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KoreKoatings Ltd

Kore Koatings mission is to continually provide the highest-quality workmanship while maintaining efforts to acknowledge the clients needs. We strive to exceed customer expectations through the maintenance of a team of experienced and motivated painters, who share the companies passion for practical and aesthetic excellence.

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KoreKoatings Ltd

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  1. KOREKOATINGS WWW.KOREKOATINGS.CA/ WHATWECANDOFORYOU COMMERCIALPAINTING KoreKoatingsspecialisesin commercialpainting. Weareafully licensed/insuredpaintingcompany thatoffer’sfreecommercial estimatesandcolourconsultations. KoreKoating’smaintainsitshigh standardstoprovidethebestresults possible. RESIDENTIAL KoreKoatingsspecializesin paintinghomes, bothinteriorand exterior. Weareafully licensed/insuredpaintingcompany thatoffersfreecommercial estimatesandcolourconsultations. Wevalueyourbusiness, andour goalistocreatelonglasting relationshipswitheveryoneofour customers.

  2. RESTORATION AND EMERGENCY Whateveryouremergency, immediateresponseisnecessaryto preventfurtherdamage. AKore Koatingsrepresentativewill responedimmediatelytoassesthe situationanddeterminethe appropriatestepstomoveforward. Wewillworktogetherwiththeyou, theadjusteraswellastheinsurance companytoprovideaccurate scopes. AsalwaysKoreKoatingswill providethequalityworkmanship youdeserve. COMMERCIALINTERIOR KoreKoatingsspecialisesinallsizes ofcommercialinteriorprojects. COMMERCIALEXTERIOR KoreKoatingsspecialisesinallsizes ofcommercialExteriorprojects.


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