/tdaxp_upload/iron_triangle_md.jpg
Contact The City Council! If you want to try the direct route, you can contact the city council and see what they think. However, there are many people on the council. Which council member do you think will help you the most? Find out who is on the Maywood City Council, and find a phone number for the city council member? Hint: Typically the more you know about a certain council member the more likely they are to help you. So find the member with the most information. After you've contacted the City-Council, you'll have to wait for them to contact you. Maybe you should work on other ways of fixing the problem while you wait?
Contact the Media! The media is always anxious to jump on the newest story, but there are so many media sources to choose from to help. The Internet, Radio, Television? Let alone all the networks. Find which form of media you think will reach the most people in Maywood? Study the graph to learn the media source best to achieve the awareness you want. Now that you have a media source. Find one way to contact that media source (phone number, Mailing Address) to let the media know there is a problem. However, the media might not listen if the problem is not severe enough. What else do you think you can do to make the media aware?
Start a Riot! Starting a riot is dangerous, illegal, and should only be used as a last resort if nothing else works. Only choose this action if you can prove that none of the other actions can solve the problem. If the other actions can solve the problem write an outline of the order you would perform the other actions in. With how they will help solve the problem! Go back to make sure your ready to choose a riot or not. Whichever way you choose please submit the completed assignment to the front of the class http://www-cs-students.stanford.edu/~cale/cs201/pictures/riot.jpg