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Hypercomplex convexity: known results and open problems. Yu. Zelinskii Institute of mathematics NAS Ukraine, Kyiv. 5 April 2013, Constanta Workshop . A new approach in theoretical and applied methods in algebra and analysis. Generalized convexity.
Hypercomplex convexity: known results and open problems Yu. Zelinskii Institute of mathematics NAS Ukraine, Kyiv 5 April 2013,Constanta Workshop. A new approach in theoretical and applied methods in algebra and analysis
Generalized convexity • A subject, which is treated in this report, combines in one bundle some questions of convex, hypercomplex analysis, probability theory and geometry.
Convexity • Definition 1.A set E in Euclidean space is called convex, if for every pair of point a and b fromE theclosed interval [a,b] is subset of E.
Convexity • Definition 1a.A set E in Euclidean space is called convex, if an intersection of E with any real line l is connected.
Examples • 1. halfplane 2. four rectangles
Examples • 3 . Three rectangles
Generalized convexity • Generalizing this construction, the approach is a consideration a family of the linear submanifolds of Euclidean space, which crosses the given set. In real case this question is well studied [1]. The case of complex, hypercomplex and more general space, as it is noted in [1], has not got the sufficient development yet. In the hypercomplex case following two classes will be the natural generalization of the class of convex sets.
History • Aizenberg L.A.О разложении голоморфных функций многих комплексных переменных на простейшие дроби // The expansion of holomorphic functions of several complex variables in partial fractions. (in Russian). Siberian math. journ. - 1967. - v. 8, № 5. - P. 1124-1142. • Linearly convex sets are very useful in complex analysis and in the questions of the integral geometry and tomography. On the base of these sets in complex analysis there is built linearly convex complex analysis, similar to real convex analysis. More results of linearly convex analysis can be viewed in monographs.
In the spite of abundance results, there is remained the big amount of the unsolved problems, concerning topological characteristics of these sets, a part from which it is possible to find in [5, 6, 9]. It seems very interesting for the author simply formulated following open problem of the sphere. • Problem 1. (Sphere problem). Is there a linearly convex compact in , for which all cohomology groups coincide with the corresponding cohomology group of two-dimensional sphere ? • Some of the problems of this theme are connected with the known Ulam problem from Scottish book [10].
In the real case this problem is solved by A.Kosiński in 1962 [11]. The repetition of this result was received by L.Montejano in 1990. In complex case similar result was received by Yu.Zelinskii in 1993 [5]. • Other problems of this group are to find: an estimation of the properties of a set if it is known the properties of its intersections with the families of some sets: • with the planes of the fixed dimension: • а) in the real case (G.Auman, A.Kosinski, E.Shchepin [13,11,14]); • б) in the complex case (Yu.Zelinskii [5]); • 2) with a set of vertexes of an arbitrary rectangle (А.Besicowitch, L.Danzer, Т.Zamfirescu, М.Тkachuk [15-18]). • The last problem is known in literature as Mizel problem.
Mizel problem (Characterization of a circle). Let be a convex Jordan curve with the following property: • For every rectangle abcd if any three vertexes are on C, then fourth vertex will be also on C. Is it true that C isa circle?
Mizel's problem • This problem was solved by Besicovitch and Danzer independently [15, 16]. In 2006 my PhD student M.Tkachuk [18] received the most general result in this area for compact , where is not connected. • The row of similar opened problems in the plane and in n-dimensional case appears in connection with Mizel’s problem.
Mizel's problem • In 2012, Yu.B.Zelinskii, M.V.Tkachuk, B.A.Klishchukreceived positive answer on one problem of Zamfirescu related to Misel’s problem. • Theorem 1. The convex curve of constant width satisfying the infinitesimal rectangular condition is a circle.
References • 1. L.A. Santalo, Integral Geometry and Geometric Probability (Vol.1 of Encyclopedia of Mathematics and its Applications, G.-C.Rota, Editor). - Addison-Wesley Publishing Company. - Massachusetts. – 1976, Russian transl. Л.Сантало, Интегральная геометрия и геометрические вероятности, Наука, Москва, 1983, 360 с. • 2. H. Behnke, E. Peschl, Zur Theorie der Funktionen mehrerer komplexer Veränderlichen Konvexität in bezug auf analytische Ebenen im kleinen und großen // Math. Ann. - 1935. - Bd. 111, N 2. - S. 158-177. • 3. A. Martineau, Sur la topologie des espaces de fonctions holomorphes // Math. Ann. - 1966. - Bd. 163, N 1. - S. 62-88. • 4. L.A. Aizenberg, Оразложенииголоморфныхфункциймногихкомплексныхпеременныхнапростейшиедроби // The expansion of holomorphic functions of several complex variables in partial fractions, Siberian math. journ. - 1967. - v. 8, № 5. - P. 1124-1142. (in Russian). • 5. Yuri Zelinskii, Многозначныеотображенияванализе // Multivalued mappings in the analysis, Naukova dumka, Kyiv, 1993. - 264 pp. (in Russian).
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17. Tudor Zamfirescu, An infinitesymal version of the Besicovitch - Danzer Characterization of the Circle.- Geometriae Dedicata. – 1988. - 27.- p. 209-212. • 18. М.Тkachuk, Характеризація кола типу Безиковича-Данцера/ Characterization of the Circle of the type Besikovitch-Danzer // Transaction of the Institute of mathematics NAS Ukraine. -2006. v.3, N 4. - C.366-373. (in Ukrainian). • 19. Yu. Zelinskii,I.Vyhovska, M.Tkachuk,Про деякі критерії опуклості компактів /On some criteria of convexity for compact sets.// Укр. матем. журн.- 2011, т. 63, № 4.- С. 466-471 (in Ukrainian). • 20. Yu.B. Zelinskii, M.V. Tkachuk, B.A.Klishchuk,Integral geometry and Mizel’s problem//Arxiv preprint arXiv: 1204.6287v1 [math.CV].
Thank You Mulţumesc pentru atenţie Dumneavoastra • Institute of Mathematics • Ukrainian National Academy of Science • Tereshchenkivska str.3, Kyiv • 01601 Ukraine • zel@imath.kiev.ua • yuzelinski@gmail.com • http://www.imath.kiev.ua/~complex