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Creating the Vision: Transition Planning for Students with Disabilities

This guide explains the transition process for individuals moving from high school to adulthood. It covers stages from birth to retirement, emphasizing the importance of creating a vision for the future and setting goals in employment, education, independent living, and more. The Individuals with Disabilities Education Act of 2004 and transition services provided by age 14 are discussed, stressing the inclusion of measurable post-secondary goals in every student's Individualized Education Program (IEP). Examples and pointers for developing IEPs for transition services are provided, highlighting the significance of considering the student's strengths, preferences, and interests. The text promotes early planning, student involvement in the planning process, and prioritizing goals in transition planning.

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Creating the Vision: Transition Planning for Students with Disabilities

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  1. Creating The VisionTransition Planning for Students With Disabilities From High School to AdulthoodDeveloped in collaboration with: Wisconsin Statewide Parent –Educator Initiative (WSPEI)Wisconsin Family Assistance Center for Education, Training and Support (WI FACETS),and the Wisconsin Statewide Transition Initiative (WSTI). Revised 2007

  2. What is Transition? Transition happens when a person moves from one life stage… To another… PLAN FOR THE FUTURE!

  3. Transition Covers All Of Life’s Stages: • Birth to Three • Early Childhood • Elementary School • Middle School • High School • Adult life in the community • Retirement • Moving into:

  4. The future is not something we enter. The future is something we create. And creating that future requires us to make choices and decisions… That all begins with a dream!Leonard I. Sweet

  5. Transition as a whole • There are many factors to transition, they include: • The participants • The Vision • The Laws • The IEP • The Experience

  6. Who Participates in Transition Planning? • Parents/Families • Student • School personnel • Adult Service agencies Who is the star?

  7. STUDENT Needs to express his /her strengths, preferences and interests in whatever manner possible, to begin the process of self-advocacy.

  8. Transition Pointer: • Students should participate in their Individualized Education Program meeting as early and as much as possible.

  9. Transition Pointer: • Plan early! Start asking questions about your student’s needs during middle school.

  10. A Vision For The Future Transition Pointer: Help students talk about their dreams and goals…

  11. Vision Plans • Employment • Training and education • Independent Living • Community Participation • Recreation and Leisure Once you have a vision for the future... Prioritize the goals!

  12. Individuals With Disabilities Education Act 2004 • IDEA is the Individuals with Disabilities Education act. This law gives children who qualify for special education, the right to receive services until the age of 21. • Special education process • referral • team evaluation process • determination of disability and need for special • education services • placement • Entitlement System

  13. IDEA 2004Transition Services By 14 years of age (in Wisconsin State Law) the IEP must contain a statement of Transition Services. Every student’s IEP must include: • Measurable Post Secondary Goals • Course of Study • Coordinated Set of Activities

  14. Developing and Writing IEPs for Transition Services

  15. Transition Pointer: • All planning is based on the student’s strengths, interests, and preferences.

  16. IEPProcess for Transition Services Today’s IEP Process Postsecondary Goals (Vision) Present Level of Academic Achievement and Functional Performance Measurable Post-secondary Goals Annual Goals Course of Study (long range education plan) Coordinated Set of Activities (long range plan for adult life) Short term objectives/ benchmarks for students taking alternative assessments Timeline Adapted from Ed O’ Leary

  17. Measurable Postsecondary Goal A statement based on age appropriate transition assessment that articulates what the student would like to achieve after high school taking into account the student’s strengths, preferences and interests.

  18. Who needs a measurable postsecondary goal? Any student who will turn 14 during the timeframe of their IEP, or younger, if determined appropriate by the IEP team as required under IDEA 2004.

  19. Measurable Postsecondary Goal Areas Training or Education Specific vocational or career field, independent living skills training, vocational training program, apprenticeship, on-the-job training, job corps, 4 year college or university, technical college, 2 year college, etc. Employment Paid (competitive, supported, sheltered); unpaid employment (volunteer, in a training capacity); military; etc. Independent Living, where appropriate Adult living, daily living, independent living, financial, transportation, etc.

  20. Must there be a measurable postsecondary goal in each area? YES Education/Training and Employment Can be combined into one all-inclusive goal or two or three separate goals OPTIONAL – (Where appropriate) Independent living Can be a separate goal or combined with the above goal(s)

  21. Sheila – a 17 year old student with a mild learning disability 1. Training/Education After high school, I will enroll full time at UW-Eau Claire in the nursing program. 2. Employment After high school, upon graduation from the nursing program, I will work full time as a nurse. 3. Independent Living After high school, I will live in the dorm with a roommate.

  22. Or as a combined goal After high school, I will enroll full time at UW-Eau Claire to prepare myself to work full time as a nurse, and I will live in the dorm with a roommate.

  23. Transition Services Courses of Study • LONG RANGE (multi-year) EDUCATION PLAN Coordinated Set of Activities • LONG RANGE (multi-year) PLAN FOR POST SCHOOL ADULT LIFE • Coordinated Set ofSTRATEGIES

  24. Example of Student Profile Eric Smith Transition Planning

  25. Eric Smith – Transition Planning(Information shared by Eric at his IEP Meeting, 2006) • I am 15 years old. My birthday is April 16, 1990. • I am good at shooting “hoops” (basketball), baseball, air hockey, playing catch with a football, making grocery lists and going shopping. I am good at setting the table, raking leaves, and picking up sticks in our yard. • I spend my free time playing air hockey and other sports with my brothers, looking through grocery store ads and cookbooks, writing lists, watching Food Network; play TOPS soccer in the fall and spring, and baseball in the summer. I like sports the most. I like to play sports and watch games. • My grade point average is 3.429.

  26. Eric Smith – Transition Planning (cont’d) • My strengths are when I learn to do something, I learn to do it the same way every time. I am happy and nice to other people. I am very good at helping to cook and make food in our kitchen. • My weaknesses are sometimes I don’t listen very well. Sometimes I get mad and then I have an attitude. I am not always patient when I need to be. Sometimes I do not adjust well to changes in my schedule. • My favorite classes are gym, current events, science, and speech. My least favorite class is English. • After high school, I want to have a job. I want to work at Pick N Save. I want to go shopping all the time. I want to do activities like go to dances, the YMCA or gym; play games like air hockey and ping pong; go to baseball, football, and basketball games; play soccer, basketball, football, and baseball. I want to help at church too.

  27. Measurable postsecondary goals express what the student wants to do afterthey leave high school.Students should use self determinationsurveys to express their needs, preferencesand interests Transition Pointer

  28. Eric’s Measurable Postsecondary Goals Training/Education: After high school,I will get on the job training at a grocery store. Employment: After high school,I will work part-time in a grocery store. Independent Living After high school,I will live in a group home with 24 hour assistance/supervision.

  29. Eric’s Measurable Postsecondary Goals *written as a combined goal: After high school, I will work part time in a grocery store where I will receive on-the-job training, and I will live in a group home.

  30. Transition Pointer: Plan, Develop and Write (beginning at age 14 in WI Law, or sooner if appropriate) … classes, educational and community experiences that relate to what the student wants to do after high school. (Course of Study)

  31. Transition ServicesCourse of Study(multi-year education plan )

  32. Eric Smith’s Course of Study(long range education plan )

  33. Transition Pointer • Work on job skills for employment to be included in the student’s educational plan.

  34. Long Range Coordinated Set of Activities(ages 14-21)(Ed O’Leary, A Guide To Transition, 2000)

  35. Eric Smith’s Coordinated Set of Activities (Strategies)

  36. SUMMARY OF PERFORMANCE • A summary of academic achievement completed the last year the student is in high school and goes with the student when they leave. • Summary of functional performance as it relates to measurable postsecondary goals • Recommendations on how to assist the student in meeting the student’s measurable postsecondary goals

  37. Transition Pointer • Prepare students to know about the services and supports they will need after high school to help them with their vision.

  38. Agency Connections for the IEP The agencies invited to the IEP should be those most likely to have the services, programs and supports that best match the student’s needs and post-school goals.

  39. Division of Vocational Rehabilitation (DVR) At least 2 years before student exits high school, a DVR counselor should be invited to the IEP meeting to provide information and support regarding employment, postsecondary education and training. http://www.dwd.state.wi.us/dvr/

  40. The Rehabilitation Act • The Rehabilitation Act is currently undergoing reauthorization. The Act assists eligible people with disabilities to prepare for and access meaningful employment; live independently, make choices and be included in society. • It is based on an Eligibility System. • The language about transition is the same as in IDEA 2004.

  41. Post High School Agency Connections • Agencies provide services for students AFTER high school as well as DURING high school. • Establishing relationships with agencies early will allow students to be more prepared when they leave high school and no longer have an IEP.

  42. DVR- Division of Vocational Rehabilitation Social Services Independent Living Centers Supported Employment Human Services Social Security Mental Health Technical Colleges Vocational Training Colleges Probation/Parole Officers Agencies www.wsti.org

  43. Summary Remember that Transition planning is: “The Student’s Vision” of what he/she wants for his/her Future!

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