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Class 6. Hand in your work log, agenda, and paper shell. Class Agenda. Dale Carnegie Appendices standards Review of Research Methods Meet with supervisors and do graphing exercise. Dale Carnegie Speeches Today. John Tanza Levi Stein Mahlet Makonnen Ashlee Newman Brian McKittrick
Class 6 Hand in your work log, agenda, and paper shell.
Class Agenda • Dale Carnegie • Appendices standards • Review of Research Methods • Meet with supervisors and do graphing exercise
Dale Carnegie Speeches Today • John Tanza • Levi Stein • Mahlet Makonnen • Ashlee Newman • Brian McKittrick • Miri Lee • Tammy Chan • Jeffrey Lopez
Horror Stories • Clients are clueless
Report Appendices • The appendices will include anything you used to create your report. Everyone needs to include: • Blank survey or report files (if you don’t have a survey) • Survey with response frequencies (we will go over today) • Disaggregated Data (we will go over next week) • Codebook and Excel spreadsheet (first page only- landscape if necessary)- in one appendix • You may add any additional materials in the appendices that your client will want to have when they read the report
Response Frequencies • Include frequencies of responses and no responses • “No Response” does not get included in your n. Put them in as a frequency, NOT percentage
Research Methods Paper Grades • Min: 5 • Max: 14 • Mean: 10 • Median: 10 • Mode: 10
Question 1- Agency Goals Attach the first page to this page of the most important documents that provides information on the agency. Documents can be electronic or in print. Quote or paraphrase one statement that makes a specific claim about the achievements of the agency. Use Chapters 1 and 2 of Is that a Fact? to discuss how you would assess that claim of the agency. WHAT’S THE MATTER WITH YOU?! Outputs vs Outcomes Average score: 1.2 out of 2.0
Question 2- Describe Your Project By each item below, describe as briefly as possible the characteristics of the your study • Name of organization • Give a Brief Title that Describes the Project • Purpose of the study –attitudinal, factual or both. • Source of Data—Survey, records, other • What is your data’s case or unit of analysis • What are your variables? List all variables or categories of variables. • Problems you anticipate Average score 1.7 out of 2.0
Question 3- Types of Analysis in your Study Carefully read Chapter 13 of the Maxwell Manual. Write one sentence that provides an example for each of the following five types of analysis in the general societal condition that your agency deals with. • Describing Societal Conditions (called Monitoring in Chapter 13) • Explaining Societal Conditions • Forecasting Societal Conditions • Evaluating Societal Conditions • Prescribing Public Policy Average score .7 out of 1.0
Question 4. Quality of Data Using lectures and Chapters 3, 4 and 5 from Is that a Fact?, answer the following questions using appropriate terms in the book whether your data is based on a survey or records: • Is your sampling frame a random sampling frame? Why or Why Not? • Describe sources of selection bias in your data. • How will you decide if your data is a representative sample? • List source of inaccuracy in your data. -People are still making mistakes -Poor writing in explanation Average Score 2.1 out of 3.0
Question 5-Assessing Representativeness Answer each question below in four sentences or fewer. • For a hypothetical project (not yours), if you had a sample of 30, would you consider the sample representative? • Create a table that compares males and female demographics in a sample and target population. Please include a column for the percent difference between the males and females in the sample versus the target population. Use hypothetical numbers. • Write one sentence summarizing the numbers in your table on whether or not the sample is representative. -Need to know the size of the target population. HELLO! -Comparison table mistakes: -Columns must add to 100% and get the sign right. -It should be there is not enough information to answer this question. Average Score 1.3 out of 2.0
Question 6- Misleading Graphs • Could be a trendline or a bar graph • Y AXIS SHOULD START AT 0 • ALL text is Times New Roman, size 12 font • Chart title and axis titles are bold • Axis lines should be black • Include data labels above bar graphs • No border around graph • No gridlines • DO NOT resize your graph in MS Word No one lost more than 1 point on graph formatting Average Score 1.8 out of 2.0
Question 7- Scaling Numbers • Answers: • Average score .6 out of 1.0
Question 8- Percent Change • Don’t forget +/- ! Average score 1.7 out of 2.0
Dale Carnegie-2/27 • Jennifer Bundy • Dayana Bobko • Emma Edwards • Wendy Feng • Sarah Grucza • Matthew Rice • Taylor Bold
Reminders • Due in 2 weeks, 3/6 • Rough Draft
Graphing Exercise In Your Threesome • Working in groups you will: • Complete each question in the exercise. • THE ANSWERS MUST BE PERFECTLY FORMATTED FINDINGS • Get approval from Coplin, Lauren, Ashley or Amanda before moving on to the next question • Follow sample finding format in guide • Everyone will work in MaxPal • There are 13 groups- one group member must log onto a computer in MAXPAL (preferably the one with money on their printing quota)