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The Effect of Allelochemicals on Plant Growth. A project by: Cody Franko Period 10 Honors Biology. Problem and Hypothesis. Problem Statement: How will a plant’s growth be affected if it is planted next to a sweet potato plant that releases high levels of allelochemicals? Hypothesis:
The Effect of Allelochemicals on Plant Growth A project by: Cody Franko Period 10 Honors Biology
Problem and Hypothesis Problem Statement: • How will a plant’s growth be affected if it is planted next to a sweet potato plant that releases high levels of allelochemicals? Hypothesis: • If a plant is planted next to a sweet potato plant that releases high levels of allelochemicals, then the plant will not grow as efficiently.
Basic Concepts • Allelopathy- Thereleasing of secondary metabolic products into the environment. • Allelochemicals- chemicals that are released by volatilization in the form of edible tissues. • Ipomoea Batatas- the scientific name for a sweet potato plant.
Basic Concepts • Do the average garden plants release any allelochemicals, if so than how much do they release? • What are the levels of allelochemicals released from a sweet potato plant? • How should I water the plants, as one or two separate? • Is there a set temperature the room should be while I grow these plants?
Procedure • Plant all of the plants in the pots at different distances. • Use sweet potato plants for allelochemicals and sunflower plant as average plant. • Water daily with 150 mL of water • Monitored growth
Design Diagram CONSTANTS: Same temperature water, same types of plants, same amount of sunlight, same soil, same amount of water.
Safety Precautions • Do not consume plants or soil. • Do not “Play” with pots they might break!
Null Hypothesis • Allelochemicals have no effect on plant growth.
Anova Test ANOVA: Results Source of Sum of d.f. Mean F Variation Squares Squares between 118.9 4 29.72 14.55 error 51.08 25 2.043 Total 170.0 29 Significance of 0.00 Null can be rejected
Conclusion • Allelochemicals do have an effect on plant growth. • Hypothesis was supported
Sources of Error • Not exposed to enough Sunlight • Not enough time given for plants to grow • Inconsistent amounts of water
Improvements • More trials • Done in warmer and sunnier conditions • More precise measurements
Extensions and Applications • Do experiment with different plant types like weeds and fruits • Useful for gardening techniques
Acknowledgements • Mrs. Pietrangelo • My Mom
Bibliography • Ferguson, James, and BalaRathinasabapathi. "Allelopathy: How Plants Suppress Other Plants." University of Florida, July 2003. Web. 5 Oct. 2010. <http:// edis.ifas.ufl.edu/hs186>. • INDERJIT, and K. G. MUKERJI. Allelochemicals: Biological Control of Plant Pathogens and Diseases. Dordrecht: Springer, 2006. Print. • Kavassalis, Catherine. "Allelopathy for the Home Gardener." HaltonHELPs. Web. 05Oct. 2010. <http://haltonhelps.org/Egardening/Allelopathy.htm>. • Harrison, Howard, and Joseph Peterson. Allelopathic Effects of Sweet Potatoes onYellowNutsedge and Alfalfa 34.4 (1986): 623-27. Web. 5 Oct. 2010. <http://http:// www.jstor.org/pss/4044250>. • Hunter, Sheri. "Guidelines for Watering Indoor Plants." Guidelines for WateringIndoor Plants. 1 May 2010. Web. 5 Oct. 2010. <http://www.coopext.colostate.edu/ 4dmg/Plants/guidline.htm>. • Wolford, Ron, and Drusilla Banks. "Sweet Potato - Vegetable Directory - Watch Your Garden Grow - University of Illinois Extension." University of Illinois. Web. 05 Oct. 2010. <http://urbanext.illinois.edu/veggies/sweetpotato.cfm>.